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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Sounds Good, and enjoy this next Mirror Game ...I will leave now and back at Games End :-)
  2. And a Good Game Indeed, NCC... As others have mentioned, playing 'Meeting Engagements' is a 'Who gets there faster" syndrome along with using the Game Mechanics to your benefit...Keep this in mind for future gaming. I used my Mortar to Area-Fire a location next to enemy Icon (within 2x Action-Spots), and for most part tried to have my Infantry in Keyhole positions as to not fully engage head-on and keep casualties to a minimum...I indeed somehow lost 1x Casualty due to being too careless The AC's had a more or less 'CAMEO EFFECT' since being introduced in last quarter of game...I'm also not sure why these AC's didn't engage each other (had this situation many a times in past). My guess is that the MG's can't damage each other and so will not engage...However, I've never tried using the 'Target' Order against each other to see if they would indeed fire. Next Game will be a 'Mirror version with NCC as Canukes...Oh, and the only Commonwealth forces I play are the Scotts, Irish & Canukes as the rest don't count :-)..The Game will be increased to 25+5, AC's will come on in 15 minutes, and the Green Infantry Soft Factors have been increased a little for slightly better staying power (All Green troops will retain High Motivation, increased leadership to 0, and CW HQ only will have a +1 Leadership). Think I also changed one aspect of the 'House Rules' a little.
  3. Yes, for the most part turning Shaders 'ON" in the Options doesn't work to well as you still have to toggle them 'ON' in Game...Just something we have to live with.
  4. Same here, and have to enable 'Shaders' in order to get proper Hit Decals.
  5. All is Good...We have plenty of spare COLD Houses for the captives at Games End :-) Oh, Sorry, was this Thread about something else...Well, I gots to be going now.
  6. Speaking of loosing Battles...It's time for you to return the next Game File...Hey Fritz :-)
  7. Don't ruin the moment, ME...it's an experimental Tank :-)
  8. Is it possible that the Crew of the experimental Panther IVJ had one of its Crew a Casualty before Scenario (reduced Crew Strength, and didn't notice). -Or- a Tank Crew Casualty when you were unbuttoned (and didn't notice)... Thou, all this still doesn't explain why your experimental Panther IV J doesn't move since a crew member would automagically go into the Drivers Seat...Unless, you forgot to undo the 'Pause' Order at some point...So, I'm at a loose :-) Other Forumites...Please.
  9. Thanks for info Schrullenhaft, Ok, it's actually a 500 watt Thermaltake Power Supply (not 400 watt) and has a lot of cables (I'm sure one is 6 pin connector), and Oops, I never installed it yet (purchased last year and was just sitting in the closet) and still using stock Power Supply (which is either a 265 or 300)...I will finally install it this weekend. Yes, the AMD 7750 1GB has the VGA that I'm using (along with DVI & HDMI), and that 35w PCIe slot will limit newer Vid Card choices...Now, even thou that 500 watt Power Supply probably has a 6 pin connector and will work fine with your listed Video Cards I'm still debating on just getting another similar 7750 but the 2GB version that still uses VGA (thou, those benchmarks do look impressive)...Decisions, decisions. *Side, but important note*...(as you were mentioning in your second post) Hope once I install that 500 watt Power Supply it will also end that crashing/shutdown I get from time to time playing CM (haven't played RO enough on this rig to see if same issue happens)...Either that, or it's the Shader issue some are experiencing that causes CM crashes. Thanks again, and will let you what I end up doing...
  10. Ok, I have a stock Dell OptiPlex 790 Mid-Tower Win 7 w/400 PS, i5 2400 Quad Core @3.0, AMD 7700 1GB DDR5 PCI-e Vid Card. Thinking of upgrading to another AMD Video Card, but not sure which...I generally have little problem playing CMx2 (reinforced company size on Med-large maps), some Matrix Grand Tactical Games, and the older FPS Red Orchestra (and its DH mod) on Medium Settings...However, if I decide to venture on getting some of the more modern titles, like ARMA2/3 (WWII Mods), or something similar from Steam (Sci/Fantasy), then a little better Vid Card may be necessary. I just did some quick searches of the higher number AMD HD 7800/7900 series, and the R7 & R9 250/350 etc 2/4GB DDR5 series type cards...What are your suggestions based on my current PC specs. Joe
  11. What in the name of ... is this ? Ok, it's an interesting compilation nonetheless :-)
  12. Just briefly as others will chime in... CMx2 (as opposed to the CMx1 system of 15 yrs+ ago) has a couple primary differences: Infantry & Armor are modeled 1:1 in scale and Bullets & Rounds are individually tracked to a larger degree with built in Savings Rolls for many factors, including Unit Moral, Stance, Terrain, etc...It's considered more or less a Simulation Game (thou, it's still not an actual Simulation Game), and less a Competition Game as it was before. Yes, you still have Battles, and with Campaigns there are Unit & Ammo Loss and Gains in between Battles (thou, Campaigns are handled slightly different), Moral I believe doesn't change since Battles within a Campaign happen within a week or so. CMx2 also retains the WEGO Mode with 60 sec turns that you can rewind and watch, but also adds a RT Mode (Real-Time) that you can Pause at anytime to give Orders, but can't rewind to watch. If you have downloaded any of the CMx2 Demos or watched the Youtube videos, then you will have a good idea of the above. Joe
  13. Yeah...Now, if you said something that is far more important, like "It would be nice if BF Modeled Crew Refueling Animations", then I would agree...But, No, instead you went on a Rant and thought that "Crew working on Stuck Vehicles" is far more important...Forum Members here almost had faith in you, userof1000 Sorry, but I left my FPS shoes at home... Ok, and if you haven't noticed yet, my first post (and this) was just a joking aside...Carry-On
  14. Keep in mind, it's not the "Faster Turret Speeds" we are talking about, but rather the too fast reaction times (to get that turret moved in the first place) in general...However, and unfortunately, there is a lot of downtime/un-decision making in between turns that's not accounted for in CM...So, just think of it as 1 minute in CM=2/2.5 minutes in RL Combat, and you will sleep better at night. Now, I don't play modern much (except a little of SF Demo), but in WWII I tend to make Armor 'Conscript'/Green with lower Leadership & Motivations in an attempt to help slow down the reaction times, and reduce the normal 90-100% hit chances.
  15. Ahh, and your not the only one that notices these things...I have said much the same in the WWII Titles. If BF just slowed down the reaction times a bit by maybe an Action\Spotting Cycle or half, then it would feel a little more realistic.
  16. Who are you, and what have you done to the annoying user1000 that we know and love...
  17. Ok, I see what you mean now, and it does seem to be an oversight by BF...You figured it would've been corrected by time of v4 Upgrade.
  18. I just did a quick CMRT start-up and the T-34/85 does show the MG & Coax 7.62 in the UI.
  19. Your Title should have read: Newbie DAR\AAR 2: ncc1701e vs JoMc67...Oh, and what's with this JoMc67D thingy, lol. I'm sure you will get good and sound advice from the BF Forum members. Don't forget to use the 'Mods' I have sent you...I want to see them in your DAR\AAR Screenshots. Anyways, I will not visit here again until Games End. Good Luck and Good Gaming :-) Joe
  20. On the same Token, you have the lower velocity guns (M4/75 Sherman), and light Field Pieces that will have a lesser chance of sailing over the target, and will hit closer to it (at least on consecutive shots).
  21. Shh, and if it was up to me, I wouldn't even have an 'Acquire Ammo' Command (or Ammo Depots) since stuff like this takes place in between Scenarios. But, everyone wanted it included in CM, and so we have it...It's just too much Ammo then anyone knows what to do with...Sigh.
  22. I think will do (which is what I probably did the last time) is still use the 'Suggestion' (just quick & easier to purchase) but allow the player to either delete any one PHQ (HQ and it's Units) of his choice, or delete up to 25% of total points, then use those extra points to buy whatever in the 'Teams' & Vehicles' sections. Anyways, something along those lines... Thanks again, guys.
  23. Ok, I have pretty much been using Mix (in QB screen) and 'Suggestion' Only (player has to use whatever is in that formation w/o deleting) when playing against AI or Human for past few yrs as it's just a quick and easy way to Purchase a whole formation (If you cycle through the 'Suggestion' Only, then you will eventually find a Formation you like)...However, it does limit what is in that formation (limited Teams, Vehicles, etc). What guide lines do you use for Player Purchase of the Formation first, then of individual Teams & Vehicles ?..I just don't want a Player purchasing a whole Infantry Formation and delete everything from it, but say an HQ, and use the 90% left over points to buy all Armor, Field Pieces, or Snipers, etc. Now, I do remember (once or twice over the yrs) allowing a Player to purchase a Formation (deleting stuff), and then with left over points to change Moral, Purchase Teams & Vehicles, etc...However, I just can't remember how I went about doing it in a realistic fashion. Joe
  24. Yeah, in general, all Demo's tend to run better & smoother then the Full Versions...
  25. Who are you...and what have you done with Ultraman ?
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