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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. LOL I'll have to carry a hedgehog in my tanks so they can wack it out on the road when they want to go through a gap in a nearby bocage
  2. Don't you think that Sgt Schultz designed fortified houses cut it? Or is it the fact that these take laborious construction per house that is worrying you? I can see that this latter thing could be drama...
  3. I think that this is not about "any old infantry", but about AT sqauds. I think they do fire small arms at buttoned tanks, as the OP said. I will try to catch a movie next time it happens to me. GaJ
  4. Yeah - could be for sure. Mind you, given choice, right now I'd love to have a "peek around the corner and shoot" order way ahead of "shoot from inside" .... GaJ
  5. I thought they flip back immediately, as soon as you take away the second trench instance that made them go diagonal in the first place?
  6. You didn't realise just how realistic this game is, did you?
  7. Actually, not much from 1.3.11 to 1.4.0 Beta 1.4.0 will be the new "Stable" release, any day now. From 1.3.11, the difference will be protection against silliness if your dropbox gets a zero length file in it during file transfer, just before completion (one person reported experiencing this), and an update to the translations. 1.3.11 is pretty much "the good version". GaJ
  8. Is it possible that you simply can't see the other guys? Maybe they are lying down? I think that if you click on him, you will find out how many enemy guys there actually are still left in that unit (at least, at the low levels of difficulty you will). GaJ
  9. Great thanks - I reckon that's just how it should be! GaJ
  10. Reminds me of the Adams Family cartoon with the caption "It's a baby!" (says the nurse in the maternity unit to the father waiting outsite) GaJ
  11. If someone can authoritatively describe the mechanics of how buddy aid can affect scoring, that'd be a great help. GaJ
  12. I guess this might be enabled by Sgt Schulz's "3rd party generated qbs" proposal?
  13. Yes, I was kidding. Sorry, I missed the smiley. I have put it in now... GaJ
  14. WYSIWYG, right? AT guns don't even fit in trenches... it's a good clue that there's no protection. GaJ
  15. Totally - I agree. And ultimately of course you choose the ones that you see as most useful, of course. And far be it for me to assess what "useful" is for you - I have no illusions of thinking I can judge what the goals of BFC are in participating in the forum. My contribution, purely FWIW, YMMV etc etc, is that there is something of a pattern of BFC responding more to "these threads" than "calm rational ones" and it's my uneducated guess that this contributes in a positive reinforcement way to "these threads" becoming prevalent. I know for a fact that this happened to me: I can look at my own behaviour in the forum and see a definitely link between behaving sarcastically and getting a response. Only when someone said to me "why are you being so obnoxious" did I take a hard look at this. So FWIW it's something I've given some thought to. That's all GaJ
  16. I see you have taken ad hominem 101, and achieved a modest pass. While questioning my credentials to comment on the topic, you haven't indicated your opinion. Are you disagreeing with the point I was making? Do you think that it is good that BFC spend their precious time in these kind of threads? Or are you simply saying that since I don't have a degree on psychology, I am not entitiled to share my opinion about the dynamics in the forum? Or were you genuinely curious about where I earned my credentials, since I demonstrated such a masterful handling of the topic? GaJ
  17. For me the sense of "not fair" is "why would the designers come into this thread that has a blatantly whinging title instead of coming into a long and productive thread where there is plenty of data and productive conversation?". It's not really about "fairness", since that assumes an entitlement, which doesn't exist. It's about "usefulness". Phil said: This ought to be perfect. I think that where it's falling down is that in practice BFC staff are more "drawn to" threads with whinging titles and arguments about whether they are doing the right thing by their customers and all that blah blah. There is a perfectly natural instinct to defend the company etc. But this burns the precious little time that they have in forum on useless old arguments. It also encourages people to post in this way. Personally, I don't think a BFC person should post again in this thread. It's "one of those". As I said, the only reason I'm posting in it is because of the opportunity to highlight this somewhat unfortunate dynamic that goes on. GaJ
  18. Who wants to play "methodically clear the buildings" for 15 turns? I'd start avoiding scenario designers who set these tasks... GaJ
  19. Good - I'd be worried if you were wasting your time reading everything It takes me all day as it is (looks over shoulder, make sure boss is not looking). However, with your precious response time, maybe you could focus on "good" threads, not "bad" ones. Same with Steve (even more so!). Just a thought. GaJ
  20. And, IMHO, a lot easier to browse and find stuff. It's of course a matter of preference, but I find that I need sunglasses for the BFC site with all those different things flashing at me for my attention, I just get too frustrated trying to find what I want on there. I don't see it as a "competition" though. I see it as "have as much and varied support as possible". If I were a designer, I'd post my mods at both places, so that no one place can take me out if it goes away, and so I reach the kinds of people who like each place. But I sympathize with people who don't post at CMMODS at the moment, since there's no advertising here about it. GaJ
  21. One view of this might be to look at the "most downloaded" list at CMMODS. One problem with this is that since BFC blocked the forum notification of new mods posted at CMMODS, not so many are getting posted there GaJ
  22. Don't overlook We Band Of Brothers The very cleverly designed ladder system there is one of the main reason I joined: it has a rather unique formula that takes into account the ranking of a person's opponents in calculating the person's own ranking. This means that the nasty business of newbie bashing is stamped out, because it does no-body any good (in fact, newbies can get better rankings by playing experience people). GaJ (PS: the actual ladder is behind a member login: if people would be interested to view it, maybe I should open it up). PPS: it really does get tiresome posting this same "where can I find an opponent" information every few weeks or so. Can't that seminal posting on this topic be stickied?
  23. yay I for one am totally sympathetic to this attitude. In fact, I think that this whole thread is in the "contemptible" bucket: you can tell this from the title. The only reason I came into the thread is because I saw you posted. However, there is a problem: over time I think we've all come to realise that while unsubtantiated hyperbole doesn't scream out "come and have a conversation with me", nonetheless it appears to be the most reliable way to get a conversation with BFC. Sad but true. This thread is an example of that: after a significant time of no BFC posts in the main forum, the first one I see is in a thread who's title tells you what kind of thread it is. I was given a kick up the bum a while back about my own behaviour in this forum, and I took a hard look at it and came to realise this is the reason why. If you want a conversation with BFC, the best chance you have of getting one is by posting a rant criticising the game or the company. And by being sarcastic and unreasonable. I found that it seemed to be this experience that influenced my approach to posting. One could ask, where is BFC in all those threads about cover, and Inf AT in buildings and spotting and any other of the very reasonably toned and well researched threads that have been bubbling on for some time? It does seem that this sort of thread isn't the way to get a conversation... ... so my conclusion is that the tone of the place would be dramatically enhanced if you could spend some time in threads that are the "right sort", and simply ignore those (such as this one) that aren't. GaJ
  24. Looks great. I think I'll play the attacker: now I have the designer's tips on all the hiding places GaJ
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