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General Bolt

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Everything posted by General Bolt

  1. From the movie the Longest Day, Robert Mitchum, a general, asks "Where are the engineers?" Eddie Albert replies "They're all around you, they just don't have any equipment." Actually, from your post, it seems the 5 men of the demolition team ARE the engineers, which would mean they were dispursed amoung the boats.
  2. This DEAD Tank Hunter team launched a boomb after he was DEAD. See they are dead. Launching the boomb. Did I mention they were DEAD!!! And the Dead guys get a KILL. :cool: Is this a bug? :eek:
  3. Scroll down on the forum listing on this site or The Blitz and select messages.
  4. I remember seeing a T34/100 in the AH Arab Israeli Wars game. It was in the 1956 battles. T34/100 model I don't know when it was actually fielded.
  5. But how would an armored division do against the Aztecs? The athletic director at San Diego State is going to be happy about any damned armored division at Qualcomm Stadium.
  6. I really like the split squad thing on the route/break. Great idear. The "cover behind/follow vehicles" is also a good thing. In my first few battles of CM, I lost more thar a few squads "hiding" behind the imaginary point in space that is an AFV.
  7. All of them!!! Many great sites have them. The Scenario Depot has approximately ~1800 battles.
  8. You didn't try hard enough. To kill them, order a friendly do an area fire nearby, then move the POWs into the LOF. I use abondoned crews or out of ammo guys to do the guarding.
  9. I understand now "not at this scale." I said I was a rook at this game.
  10. First of all I've only recently played the SC1 demo and I'm holding out for SC2. Put me down as a rookie to the -5 degree. Chris was asking if you could buy high morale troops. The Hilter Yute division was green when sent to Normandy, but they battled the Brits around Caen with a high level of morales. The 101AB was untested proir to D-DAy and its record was outstanding also. From that I'd assume not all morale comes from exeriance. I will say these are probably two extreme examples. Seems like you should be able to buy scuh a unit but at a very high trainng cost. HY was in training for since they were 8 years old.
  11. Six times is about right for me. Its the building walls that get in the way when trying to view a street fight. The game has "HELP" Hotkey functions built in: 1. Hit the TAB key to lock the view of the selected unit. 2. Turn the trees off as necessary. This is a major anti-grog cheating technique but who cares. 3. Use the 6 point of view with the "[" to zoom. 4. In view 1 use the plus + and minus keys to cycle thru all the units. Hit TAB often. E. Use the Shift-C command to grow the unit size to very big. 6. Shift A to +20 degrees helps alot. You don't want to do that, stick with the CM series.
  12. Sounds like Rommel wanted to do what the Russians did at Kursk to defeat Citadel. Have you designed the scenario yet?
  13. Battle of Crete the 2nd day (?) The Germans were landing JU-52s while the NewZealanders were still over looking at the runway. I figured a scenario where trucks appeared as reinforcements in full view of the allies could represent this. The first turn of arrivial the German must give them a "FAST" command to the end of the runway. The surviving soldiers were rushed directly in to the line. This hasn't been done but it would be cool.
  14. Got to admit I'm just a little bit confused. -Pink Floyd I think a table format and some column headings would help alot.
  15. Great, Fantastic, Creative. I am impressed. Adn they'res a tpyo oar two. Keep up the good work!!!
  16. The weakest part of my game is the SETUP. Every game I seem to have a gun out of position. My spotters are either too far foward (and die) or two far back and can't see squat. I move them forward and they die. On offense my infantry is facing the strongest of the MLR. On defense I'm always out flanked. What's the problem here?
  17. I think every one would agree a little ammo conservation would be nice when calling in arty. Something like "Give me 30 rounds" Not to many requests come in like this "Give me all you got in the next 45 seconds and the troops will fend for themselves for the rest of the fire fight"
  18. I never do replays - even against the computer. To paraphrase Tom Hanks saying "There is no crying in baseball" ; "There are no goes overs in war". Why would I want to do a "goes-over" when there are 1700+ scenarios at the Depot? I guess not doing replays probably prevents me from really learning the game. My loss.
  19. Just above the text listing there is a little blue link "Download File". But that works for 1 file per message. Have your sender split the files between two messages. [ December 02, 2004, 06:27 AM: Message edited by: General Colt ]
  20. Like my mother always said: When the conversation turns to **** its time to QUIT. Quite a poet that lady... Moon, please lock this thread...
  21. The old "World at War" series (1970s) talked about the flies. The platoons had fly swatting contests. They would burn the heaps of flys killed. The stench of burning fly corpses was unbearable. Patch 1.05 will include a stench factor.
  22. I play FreeCell and MineSweeper while waiting for PBEM files to down load. Also watching/assisting my kids play Roller Coaster Tycoon 2.
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