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Everything posted by Richie

  1. Excellent! I definitely won't be setting my DVD recorder for that one
  2. Africa 1943... They look a lil' different. here's one now!
  3. OoohArgh... stubbie number 9 Tablets, no mate, no tablets here, but thanks fer coming! My wife's family are from Manchester, she was born in Sydney 30 years ago. My family hail from Somerset, about 150 years ago. Cousins, NO MATE! No cousins here. Visit Tasmania! You'll love it! Every cousin fetish you could hope for... you could even smoke some tablets .... A PLaN??? Am' S'pOzed tzo HAVe a Plan? How am I supposed to deal with this presure? Killing is instinct friend. You have it or you don't...
  4. Words can Kill... or so they say... Sometimes, someone may utter an innocuous interpretation of another... or they may simply spill beverage over someone on their way back from the bar, or then again... they might just punch them in the head ... then that leads to a garbo bag or two and a long ride in the back of a Nissan Navara long tray ute with utensils up north for about... 5 hours... somewhere between Crystal Brook and Olympic Dam. Somewhere dark and quiet with no-one around for a hundred miles, you turns left and 4WD for about half a click... under a tree... just, anywhere... nice and quiet. Then it's time to play "Escape from Ivan" ('Millat' for the foreigners) It's amazing how far candle power from a spottie will go in the dark Then it's time for the utensils. The shovel... Make sure you bring a tarp to seperate the topsoil... very important, dig a nice deep hole so's the dingos don't get in! The Petrol Driven Garden Mulcher... well, says it all really , OH and the axe! Mix well till Puree If you've thought ahead you have about 40 litres of water, a gallon to y'all, and a change of clothes. Don't forget to call in for 'a sickie'... oh and burn the mulcher before you dump it... you never know! Ahhhh... you don't know hate buddy! You wanna backpack around Australia for a while. Visit Tasmania! Enjoy... "The Local Hospitality" 47 isn't it... to win I mean? Why the Hell Dammit Doesn't AnyOne Send Me A FecKing SET UP! No offence intended to anyone who’s ever had anything to do with serial killings, the victims of or anyone who’s considered such as a career path… no really! [ March 31, 2005, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: Richie ]
  5. Thanks man, I have seen the website! Lot's of great stuff there and I appreciate your input. Hmmm... NKR I just ordered $200 worth of stuff from them. The missus will kill me if she ever finds out. I really liked the Erzatz M10 MOD kit for a Panther G... next time though
  6. Hey, speaking from an Australian point of view, sometimes I just don't find it funny. I get drunk and tired, I find another thread bagging Australians and yes, I posted like a wanker. Maybe you could draft a letter to the moderators... here let me help, "To Madmatt, Moon and Battlefront.com, There's this thread bagging Australians and other members of the Commonwealth and this Australian posts there like a wanker like he's pissed off with it or something and now it's all hard to read and I can't easily read all the **** he's giving Australians and New Zealanders and stuff. Jesus, the guy was only joking and stuff. BAN THE AUSTRALIAN, BAN HIM!!!" How does that sound? Most of the time I don't care, but every now and then it ****s me. I'm sorry if I've offended people by getting offended myself, I will fix my post. Richie
  7. You're a funny guy! [ March 31, 2005, 07:10 AM: Message edited by: Richie ]
  8. Thanks Mace, that's great. Pity I'd spent all Friday scratch building the rear covers for the 501st version but what can you do... Good range at NKR, I have seen a couple of things I like.
  9. Anywhere I can source the Aber bits from in Australia?
  10. I wouldn't be turning off the XP firewall... that's scarey
  11. OK, Bear with me, I'm doing a little military modelling here, Tiger's from 501, in Tunisia 1943 had makeshift front fenders/guards... Does anyone know if the rear guards were makeshift too? Clearly the lights were relocated... Picture found here, about 3/4's the way down... Hey look, it's ma 500th post! [ March 20, 2005, 07:39 AM: Message edited by: Richie ]
  12. This would be why it was voted Best Scenario, Row IV... I reckon!
  13. Fewer words of truth are rarely spoken!
  14. ... the chirping of crickets... "Say Sarge... you think we got 'em all?" "I dunno' know Private, why don't you ask 'em?"
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