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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Wow, thanks for the update, Sneaksie. Looks like an all-in dogfight. You can't take sides in a historical scenario, its a rush to the flags and then slugging it out with other players, is that right? Oh and you say the US got 'abrams'? What tank is that?
  2. There must be forums where you can meet opponents though...?
  3. IIRC there is a 'pause' button that you can press and issue orders. This would prevent your 'panic filled clickfest' to a certain extent. Not sure if there is a 'rewind' button though. Totally agree with your concern, but it looks so pretty that I'll probably get it anyway.
  4. Hey, thanks for the updates, Sneaksie. Has anyone tried the multiplayer? I'd be really interested to get an update on how it plays.
  5. Yeah, you would think they would mine the contest to a greater extent. Only six from this contest and five from the Armchair General one? A measly eleven names get added to the game? There must be 100s of names available, each one a potential customer! I demand more names from the competition be used!
  6. Thanks for the update, Daimyo, its really appreciated. What to do you mean by choosing 'colour', does that mean you could fight blue on blue? Oh no! This must be the definition of 'alone' in cyberspace!
  7. GWX? http://gwx.sourceforge.net/? http://www.gwx.org/? http://www.gwx.nl/? Please share the joy with the uninitiated.
  8. Something I haven't heard any comment on so far is how the multiplayer works. IIRC there was mention of a multiplayer capability for 4 people (thought the home page just says "multiplayer support"), has anyone tried it out yet? What's it like? How do you choose forces, what kinds of scenarios, is it easy to communicate with teammates etc etc... So, Daimyo, have you checked it out yet? Anybody? Be a hero and tell us all about it! AARs please! Looking forward to it.
  9. Not a joke, but they've closed the 'get your name in the game' contests, both at BFT and Armchair general. Does this mean the release is imminent? Probably not. **sigh**
  10. In honor of Scipo I hearby change the name of the thread
  11. I got home and ran some tests - basically loads of T34 vs PIVF2, with some of each out of LOS behind a ridge. After a decent sample of knocked out T34 were available I retreated the rest and brought out the hidden PIV to target the abandoned tanks. I found that, yes, you can change the status of an 'abandoned' tank to 'knocked out' without setting it ablaze, and the 'knocked out' sign appears to both sides at the same time. However, your tanks will not cease shooting until the abandoned tank is on fire, despite 'knowing' the status of the tank. I think this was an oversight by BFT. They fixed the AI so the tank firing on an abandoned tank does not know if it has been knocked out before it is set on fire, but didn't ensure that the player knows only what his forces know. Just one more thing to be fixed in the next patch (ha ha).
  12. ... eventually changes their status to 'knocked out'? I ask because in an operation I was trying to put an abandoned KV beyond future use. I gave up after one minute of penetrating and partially penetrating shots failed to change its status because I was running out of AP for my stug. I just assumed that 4-5 of such shots would render a tank unusable, but apparently not in this case, and I wondered if it was possible at all. Cheers [ November 30, 2006, 06:25 AM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  13. Linky-poos says 'yes to AT, NR on Flak' [ November 27, 2006, 05:01 AM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  14. Yeah, all who hang around these forums do, especially from those who haven't looked around much and post without reading. But what can you do? Best thing is to post a brief answer or a link and move on. Or just ignore it until someone else does. edit to add: lol errr, people enjoy being sarcastic and irate? The average age of posters here is a bit higher than most games forums, and they are cranky old b**tards who like to feel superior if they have the chance to put someone down. And they particularly enjoy being sarcastic and irate. [ November 26, 2006, 07:15 PM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  15. Oh well, y'know what this means? We all have a chance to win this competition! Yes! We all get our names in the game! Yes yes yes!And some of us who are lucky will be in several times! That's right! Happy! Joy! Fab!
  16. Thanks for your comments Yahoshua, but if you had taken the trouble to look at what I actually post you would see that at no point do I ask when the game will be released. I speculate, sure, and what is wrong with that? It is not harming anyone or somehow slowing down the process of the release (and that is what I meant in my last post on page 4 of this thread). I resent those such as yourself who try to tell others what to do. Did someone appoint you as the forum policeman? If you try to act as one you will inevitably draw sarcastic & irate responses. By being bossy you are just adding to the noise, not reducing it.
  17. Major change on the Armchair website: looks like they've extended the competition there too. Its a bit messy because they've done it by adding some of the units that were in the BFT competition, but not in the same week. The first 3 units were different, but last week in AG they had the truck and this week the vickers tankette, whereas in the BFT contest, they've already done the vickers and this week they have the Ford. This could be a long competition.
  18. Thanks for the post Madmatt, good to get an idea of the magnitude of what is going on. Looking forward to this one.
  19. The next photo in the sequence showed what happened when the driver stalled, then started quickly again. Just as well it was b & w.
  20. Lol. You reaaaallly think that what we type here makes a difference to what they're doing there? And what kind of comment is that to make with a sig quote such as yours? Think of all the evil that could be happening if we stop typing messages on this forum! Presuming, of course that we are good people.
  21. Okay, might as well post the website translation of changes in the Russian patch:
  22. Thanks for the update, Max, esp for those of us who for some reason or another have difficulty reading Russian.
  23. Maybe you can buy it here. Good luck! Let us know how it goes! I "don't mind" waiting another 6 months for the BFT version. Really. Truly. Absolutely.
  24. BFT contest enters the fifth week. Groan. I think my prediction of this contest being extended indefinitely looks ominously close to the truth.
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