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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. Andreas, Absolutely right. I stand corrected. DavidI
  2. The weakest point of the movie was casting a lisping Ryan O'Neal as General Gavin. PaaaLeeeaaassseee! David
  3. Well here are the SPW 250's. Done with the same technique I used for the 251's they have a snowy muddy look and are made to haul ass around CMETO's light snow terrain (by TomCMHQ). They look like the 250/1 shown below, in general, but the amount of snow varies: The 250/10 has a half shield for the gun, but a full shield has been included as an alternative. Stugs & such next. Enjoy, DavidI
  4. Kawaiku, Go to the first page and install per directions. Do not detract a step. Do not add a step. DavidI
  5. MikeyD, Your dedication to this community is only exceeded by your longevity. Please let me know how you get around that space/time continuim thing. DavidI
  6. For my own CMETO Bulge stuff I went through and re-did the winter camo on most of the Stugs etc. The look is a more paint/snow over camo I think works for ETO. Most of it is Zimorodok's winter camo over MikeyD's and Gurra's camo. I did not attempt to use the "frosting" technique (found out I didn't like "snow covered" mods because I didn't like the frosting). Tracks and wheels are muddy. Anyway looks like this: This particular image is MikeyD's late war ambush camo on a Stug IV late with Zimorodok's camo. If there is any interest, I will start putting them out. If not, no big deal, I like them. DavidI
  7. Andreas, The original "Canadian Confrontation" was done by Kingfish for CMBO, then Wild Bill did a conversion for CMAK. At least that's what I have. DavidI
  8. Wodin, No surprise, check it out. Yes. Yes. DavidI
  9. Wodin, Buildings, skies, grass & trees are different. CMAK, as opposed to CMBB, does not have a "Fall" period where the trees have red and yellow leaves, etc. I also have my troops in cold weather gear, but with the camo side out. Absolutely ETO for winter. DavidI
  10. Wodin, Andreas has it right. I like to play Italian scenarios on terrain that looks like Italy. I have added some of the excellent mods out there to enhance that appearance. The same is true with CMETO and CMNormandy, but I took the extra step to put them out for the community. I have a total of 6 CM games on my computer (blessed with a large hard drive), CMAK, CMNormandy, CMETO, CMETO Fall, CMBB and CMBB Late War (more of a European look rather than Russia) and I play scenarios according to time and location in the games that are appropriate. Not for everybody perhaps, but I dig it. DavidI
  11. Gurra, Well now, that is right purdy! Good to see you back in action. DavidI
  12. MikeyD, Beautiful as always. The whole Stuart group needed a facelift, but you did more than that. So.... Tank Destroyers next? DavidI
  13. Bump for Wodin, Worth it for the Normandy buildings alone, but has much more. DavidI
  14. MikeyD, I wanted to compliment you, yet again, for this and the American Stuart mods. The options allowed me to set up my Stuarts for CMAK with circled stars, CMNormandy with plain stars, and CMETO with grousers. One vehicle - three different looks, totally cool. Again, Thanks. DavidI
  15. A little off topic, but I had an American 81mm Mortar HT with a complete load of 80 rounds get hit by 20mm. Kaboom up it went in a huge ball of flame and knocked out another halftrack parked a few meters away. Truly spectacular! DavidI
  16. Dey, When you squash that scenario making bug, I look forward to those ww Panthers.... DavidI
  17. Dey, Hard to figure. Maybe they liked your earlier mods of the Pz III J's well enough not to look at your later ones. I like both personally. Please don't delete anything. Also, I'm not sure I trust the count numbers. The other day I downloaded one of my mods to give it a face lift, and it showed 0 (Zero, Zip) previous downloads. I know that can't be right because I had downloaded before, so it should have shown at least one previous download. DavidI
  18. MikeyD, Cool, you learn something new every day. Thanks, DavidI
  19. Stalin O, Dig your sig. Just wish more did. David
  20. Some companion mods posted. SPW 251's for summer and winter CMETO. The winter ones have a snowy/muddy look to them. They look like this: ETO SPW 251/1: Bulge SPW 251/1: ETO SPW 251/2: Bulge SPW 251/2: ETO SPW 251/10: Bulge SPW 251/10: ETO SPW Support Group: Bulge SPW Support Group: Well, enjoy them (250's Bulge next, in a few days). DavidI
  21. MikeyD, Now THATS what I have been waiting for! Difficult to type this through my tears. Sob. So beautiful. DavidI
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