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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Who are you, Marder ?..Anyways, welcome aboard :-)
  2. Ok, there use to be a Screensaver site called FreeScreensavers.com, but went defunk a few years ago since it had too much Malware, etc I had several of their Screensavers (anywhere from Halloween to X-Mas, etc) on my Older PC & Laptop for several years, then decided to delete, because of the Malware issues. Then, figured I would try to download again, but they are no more. I've since used screensavers from other sites, but I really missed those Screensavers from FreeScreensavers.com If anyone has Screensavers from this site, then let me know... Thanks, Joe
  3. Who are you, Zboy1, and what have you done with JoMc67 :-)
  4. I'm with you, sburke, regarding CMx2 in general...Just keep going with New Titles, Content, Patches, etc until if and when a Newer Game Engine comes out in Future. So, it simply works for me...Oh, and Milk it to Grows GI.Joe :-)
  5. Stop being a Dr for a bit. and be in the Patients Shoe...
  6. Surely, you Jest...CM:BN will be your first choice :-)
  7. I remember reading somewhere that the U.S. is fielding a small hand-held Drone per Platoon.
  8. If I remember from looking at my WWII Miniature Rules TO&E for Mid-Late War (Ian Shaw, Wargames Research Group), think the German Field Infantry Divisions had 1x LMG per squad, and Motorized Panzer Grenadier Divisions had 2x LMG's per squad.
  9. Yeah, that's my feeling as well, and toning down the Quality of Crews (and Soft Factors) will at least help a little of what I think the overall Tactical Armor Combat should be like on a turn-by-turn basis... The above will help alleviate a little for such things like: - The use of 'Hunt,' that generally almost automagically spot enemy Units at first glance, Stop, Fire. - When an Armor Unit suddenly Stops & Fires, it seems the First Round is considered Stationary Fire...as if it's no different then an Armor Unit that has been stopped for a whole turn, ready to fire. - Round is automagically in chamber, but that Round can fire HE or AP depending of circumstances in an instant. - There seems to be no Delay in between when a round is loaded and when it's fired (round may load fairly quickly, but gunner still has to take some time to adjust his aim in order to get a bonus for consecutive rounds fired at same target. - WEGO vs Turn-based feels like to complete different games (I only play WEGO)...At least in Real-Time, you can pause and execute new orders on a whim to combat any situation...However, in WEGO you are at mercy of a complete minute. This is why I only use Poor Quality Armor, and try and force myself to only engage enemy at 2nd half of turn...This way, I can reverse out of danger the first second of next turn and less likely to loose more Armor (it turns out the unrealistic instant automatic move order each turn, or AI reverse from danger, is what helps in many situations). This seems to be the only way to truly get rid of that 'MAD MINUTE' that has plagued CM for years. Thou, I'm sure CM tries to get close as realistic as possible within the constraints of a Game System, but if just toned down abit...I have always said to myself, One Minute in CM equals about 2-2.5 minutes of RL Combat.
  10. Yes, CM does model all kinds of those cool things for such Vehicles as the PZIVH vs J Turret Traverse System, etc, etc...However, I think the Targeting is a bit too quick and should be toned-down (maybe up to an additional Action Phase). I see this in all my games, and You tube Vids with one example; Panther moving up the Road, Stops, Spots, Targets, then Fires at a Sherman a few hundred yards away all in 1-2 Secs Flat...I don't think the Panther even had time to fully Stop (tank was still rocking back-n-forth) when the Round was fired hitting the Sherman. I have to use 'Conscripts' (maybe, maybe 'Green' with low modifiers) to at least come close to what I think it should be for WWII...Let alone any Moral higher. Yeah, I know and I was talking about this ever since I started playing CMBN a few yrs ago, but here we are. Anyways, just my 3 cents.
  11. The problem I have with Hedgerows in CM (especially Tall) is that Troops can just run-up to it, start spotting, then fire through it in a matter of just a few seconds...I'm sure in RL that it would have taken a minute or so (probably several) to move-up, navigate through or top of a Hedgerow before attempting to spot, and fire (unless said Hedgerow is already key holed by Defender ahead of time).
  12. And, on top of the above, we see turrets just swing around and shoot within a second or so as if there is no Aiming or Targeting Cycle, etc Basically, If BF just slows down the actual whole process a little from time it takes to spot, round in chamber, Aim, and fire, then it would seem more realistic.
  13. Well, I know for sure some of the Beta Testers mentioning that the best round is always loaded ahead of time, even before knowing what the exact composition of the enemy is... Unfortunately, a round is already loaded ahead of time (blank Round, if you will) and when enemy is spotted that round is assumed to be automagically HE or AP, depending on enemy contact and ready to fire. So, not having a round already loaded will, at least, add a few more seconds to the time it takes to fire (about an additional Action-Phase, if you will). Thou, if your Armor spots several enemy Armor Contacts, then you could assume the best round will automatically be loaded after each time it fires.
  14. This goes for all WWII Titles (maybe, Modern as well)...Having Direct-Fire from Vehicles & Field Pieces take a little longer to get the first round off.. As it stands now (I see it in all my games, Youtube vids, etc), a Tank can just move-up the road, stop, and fire at a previously undetected enemy several hundred yards away within roughly 3 secs or less...There should be at least a full Spotting Cycle, or more, before a Tank, Stops, Spots, puts a round in chamber, adjust gun, then fires. I don't mind the actual ROF afterwards (thou, I only use 'Green' to slow down the ROF a bit ), but the first encounter with each New Unit should take a little longer. Now, I remember others saying that a Round is always automagically in chamber before shooting at target, and it doesn't matter if target is Inf or Armor, and this contributes to the quick shooting of first round...if this is case, then it reinforces my belief on why things happen to fast upon first engagement of target.
  15. Yeah, and especially waiting for that Darn Patch (watch your cursing around here, snare).
  16. Yeah, I also think you can't save a Scenario as a QB, because there is no actually QB Scenario Folder (only QB Maps) to save it to.
  17. Well, they at least did give an estimated guess when SF2 might come out, and so they are still in the Ball Park-ish time frame.
  18. Actually, can't remember precisely what I ended-up doing...Thou, I remember opening each 'Part' and looked at them to see which where New, and which Duplicates. Below is what it looks like once all is said and done...
  19. Actually, the Scenario Editor are primarily for Scenarios & Maps and not for Campaigns (thou, there is also an advanced way to edit Campaigns outside the norm, but can't remember how). Now, I'm not sure you can edit a Scenario into a QB, but rather can edit a Map to be used in a QB...Find out what map that Scenario is using (look into the Briefing for exact Map number). Then play a QB, but only use that Map number. You will now be able to have a QB that uses a specific Map (same map that the Scenario uses). Joe
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