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Everything posted by Destraex1

  1. my gameplay if full screen but my briefing is tiny in the middle of the screen. How do i change this as its hard to read Posted in tech forum too, but peeps seem to get more help in general... so thought I would paste here.
  2. just what i needed... a mod to replace with blanks!!!! no response in the tech forum where i posted this just a few days ago!
  3. I actually don't like the idea. Not too much conventional warfare in that war. Mostly patrols and firebase actions.There are offcourse a few large battles/offensives that would be playable, but they would not reflect the winning of the overall war the way CMSF could show it. Apart from that choppers are not in. It would require a lot of other changes.
  4. joebloggs are u serious about giving a rats about packaging? I can understand the manual.... if that was stated, but not the box. That is unless u are a neat freak?
  5. surely the devs have a fix. 1680x1050 must be the most common resolution today by now.
  6. not good at all I wonder whether i can blow all the images up and re-import them into the game.
  7. I don't want to make the text bigger, I want the briefing to show in more than the tiny centre of the screen
  8. I thought the next game was going to be ww2 with the shock force engine? Note also that they have opened the game to other companies who want it. The afganistan game being developed with cmsf is a prime example.
  9. Nice Apocal. Its a very interesting argument this BAR VS minimi vS gpmg vs hmg
  10. i really have to be carefull in future to make sure that i am splitting hairs with my terminology in order to be understood. So abandoning the minimis offer a little more flexability in door kicking operations line than gpmgs. But in essense by disagreeing with this point you guys are saying i am right about it not being a disadvantage to have a gpmg rather than a lmg in standard squads.
  11. sorry i meant actual building clearance(door kicking).... often if its a small operation they can only provide area security from outside like you say... boring for the gunners and a waste of manpower. With a minimi its not best practice to go in but you certainly can to make up numbers.
  12. With RPGs around whats the point? Light tanks have always been doomed when weapons meant to take out full sized tanks are around....
  13. i agree the modern setting is a really refreshing change from ww2. I would actually like a ww1 game in this engine too. The game is more complete than most games without adding anything at all.
  14. u get one license un-license a year. I did it recently for my new laptop. All happened within a few hours. Good actually, although the service is relatively blunt. Not a problem by me.
  15. yeah the little leclerc looks great.....
  16. The whole idea of realtime takes an element of GOD MODE away from the stagnant like turn based mode. Realtime means you are not everywhere at once. I think its good that a human element of mistake is added to the sometimes PERFECT chess matches wego offers. Besides its nothing like company of heroes where you really can miss things the action is so fast. All in all their must be balance to the god mode, learn to concentrate on the critical parts of the battle. Thats what a good general does with his god goggles. I thought you could pause realtime mode and give orders anyways? Guess its not in multiplay. Counterargument: but my guys are dumb, i have to obssesively control everyone of them at once. Well the enemy AI is dumb too and if its not then your human enemy is in the same boat. The only real argument i can think of is the the AI can give counterorders to all of its units at once where a human needs to take time to do it. I just don't think the AI in this game is that smart??
  17. CM Shock Force 2 - whens this scheduled. So much goodness in the pipe
  18. If there is a german campaign i'm in. If its us only I will consider a little more carefully as i am with british forces.
  19. I suppose the closer to realistic term would be closer to "knocked out of action". The enemy's immediate concern would be to do this and it would also be the enemy players primary task in CMSF.
  20. u can read s>.... i must have missed the fine print on the cover. However I wonder if that statement was written recently, was certainly published recently. I may grab this one anyway. Still sounds interesting. "Paperback; August 2009; 80 pages; ISBN: 9781846034077"
  21. its a very recent book. the whole "duel" osprey series is pretty new. I have the sherman vs panther one and it was a decent read. Although they seemed to concentrate not on what was the better tank but what was the better doctrine during the BOB. Thats ok unless your some dummy who does not realise that for a sherman to have a chance one on one against a panther the germans had to be on the ropes for almost every aspect. If your one who believes hollywood plotlines then osprey may not be for you
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