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General Bolt

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Everything posted by General Bolt

  1. I wonder if ramming is a similar tactic to clinching in boxing. When you hold them the other guy can't punch. When you're right next to a King Tiger the gun probably too long to point at the ramming Sherman?
  2. This is a paper model. Paper Stuart Tank You can down load the pattern and instructions - but they are in Russian. Here's a site with many more paper models many free. Free paper toys I'm just easily impressed.
  3. "Night on Bald Mountain" was used in the Disney film "Fantasia" (1940 version). Herr Furrer you should consider changing your nickname.
  4. Welcome Aboard. Now that you've found the site, click on the PRODUCTS or PURCHASE links at the top of the page. Then selecct and order CMBB and CMAK. They are a generation ahead of CMBO. Youi won't regret paying full price after "stealing" the CMBO.
  5. Is Hasbro still printing the AH games?
  6. The one paniced tank driver held this flag. I had a churchhill tank just to the left. A full platoon to the right. Yet the scoring judges gave the flag to the AI. Theree are no surviving Germans under the flag -too many flames for many turns. I turned off smoke before grabbing the screen shot. I understand tanks can controll flags by projecting power. The Germans had no remaining tanks or AT guns. [ September 04, 2004, 11:30 PM: Message edited by: General Colt ]
  7. The one paniced tank driver held this flag. I had a churchhill tank just to the left. A full platoon to the right. Yet the scoring judges gave the flag to the AI. Theree are no surviving Germans under the flag -too many flames for many turns. I turned off smoke before grabbing the screen shot. I understand tanks can controll flags by projecting power. The Germans had no remaining tanks or AT guns. [ September 04, 2004, 11:30 PM: Message edited by: General Colt ]
  8. Athlon 1600+ 256M Memory Win 2000 88sec 92sec 90sec
  9. There are a few T-34's with swastika's represented in the CM games. They did use lotsa the USSR 76mm AT guns on various chassis particularly the Marder.
  10. Why didn't I mention the US vs Japs? The question was about Germany. The PTO was 6 months of Jap expansion against unprepared foe. Followed by 3+years pummeling of a backwards but fierce enemy by the Americans. They werent a modern army. Correct on Sicily, but we were bloodied at the Gustav Line/Anzio for months, again probably generalship not the GI. Overy explains the Japanese defeat on 10 bombs, TEN VERY LUCKY BOMBS, in June of 42. I'll add:But not all luck, mostly the heroic action of some mighty brave young pilots. The battle of Midway and Japans failure to developed a self-sealing fuel tank for their planes were the major causes. One or two rounds in a Zeros tank and it was gas everywhere, toss in a glowing tracer round and a it was smoke city. All other nations had these self-sealing fuel tanks. Also we won the sub war against Japan where Fritz lost the Atlantic U-boot war.
  11. Why Germany Lost? Read "Why the Allies Won" by Overy. 1.winning the Battle of the Atlantic 2.German technology - great stuff, but too many different models variants - not enough interchangeable parts. This left too mnay unrepairable tanks behind. 3.Morally correct Allies. (my personal favorite) 4.The oil shortage - brought on by allied bombing. He had a few other reasons I cant recall with some fine data research to back the all his theories. Overy also points out, despite popular belief the German ground pounder was not a better soldier than Ivan or GI Joe. Fritz just had more practice early in the war and the allies eventually caught up in soldiering skill, Ivan was an equal warrior by late 42 and GI Joe got better in 44.
  12. There are two ways to shift balance in a scenario. In the start up options window you can add experience points to the units or you can add to the total number units in the game.
  13. How about a method of setting the fuel level on vehicles in the editor? And the game tracks how far each tank travels. Along with this a refuel setting on operations.
  14. Photo#2 Near the end of the war the German high command look at the want ads for a new job. Photo #3 (The 4 in the middle) Troops playing a friendly game of Rock/Paper/Scissors.
  15. Adm Keth, Tech Writer you say. Me too. 23 years, from pencil while handing your manuscript to the typing pool, MACs with Word 1.0, XTs with Multimate Advantage, early versions on Interleaf on Unix boxes, now RoboHelp. What an illustrious career I've had, YAWN!!!!! I've always said, my job is to convert what the engineers make into more better English. Try www.craigslist.org I saw a few jobs there in the San Diego listing earlier this week.
  16. As Allied Jabos became increasingly adept at taking out AA batteries, the always-resourceful Germans developed a new concept in AA weaponry.
  17. Here's is the US gov site for ordering the complete set of official (ETO/MTO/Mid East) US Army books "green books" on WWII on CD. There about 12 books in the set on 4 CDs.GREEN BOOKS on CD They go for $23.00 - S/H included. New from the US gov these books go for about $50 each. The PTO books are in a different package.
  18. Welcome aboard. Say goodbyr to the rest of you life. CM will be the only thoughts you have for the next 18 months. Hurry quick call BFC and cancel the CMAK only and order both. No vehicles can be added as mods, only the color of the existing tanks can be changed.
  19. Here's is the site for ordering the complete set of official US Army books on WWII. This is the CD collection. Lotsa maps.US Army WWII History on CD
  20. I usually shy away from the huge ones. But turns 4 and 5 took about 6 minutes on my 1600+ athlon. I was suprised by the number of tanks that hit the beach.
  21. The spotters won't embark because they are in training for the wire laying relay race in the 1944 battlefield olympics.
  22. Great Mod. Historiacly accurate, but what the hell were those camoflague painters thinking? "Lets paint that AC dessert brown except for this gray stripe in the middle!!" How does the gray band help "hide" the AC?
  23. There is some interesting data on these shows, but the whole "You make the call" thing is kinda hookey. You're Joe Stallin what would you do? The Russkies trained dogs to run under tanks. They then strapped antitank mines to these dogs. They got a few panzers. Then the Krauts started shooting every dog on site. I had never heard that one before.
  24. This is a US Army book site, some of them are the "Green" books and some are smaller pamphlets: US Army On-line docs. These are FREE. Also it the same area (I don't have that URL) you can purchase the FULL set of ETO/MTO and Middle-East "green" books on CD for about $25.
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