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Everything posted by Richie

  1. I'm more than happy for 'Methode Champenoise' to go out. Email me, or Kingfish. Richie
  2. Yep, BFC's after sales service is second to none! Buy direct! ...although the 'no CD' sounds nice
  3. Howdy Fella's, I have two Operations waiting for release through B&T... In honor of the Bulge anniversary I'll email them out to those who are interested, my email is in my profile. B&T's Peiper's Bridge, depicting the fighting around Cheneux on the 18th between the 82nd Airborne and Peiper's 1st SS. B&T's Wacht am Rhein, 19th till the 21st, Peiper's assault on Stoumont, Roua, Targnon and the Stoumont Station, the American Counter attack afterwards. If your interested, drop me a note! Richie Boots & Tracks [ December 21, 2004, 06:25 AM: Message edited by: Richie ]
  4. Thanks Sergio, No, it's not for the faint hearted! Weather is terrible and casualties will be heavy for both sides. Post here or Email me and I'll send it... (email in profile) "B&T Peiper's Bridge" 3 battles, 15+ turns a piece. The US 82nd Airborne under Colonel Reuben Tucker assault Kampfgruppe Peiper's bridgehead over the Ambleve at Cheneux. Tucker was desperate to eliminate the German hold on the town and the bridge... regardless of the cost! Peiper's SS, were bitterly determined to hold it...
  5. Hmmm.... I just tried to log in on my current user name with password and was rejected... I'm hoping to upload a battle? Richie [edited to add; Hey it's cool, I didn't realise you had to re register after a while...] [ December 05, 2004, 05:11 AM: Message edited by: Richie ]
  6. Hi, thanks BFC for the patch! If asked, I'd say my cup is half full, not half empty... Cheers, Richie Boots & Tracks
  7. Dagnammit, they still left out the M 36 !!!
  8. South of Vevi and Squeezing the Melon are some of the finest scenarios I've 'ever' played. I'd like to say it's an honour to be considered amongst them. Thanks to all those who voted and well done Sergio! A big well done to all you fellas who spent countless hours puting together your AAR's too. Having playtested most of the scenarios it was great to share your pain. I smiled lots! And congratulations to Ankulin on his fantastic AAR. I for one, really enjoyed it. Richie
  9. You get further in life with a gun and a smile than you do with just a gun. It's far better to encourage people to review than it is to force them. If people have to review to download, it will turn nearly all of them away at some stage. A reward system for reviews might be the best bet. Perhaps a rank and some medals as suggested here earlier, or the chance to vote for best scenarios. Maybe a quick reply form to make it easy. Reviews for a designer are an essential tool, like a litmus test, or the skewer you stick in a cake to tell you if it's cooked. In order to know if the scenario has worked it must be played out, with a million variables and a thousand different outcomes. The more feedback you have the better equiped you'll be at achieving game balance and creating a challenge for the players...
  10. I'll go a PBEM with you jbertles... I've got a couple of Ardennes Operations waiting to go out through Boots'n'Tracks at the moment. Richie, Boots & Tracks Email is in the Profile...
  11. Ummm, While I think you'll find the 823rd has no 57mm's the 30th Infantry Division had it's own inherent Anti Tank Co's within it's infantry Battalions. These were equiped with 57mm's. Info given in appendix 3 of said book... Richie Jbertles, can I ask which part of the Bulge battle you are depicting?
  12. It is a good read! But... from a non-American perspective I found it sloooow to start with and quite political. I read the Intro and found it very Americanized. I actually put it down for a couple of months and found it hard to get back into. As already stated some of the English participation was glossed over too. Don't get me wrong, it is a good book with an excellent feel of the campaign. Some of the battle descriptions are amongst the best I've ever read. I will definitely buy the sequels when they make it out to Australia. Richie
  13. Not a bad idea! People could post their vote... maybe
  14. There's nothing like the local viewpoint! Belgium is a beautiful place.
  15. In my opinion, for what it's worth... You want to make it as easy as possible for the reviewer or the reviewie. The author can choose to include the numerical value for the review or not. Written text stays. Readers will read all regardless, most of the time. If a designer has discluded several scores it will show as they are flagged. Include all in the top ten lists after modification, or disclude if they have discluded X number of scores. You need 3 to be in the top 10? The reviewer must earn the right to review, as JWX suggested. There is an accumulative average score for any reviewer, against an overall total of reviews, so readers know where they stand with any given review and the reviewer will gain credit by being evenhanded as the number of reviews grows. I would steer clear of further disemination of scoring than you already have. The harder you make it the less people will review. Can I ask if you get more reviews since v2 or less reviews? [ October 22, 2004, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: Richie ]
  16. It makes me crazy when the designer states not for play as axis vs ai and the reviewer says he played as axis vs ai and the scenario sucked. No, just a Slaphead at work... DO'H! But the designer should be able to therefore discount the score. I remember Rune bringing this up once...
  17. Clearly I'm not up with the editing features available to me as a designer... "Richie slaps his head" I'll have to go back and read the rules... Sooo that's JWX... "Mental note: Never send picture of me to Kingfish"
  18. OK, forgive me, I've had issues uploading to The Depot in the past but that was entirely my own making and no reflection on the excellent website and resource you run. Please don't get me wrong, I'm trying to be constructive. My inexperience is my own fault... a) This is a feature available on initial upload or a feature available at any time with the current version? For example, the 2 reviews I have for my Reichstag battle can be deleted or made concurrent? Yes, the reviewer grades, for example, 3 scenarios at 1.5, 5 and 3.5 for a cummulative reviewer score of 3.3... a bit like I have 355 posts, at the mo'. c) I think a review should stand regardless but with no score. Flagged as score removed by the designer. With an average reviewer score and the review itself, readers should be able to detect trolling, but a moderator would certainly help. Now there's alot of commitment! [ October 22, 2004, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: Richie ]
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