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Everything posted by Destraex1

  1. "Mac OS? What the hell is that, a new Big Mac from McDonalds?" MAC is that OS that requires a version of windows be coupled with it for any use to be had of it besides web browsing and multimedia functions. MAC is that OS that when coupled with a copy of windows that MAC user has on a PC is usually meaning its an illegal 2nd install! MAC is that fan club for teeny boppers that scream for brain dead pop stars. MAC is that sooo stable OS that supports nothing beyond its tiny comfort zone. MAC does NOT just work as it becomes more and more popular MAC is turning japanese... ahem I meant into a PC I really think so.... I should write one of those japanese poems Now PC on the other hand; Never works Always needs tweaking Needs a degree in engineering Supports anything and everything. Allows the freedom of creation and thinking to do anything and everything especially for the smaller outfits. Is the home of the Microsoft duopoly - I mean bill gates owns some of MAC does he not?
  2. There you go scottie... some dev screenies http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=91606 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=90197
  3. damn, would have been good. Talking about runners and comms. It would be great if they were also implimented. Command and Comms in game are done well in cmsf. In ww2 it will really affect things. Comms being very different for different units
  4. I noticed Theatre of War Korea and Achtung Panzer Kharkov have a strategy map ala close combat or total war. Are their any plans to do this for CMSF? This combined with Cherry picking from an OOB would be very nice. A strategy layer always gives a nice sense of overall progress and makes battles matter more.
  5. are you saying a true wargamer is an inept, clumsy, indecisive person that in real life takes an hour to decide whether to shoot when presented with an enemy? A person that cannot handle combat not being perfect, but instead an art and a jugglers skill. You have advantages over our real life brethren in an almost god like view of the battlefield, use it. In RL sometimes commanders lose men before they can radio they are even under fire. What I am really waiting for apart from CM Normandy is coop vs the AI. I regularly do this with Company of heroes battle of the bulge mod atm. Its a real blast. The problem in this game would be that their are only so many AI programmed routes and so it would get stale fast?
  6. I agree, a community campaign would breath some realism and life into the game. I did not think this was a bad game at all, just hard to take some of the unrealistic bits and the poor storyline. A PT boat game screams storyline but this gave none.
  7. no mission editor this time no buy from me. Game was too limited at release and the modders need to get to it if its to have a chance.
  8. I always wanted this. Without a decent AI it may be kinda moot though.
  9. I think in another thread it was mentioned that the CMSF AI will react locally though to humans? Once engaged? I'm thinking counter attack or set up defensive positions?
  10. hmmm that really does make CC and CMSF very different. Although CC always seemed to make plans on its own at the squad level rather than organising proper forcefull attacks. Each squad thinking on its own.
  11. ahhh I assumed triggers sorry, just because of the way the game seems to play. Rune do those plans limit the AI to plans.... does the AI ever react to players moves? You know like a chess player would?
  12. Just been reading about the new Close Combat Arnhem which they say has better AI and was wondering about what seperates the two games AI. I own all CMSF addons thus far and will probably get NATO and Normandy. I also own every CC up until the last atomic iteration CC5. I have noticed scripting and railing going on, once the trigger is triggered the ai seems to take over from thier. Differences I have noticed with AI: * Close combat does not bring on re-enforcements. Which adds a great deal to CMSF * Close combat is not scripted. This leaves games the same over and over again. But on the other hand also makes games less repetitive and predictable in the short term. * CMSF is trigger based and this can lead any repeated missions to be easily excersizes in learned behavior when avoiding triggers. This CC has a lot of new features but I have not played it since CC gold juno sword mod 8yrs or so ago. I am wondering whether to hold off until CM Normandy for my ww2 fix or take the risk that the new AI really is tweaked to a different experience than CMSF can give. P.S. Hope I have not offended anyone by comparing the two on the forums here.
  13. the machine guns are what was sounding similar to me for sure. I will try listening to the PK and mag58. Thanks for doing the test. The saw I certainly knew was a rebadged minimi. When i am on the battlefield for some reason I expected the weapons to really stand out differently. I barely notice a difference at all. I will carry out my own tests to be sure. If you have played close combat you will know what I mean. Perhaps cmsf just make most weapons sound similar if you hear them a long way off.
  14. I just watched the vid for the NATO exp pack. Once again the small arms seem to sound the same. I have been playing the British campaign and it seems all small arms and even the larger are the same. Was this done because of performance or have I just not played enough to notice the different arms sounds?
  15. did the leopard models have mg3 and desert camo?
  16. lol, are the dutch not the tallest pop on average
  17. maybe win7 was not telling me correctly when i searched the DIR. Will try again thanks.
  18. what would be great however is if a demo was out before christmas break. This would have people playing the demo to death and spreading the word. Well thats my convienient theory as I want a bigger bone
  19. I am also in the same boat. Purchased this game back when it first came out. It was almost unplayable.... now with marines and BF loaded im having a ball.... and its all on my laptop!!
  20. not had it happen yet and was calling in a lot of Apache cover during my last mission.
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