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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. What happens when one makes a scenario using these additional flavor objects and some one else loads the scenario?
  2. How about the Sdkfz7 then? PS. @Mjk Juicy as in juicy horse steak?
  3. I would like to see them (though if it's too much work for the result no problem) because they were historically used to move infantry guns and would be useful as such to move them along with the advancing infantry. IIRC they were also used to transport infantry division anti-tank assets. I know most designers don't include the transport for defending anti-tank guns. Having sdkfz7s would be nice too, but offhand I don't remember if 88mm at guns can be moved at all right now.
  4. True, but how does one define "rear area"? Out of direct small arms fire? Even as far back as the CM:Shock Force Marines Module the main campaign had scenarios in which companies of US Marine infantry were truck transported. The US player did pre-assualt recon and maneuvering. I like scenarios like that where one has a large map and can choose where to attack, and has the transport that allows time for such maneuvering. Most of the infantry in German mobile divisions was truck transported even in Panzer divisions. Almost all Soviet mobile division infantry was truck transported IIRC.
  5. Fair enough. I can only say if no one ever asked then we would never get them, but I imagine the beta testers have a long wish list we never have seen.
  6. Every infantry battallion had horses to tow their organic infantry guns. They would be used in tactical situations at Combat Mission's scale.
  7. I too remember Steve saying there was no way they could do early war Eastfront without motorcycles. By this I am guessing he means not before the 1942 family so we're still talking years down the road. PS. Opps I see someone found the quote itself. I'm wondering what is meant exactly by the unique physics that makes the difference greater than the difference between two other types of vehicles. Is it that they can be thrown around by blasts and knocked sideways?
  8. Do you mean you'd rather hear the Soviets/Germans/Italians speak English? I wouldn't. I keep hoping some one will do a Canadian voice set mod someday.
  9. Yes I see him right there in the front. I AM GROOT!
  10. And I'm looking forward to it. The path BF has chosen for the Eastfront makes perfect sense and gets us more stuff faster. I'm just curious of the three (or more) possible routes BF will prioritize for the next release, people would be most excited to see ( I don't think The Bulge Game or any of the other things folks have listed has any chance of being next).
  11. Okay, I'll bite and pretend you were serious. Bicycle units were not that common. IIRC every battalion size non motorised unit on the Eastfront had horse drawn wagons.
  12. I don't expect to ever see mounted cavalry in any Combat Mission game. As I recall Steve's explantion is the amount of code and animations needed would be huge. Horses would be an entirely new type of unit with some aspects of personel and some of vehicles. I want to ask, however, if horse drawn wagons might be easier to tackle? The animations would certainly be fewer. They would behave like a vehicle except when wounded or dead in which case the change in animation seems to me not much greater than a burning vehicle. One could argue that they'd never be in the front line but that's true also of trucks and horse drawn wagons were more common on the Eastfront than trucks. Are wagons worth it you think or just a pipe dream?
  13. I listed a module for RT as a possibility as I thought its content would be low hanging fruit: SS, Luftwaffe troops and lend lease vehicles, but then I realised any new vehicles would have to have riders worked in so maybe it isn't such low fruit after all.
  14. Opps I see I made a typo. What I meant to say is a module for CM:RT and have edited my original post now
  15. I distinctly recall Steve saying they wanted to do at least one Battlepack for CM:BN. A battlepack differs from a module as it has no central theme and may differ in content than modules have so far.
  16. Yes we know the RT patch is next and rightly so but what would you like to see come first afterwards (presuming probably wrongly our input will have any influence ). The candidates: Combat Mission: Black Sea. Battlepack for CM:BN Module for CM:RT. I understand posting in the RT forum will bias the responses. Anyway I wanted to try to talk about something other than the price of 3.0 (though I do like the beer analogy).
  17. I liked Bobo better when he was just a lurker. He must have tripled his post count lately. He did get Oldspec4 to post though.
  18. Personally I'd rather get the first Battlepack with flame vehicles (I'm assuming) and other stuff sooner rather than wait for tank riders.
  19. I did some math and summarized the release schedule since the CM:BN Commonwealth module by which time they has Phil C, the first second programer, on board and came up with this: CM:BN Commonwealth Forces- released March 5 2012 CM: Fortress Italy -released Aug 2 2012. Time between releases 4 months 29 days. CM:FI Gustav Line -released May 20 2013 Time between releases 9 months 18 days CM:BN Market Garden -released Oct 11 2013 Time between releases 4 months 21 days CM:Red Thunder -released Apr 4 2014 Time between releases 5 months 24 days Average time between releases 6 months 8 days. Time since release of CM:RT and today (Aug 13) 4 months 7 days. So if my math is right on average "Black Sea" should be released on Oct 15th. Of course there's been talk of a "surprise" which may be a CM:BN Battlepack which may delay "Black Sea".
  20. IIRC Battlefront was pleasantly surprised at the number of people who purchased 2.0 well before Market-Garden came out. It was better than projected.
  21. It existed so it must be in the next Module or the game will be FATALLY FLAWED. I also want spotters for V-2 strikes and we need to be able to see the missile come in.
  22. He told us about night vision goggles and combined arms task forces in Black Sea. That's two things more than any other BF staff has told us. The RT patch is next right? After that we may find out more.
  23. Since there's a lot of knowledgeable people visiting this forum, I wonder if any one has any insight on Hitler's late war preoccupation with Hungary even when Soviet forces were deep into Poland and threatening Berlin? Had he become totally delusional by then? Thanks
  24. I'm still confused about the question as to if planes work as before or as in Red Thunder.
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