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Everything posted by Richie

  1. I'm currently playing 'Spaghetti Western'. Very balanced in my opinion. Nice work JWX! You might want to try 'South of Vevi' too. Destined to be a ROW classic me thinks!
  2. So how does a 3760 x 2320 map sound with 31,000 total points?
  3. Sound's like the typical wargamer/modeller to me. I even bet Dalem has a large stock pile of unmade kits. Mace </font>
  4. It can be misleading too, especially in an Operation with the points spread in a specific manner over certain Battles.
  5. ...And so is the lure of "The Dark Side" 'Use the PC Luke... It is your destiny...'
  6. Hmmmm.... It's a Sparkle, noisy fan and intermittently jerky on heavy action but the pictures are real pertty' for the most part. GeForce Chip. For $89 Dollars Australian I can't complain! To be honest it's not the best card I've seen but it sure ain't the worst!
  7. On my Athlon 2600+ with the sound on, 1 GIG of RAM with an FX 5200 Vid Card... 59.14 seconds! Hey it ain't so bad... Could be trying to time "To the Volga"...
  8. Hi guys, Sorry for the extreme delay! My wife and I got our new puppy a week or so ago so I've been building fences like my life depended upon it... My scenarios due out soonish are around the Stoumont and Cheneux areas so any vehicles are generally either from Kampfgruppe Peiper or from the 823rd US TD battalion or the 743rd US tank battalion. Some of the US tanks in the 743rd were ad hoc, so specific patterns/trends probably don't apply. I'd really like to see some good building MODs. Particularly so for the St Edouard Sanitorium and Belgium houses. If anyone has a colour photo of the Sanitorium I'd be more than happy to MOD it myself. There's nothing like having something to fight for!
  9. On this Ardennes note, can I please have a list of MODder's willing to recommend their work for some upcoming Ardennes scenarios? You know, trees, tanks, tiles and especially buildings. Feel free to post URL's to your work so I can include them directly in my briefing! Cheer's, Richie Boots and Tracks
  10. I doubt it Tiger. Otherwise we'd be buying the "A2's". But still, it ain't a crappy tank! And material I've read (Osprey related) puts it a step ahead of the Challenger I on combat trails. If your going to look at it as a tactical decision, our nearest 'threat' is Indonesia. They're going to have some troubles against M1A1's and F-18's. Even if they outnumber us 20:1... LOL :eek:
  11. I agree! It really is a 'big picture'. AAR's from so many people give a little something from every individual. Every designer would take something in from every conclusion drawn in every AAR. It really is appreciated.
  12. I agree! It really is a 'big picture'. AAR's from so many people give a little something from every individual. Every designer would take something in from every conclusion drawn in every AAR. It really is appreciated.
  13. I agree! It really is a 'big picture'. AAR's from so many people give a little something from every individual. Every designer would take something in from every conclusion drawn in every AAR. It really is appreciated.
  14. Thanks. I seem to have it sorted now... Looks really good!
  15. Hmmmm.... Perhaps you need to pop over to here and chase this up yourself... In the meantime, back to the war!
  16. Jeeper's dude, is there no respite?
  17. HOT DAMN!!!! Steffi's a LOVERLY GIRL!
  18. Dammit! I wish we had some issues... I guess I gotta find a new picture. It's just that I like the old one SO MUCH... DROOL...
  19. Hi, comes up Comdlg32.ocx is missing or somefink... so it don't work. Any ideas, as I have several maps I'd love to convert. Cheers, Richie Boots & Tracks
  20. Ooh Yeah! You can download Sword of Bagration from Boots & Tracks ... This might just be the road of pain you're looking for...
  21. Hi... I weigh in on no side of the argument as I under stand your point and any BFC point made here. ('cept maybe mine I guess...) I would like to see additional units in CMBB and CMAK (King Tigers and Jagd Tigers especially) but I understand that CM AK for example is North Africa based and Italy based and this also leaves something for the next engine. *sigh* As an avid ASL gamer, I'd like to see infantry smoke all round, but it ain't going to happen... No offence 'frozen' but this may be the point where you say, 'ah OK'... (no offence really so don't bother getting shirty an quoting me an stuff) Let's run with a theme.... Given that you had your mine roller tank and your opponent (less likely) or the AI knows you may have one. God forbid, the designer gives you one if they were available ( which also tells you two things, 1; You have mines ahead, and 2; you'll never get to clear them coz' of that PaK 40 and that ideal ambush spot... ) BLAM No more mine clearing tank... 'The valient crew bail from their hatches as rampant MG 42 fire cuts them to ribbons... "Yuri, Yuri... are you hu "BUDDA-BUDDA-BUDDA" ... But wait... If I can mortar that bunker and get some pioneers up to those mines via that culvert I may just be able to clear them...' And the story goes on. Someone designs the scenario you play... There's always carrots on the road of pain! Richie
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