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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Yes, you can re-install 3.0 on same computer, but I believe you will need to rename the game so it doesn't install over existing 4.0
  2. This is one "House Rule' (along with no Defensive Arty on First Turn) that I like to use with my PBEM Opponents in Meeting Engagements...You can use 'Area-Fire' within roughly One Action Spot of any type of Enemy Contact (transparent or solid). Of course, if it's an 'Attack/Defense', then you should be able to 'Area-Fire' anywhere you like. Another 'House Rule'...I also don't allow actual Targeting of Enemy Units, and just let the Computer AI do the shooting (this is where Firing Arcs become important). Joe
  3. Hmm, Boo-Boo...Where did you get that Nick-Name ? I knew of someone by that name back in the early 80-90's during my Hobby Shop days in Northern Virginia. Joe
  4. Nah...That's nothing compared to this Micro-Armor Animation Scene :-) Joe
  5. Do you think the Infantry Spacing is adequate, or to far apart from each other on the move ? I wonder if Enemy Small Arms fire would shoot more often, because the Friendly Squad takes that much longer to reach the line (to much spacing=more enemy opp fire=equals more potential casualties). Or, do you think that this new Inf abreast movement, the enemy Small Arms would actually be less effective since the Inf Squad will reach the line sooner (abreast reaches line quicker then Column=less potential casualties). Oh, I really hope troops are not using Nades more liberal now then before..I think the use of Nades is already to liberal (needs to be a little more conservative)...Sigh :-(
  6. It's all Good...And, a Merry X Mas to you too :-)
  7. Ok, Capt, don't get carried away with it being a 'Bug' thingy...Steve, just mentioned that it 'Bugged' him to no end in forgetting to incorporate the files needed for the Licenses :-)
  8. KHAAAaaannn !...You and your Team are Good...Real Good :-) Hmmm, I Might have to purchase the 4.0 Upgrade Bundle sooner then expected, or still wait till CMFI 4.0 gets incorporated. Merry Christmas to all :-)
  9. Think I will just wait till end of Jan 17' before purchasing the 4.0 Upgrade bundle for all CMx2 WWII titles...I hope by then the current issues will get straightened out along with the addition of CMFI 4.0 Joe
  10. Oh, I doubt the 'Hide' Command makes them recover faster compared to not Hiding...Thou, it could be at the same rate at best. On a related note: I know my Fatigued Troops never recovered to 'Tired' status when they automatically dropped into Move for several turns...I even issued no orders for a turn, then a 'Move' Order following turn (to see if it made a difference), and they still never recovered to 'Tired' status. It seems the only way to recover from Fatigue is to Stop for several turns...On top of that, Fatigue (red) takes longer to recover to next step, then say Tiring or Tired (yellow). Joe
  11. Believe Me...It will never properly get fixed until at least the next Engine Upgrade...And, maybe not even then :-(
  12. Hey now, Rinaldi, Most people should have no problem with JK's Airfix Box Art...In fact, it is good starting point for something obscure and remotely decent as a source Joe
  13. Hello GROM,

    I'd be interested in QB's...But, I only prefer up to Reinforced Company size engagements....Tiny/Small Meetings (at the moment), Force Mix, Random Medium Maps, etc.

    If interested, I will set up the Game and send you an Dropbox invite...What is your Dropbox email. 


  14. I like your Comment, Wodin...It appears that CMBN and, Well, all other WWII titles are your favorite games :-)
  15. Troops in RL are generally safe against Mortars/Light Arty if in Foxholes/Trenches, and slightly less safe if hiding in the Open...I think CM has its Arty alittle to deadly. Joe
  16. I think CM Buildings should be sectioned off into Rooms (depending on size of Building) with Walls/Furniture giving light Cover to both Attacking/Defending Inf...The Firefight will still be quick and deadly, but last several seconds longer. I guess the alternative is to use Flavor Objects within Buildings to represent some light Cover... Joe
  17. I disagree, and think it should be + :-)
  18. I don't know if this is applied, or not (I imagine it is to some degree), but BF might be missing some sort of Layer in all their Calculations. Example; One Layer of Calculations is for Fire against Troops in their current Stance, and another added Layer for said Troops who are showing situational awareness within their current Stance (Ducking, Dodging, etc). So, if a Bullet or HE Frag Trajectory intersects with a Vet Trooper in Standing pose, then he may get a Better Savings-Roll (chance of survival) compared to a Green Trooper in same Standing pose. *Overview*...I mean, after all, there is a reason why a Vet Trooper has survived the War up to this point.
  19. I would hope so, and think Better Quality Troops would understand Battlefield Combat Awareness better then Lower Quality...Better at Ducking when under Small Arms or HE Fire, etc, etc. If this is not applied in some form, as Vanir is suggesting, then BF might be missing some sort of Layer in all their Calculations.
  20. No No...and I really hope that's not the case, Weapon2010... I believe BF mentioned each Class of Troops has it's own 'Chance of Hit', 'Savings Die-Roll and 'Casualty Recovery'...Vet's Overall should have a better chance of Survivability, then Lower Class Troops.
  21. *Side-Note* I remember back in my Hobby Shop days, a group played Warhammer Minis, then later the WWII equivalent Flames of War...When troops got hit they received a Savings Roll; Vets got a 1-4 to survive, Reg 1-3, Green 1-2 (let alone any Cover modifiers). If BF has anything similar to the way Troop Quality is handled, then Vets will generally loose half as much compared to Green in a even Match/Setup, and thus should cost much more.
  22. Surely, you Jest...CM is not just a Game, but a Simulation (thou, I find myself questioning many aspects of it).
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