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General Bolt

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Everything posted by General Bolt

  1. I played the Mortain CMBO exit scenario once - long ago. I kick the Allied butts. They were below the 25% morale level and surrendered. I received zero points for exiting. Most of my men were 1 or 2 turns from the edge. I had even left HT and truck crews hold the flags. It pissed me off royally, not getting the chance to depart. I now avoid exit scenarios.
  2. I bow to Sergei's methods. Word of switchblade advertising beats word of mouth advertising anyday.
  3. I went to Disneyland today. At one of the attractions they had some computers connected to the internet. I entered Battlefront.com and left it on the screen. About that time the attendent came over to lend a hand. He asked that site what it was. Well 30 minutes later when the wife and kids were dragging me away, I had the guy convinced to download the CMAK demo tonight!
  4. A nice subdirectory organinzing capability would be a cool addition to CM2K.
  5. From the movie Emeny at the Gate: The man with the gun shoots. When the man with the gun is killed, pick up the gun and shoot. The man with the gun shoots. When the man with the gun is killed, pick up the gun and shoot.
  6. This has been talked about before. 1. creat zones where you want the paras to appear then set them as reinforcements on that turn. 2.For d-day battles, use lotsa 1/2 squads scattered in little tiny drop areas so they are not a complete fighting force. 3. You still won't see them fall from the skys. Thing I'd like to see: A tank (living or nonburning-dead) provide some degree of cover for a squad. This works for smoking tanks only now.
  7. A coworker of mine rode river boats in Vietnam. While listening on radio he heard another boat say "Receiving fire" The reply came back "That's friendly fire". The first boat said back, "Receiving friendly fire - returning same ". [ July 19, 2004, 07:43 AM: Message edited by: General Colt ]
  8. Is this the first thread where we get to predict the release date? I say 3 Dec 2006. You read it here first.
  9. Great link. On figures 61 and 62 of the foxhole link what is that extra deep area in the middle of the foxhole for? An ex-Vietnam era marine told me they would put a little (6inches across) two foot deep tunnel in the side at the bottom. That was where you'd kick the incoming grenade into. True or was he BSing me?
  10. Wires, Welcome aboard. I hope you purchased the CMAK/CMBB combo pack, otherwise you're missing out on half the fun.
  11. A post battle text file, where the scenario author can put data talking about the aftermath of a historical outcome. This post battle breifing would only be viewable after completing the battle.
  12. I play with trees on extreme coverage 99.9% of the time. The last time I toggled trees off was because I had two units really close in trees, I quickly toggled off to select the correct unit.
  13. What the others said about scouting, maintaining contact covering a flank is all true at a divisional/corps level. In CM the contact has been maintained or there would be no opforce on the map - that would be boring scenario. Unless enemy re-enforcements are scheduled at the side of the map - you can assume your flanks are covered. Bottom line- most CM battles are company upto battalion level, so in CM they serve no real special purpose.
  14. The last think I do before hitting GO is select the Co or Btn commander then hit 5 for a high view. I then repeatedly hit "+" to check that all units have orders. When I reach the Commander agian I know all units are accounted for. Its a pain but it prevents the slackers from sleeping on the job.
  15. Eye reely like the weigh ewe guise spell. Hour motto is: MORE BETTER ENGLISH!
  16. This is great!! Will the mouseholes always be present or will they be blasted thru in the a game?
  17. Ya see Sarge it happened this way; we were skipping stones. And Wilbur sez "I wonder if we can skip a AT round off the water." I say "Its got be fired at a real low angle"...
  18. Battlefront must put out a patch with dead cattle.
  19. Being an American I often wonder why the rest of the world hates us? Because we are so sucessful and its out of pure infantile jealousy? Beause in the past we have supported a few evil rulers (the Shah, Saddam while fighting Iran, the Chile assination) around the world? Because we export our culture - things like DisnyEuro, McDs and Starbacks -(OK lets call that lack of culture) of around the world?
  20. I actually read the EULA for the demo. It says you can NOT charge for mods or scenarios.
  21. It doesn't seem to have been a term that the US used until sometime post-WWII. Most other armies did use it though, and for all practical purposes it is functionally the same as a US regiment. </font>
  22. Here is what happened: First point it wasn't in "trusted mode". I had downloaded some emails the day before and received 2 turns from different players. I played those turns without replying. The next day I downloaded a couple of more turns. When I started to play, I looked at my incoming email list. I normally use the "reply indicator" to check if I owe a turn or it has already been sent. I opened and played the ones that did not have a reply indicator. When I opened the latest file from this poor unsuspecting victim it really was the one I had completed the day before. [ May 23, 2004, 03:01 PM: Message edited by: General Colt ]
  23. Will do the AAR. We are already 4 turns in to it and have not made contact yet. His tanks will turn around! His arty will fall on his own men! All ammo will be expended on nothing. I hear the evil laugh, even as I type.
  24. Due to fumbling fingers I accidentally discovered my opponents password. :cool: He used a single letter, which happened to be the same 1st letter in my password. I then clumsily hit Enter key instead of Shift, the 2nd letter in my password is UPPER CASE. Behold!!! I gazed upon the map from the enemies point of view. Everytime he submits a turn I can simply alter his orders and evil laugh here: Waahahaha. :confused: Or should I let him know and do a start over? :confused: Its only a game. [ May 23, 2004, 01:33 AM: Message edited by: General Colt ]
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