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General Bolt

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Everything posted by General Bolt

  1. Years ago I heard, that the reason the Russians made a 76mm gun, was in the event any russian ammo was captured it wouldn't fit in to a 75mm gun. However, it thr Russians captured some 75mm German ammo it could fit in a 76 gun. Same reason for the 82mm mortar vice the 81mm. Is this true? or was it a sloppy measurement on a copyright violation?
  2. TPG is a scenario testing site. After a few reviews the author can remove it and place at another site such as Scenario Depot.
  3. In order to pronounce Yskonyn correctly, I'd need to rip my tongue out. I think your real name is Y. S. Konyn. Again, your laziness precludes typing the appropriate periods. Also you state you are a pilot. Correction were a pilot. Say goodbye to your job, relationships, health and peace of mind. All your waking hours will be consumed by thes games and the BFC message boards. It will affect your brain in ways you haven't even thought of :eek: , such as: When you're on the runway you be thinking "Level 1 view" During take off "Level 2 thru 4." About the time your pulling up the landing gear level 5. In your high altitude flight "level 9." You'll want to hit Shift C to see the units on the ground better. [ November 21, 2004, 06:10 AM: Message edited by: General Colt ]
  4. There was a CMBB Scenario "To the Volga" or something like that. It was at the scenario depot. I think the Germans got a Panzer Corps and the Russians were allocated a Guards Army . 20,000 points a for the game or per side :eek: I dont remember. Setup on my 1600+ Athlon was more than 10 minutes. I never played beyond setup. To max out your machine try that one and do a +200% for the Allies. [ November 20, 2004, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: General Colt ]
  5. I knew there was a reason I bought a Thumb Drive: To down load patches and demos on broadband at work instead on dialup at home.dot.com!!
  6. If you want to play a little defense, try a human opponent.
  7. Can you say "endless variety"? :confused: 1600+ scenarios at the Scenario Depot 1700+ opponents at the Proving Grounds and BlitzWargaming. Other games give you 15 to 25 missions. Yes, Normandy and the Bulge are represented there.
  8. One additional item in the search criteria would be nice. "Best AS" 2-player or AI. Some times I'm looking for a an AI game other times I'm looking for a 2 player battle.
  9. Great pict of MY governor. God Bless Arnie and the amendment that will make him President. Sorry wrong forum.
  10. Very Good. Hope the deal was sweet and BFC uses the additional coins to add many new features to CM2X.
  11. Was there a date on this story? King Tiger in dust could have been Apr/May 45 which could mean a green German crew with poor skills as the war was coming to its end. If it was in Normandy could have been too much schnapps the night before.
  12. My son just used his birthday money to buy StarWars Battlefront. I was wondering, do the BFC folks have grounds for law suit. Trademark infringement and all that. Now I'm thinking that anyone doing a google on Battlefront will find this site as opposed to finding the StarWars site - this is a good thing. Hopefully this will bring a whole new batch of CM players/buyers after hitting this site.
  13. The main thing I like in a game is balance and a good fight. Walk overs suck and being walked on REALLY sucks. I like to see a review where the user reports type of game (AI or 2 human) and percentage of victory for each side. Allied H-64% vs Axis-AI 36% Allied-H 29% vs Axis-H 81%. There could be a list of all reviews and a total/averaging of the reports. 5 AI battles - Allied 67% Axis 33% 3 two man battles - Allied45% Axis avg 55% If there was a good number (5 or more) of reports on each scenario then a downloader could determine which scenarios were balanced and which were not. The newbie could pick a battle he'd be sure to win. The vet/regular could pick something balanced. And the elite CM player could play the same battle as the newbie but pick the difficult side. Additionally, the author could review these stats and revise his scenario to make it more balanced.
  14. I've read that the steel used in the cutters came from anti-landing craft steel beams the Germans had left on the Normandy beaches.
  15. At this point I usually try the Alt-A command. Works every time!!!
  16. 57 Mega download - sorry but I'll be needing to use my phoneline again by early November. I'm sure its great.
  17. I still remember the Pennsylvania license number on my parents 1964 Chevy Impala UNY236. We moved to California in 1966 and got CA tags. Hope this helps.
  18. Go ahead and file for divorce now. In 6 months of CM addiction and after countless hours of listening to her nagging, she'll be the one filing. I'd say file now and save your ears and her voice.
  19. Read Colin Powell's book. (written post General days/before Sec of State days) In the early 60's as a young US Army Officer he suffered some of the same indignities in the south. We've come along way here in the states but still a ways to go.
  20. JasonC had a great tutorial on the subject. What remember from his dissertation and try to do is: 1) Use the MG and mortars provide covering fire/smoke. Use concealment/cover as mentioned above - look for the gullies/craters. 2) Use the ADVANCE command at 30-40M distances for some (1/3) of your men. 3) In a few minutes rest the tiring/shaken units and advance another 1/3 of your force. The resting squads can either hide for a minute or add to the supressing fire. 4) Keep advancing in stages. The TAC AI will shift fire often enough to allow your shaken/tired units to recover and rejoin the assualt. 5) The remaining 1/3 of your attacking force advances thru the other squards and while saving their ammo (short arcs) for the final assault. Of course keep everybody in command radius of the leaders
  21. Best attempt 17 yards then a little roll. Tthe handle broke off the bag after that. I'm 47 with an office job. I'm sure a 19 year old soldier in shape could do bit better. Suppressing fire non-existent.
  22. All right, I'll run a little test. I have an old sports bag I'll put 10 pounds of rocks in it. Go down to the local football field (American with yard markers) Give it a swing and let her rip. Will report back tomorrow. Too make the test more realistic, I'll need some volunteers to lay down some suppressive fire at me.
  23. I want tanks that provide some protection to infantry by blocking bullets.
  24. Solops here's the scoop: CMBB is USSR against Germany. CMAK is Brits and Amis vice the Germans. Totally different games. CMBO was western front, but it really is a generation older than the other two. The "mods" only allow painting of the tanks amd uniforms to change. The user can not mod a weapon or weapon type. I would bet the CMBO to CMAK conversions are done manually.
  25. If a good group of us gave just $2 to $5 that would help. Surely, many of us can affort that much.
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