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Everything posted by Richie

  1. Brits get +4 for smoking up some kippers at brekky too?
  2. Methode Champenoise... Note the 'e' on the end! Of course all this speculation about scenario design is undoubtably interesting but in full ROW tradition you can't really expect anyone at B&T to confirm or deny anything... except you fella's are playing ROW V and your pain is real. Richie (Interesting that JWX put out that disclaimer so early on... don't you think?)
  3. Man, that is nice! Thankyou! Richie
  4. It all seems a little cold without the banter... and if you can give your opponent at a false sense of security... MuHahAHaHAR
  5. OK... I want PLANES that make really LOW STRAFFING RUNS and SHIPS with men running around on them with GUNS THAST WORK sitting in a harbour and MULTI STOREY BUILDINGS with INDIVIDUAL ROOMS and interconnected building complexes and AIRFIELDS with PLANES ON THEM and UNDERGROUND BUNKER SYSTEMS and TUNNELS you can move men through and BLOWN UP TANKS all over the battlefield and MEN with PARACHUTES falling from the sky and TRAINS like troop trains and freight trains that might even roll along the tracks through the battlefeild and CIVILIANS running around that your not supposed to shoot and normal everyday PASSENGER CARS like those old citroens in city streets .... Hows that? Richie PS: Nice post Mace!
  6. Lots... You could try here. You could also try reading 'Jochen Peiper, Panzer Leader' by Michael Reynolds. Lot's of accurate descriptions of tank strengths and locations for the Ardennes in there! Richie
  7. ...despite my plea's! What a little ripper it is too!
  8. So you didn't roll to see if the crew survived then?...
  9. You men do what you have to do! If it works for you... Good! If I start dropping 120mm mortar on your head and it all goes bad... try not to squib!
  10. God Dammit Man!!! That's the whole damn war!
  11. Jeff, I thought Kingfish was planning on blaming everything on you... that throws a spanner in the works!
  12. Hi guys, Got a little time before ROW starts? Why not try this blood thirsty little piece! GESTAPO HEADQUARTERS, BERLIN In the ruins of Berlin the Germans fight on. Many of the shattered buildings that once formed the power centre of the Third Reich have now become final Strongholds. The SS are unwilling to surrender to the Russians. The Soviet Troops are bent on conquering Berlin. They fight tooth and nail for every block. The dead lay where they fall in the rubble and the smoke. At dawn on the 28th May 1945, Soviet Troops launch another infantry assault toward the Government District. Clinging to the ruins of their fascist state, the SS are bitterly determined to make their stand. At one such Nazi Stronghold, the fighting would prove it to be one of the bloodiest encounters in the entire battle for the Nazi Capital... 8 Prinz Albrecht Strasse, Gestapo Headquarters, Berlin Thanks to Admiral Keth for hosting! Richie
  13. Hi guys, Got a little time before ROW starts? Why not try this blood thirsty little piece! GESTAPO HEADQUARTERS, BERLIN In the ruins of Berlin the Germans fight on. Many of the shattered buildings that once formed the power centre of the Third Reich have now become final Strongholds. The SS are unwilling to surrender to the Russians. The Soviet Troops are bent on conquering Berlin. They fight tooth and nail for every block. The dead lay where they fall in the rubble and the smoke. At dawn on the 28th May 1945, Soviet Troops launch another infantry assault toward the Government District. Clinging to the ruins of their fascist state, the SS are bitterly determined to make their stand. At one such Nazi Stronghold, the fighting would prove it to be one of the bloodiest encounters in the entire battle for the Nazi Capital... 8 Prinz Albrecht Strasse, Gestapo Headquarters, Berlin Thanks to Admiral Keth for hosting! Richie
  14. There are 3 winners, and they will all get wine, but someone will get the best score!
  15. Make sure you bring a band aid!
  16. It'll be the BLOODY PIT OF DEATH SECTION for you then...
  17. ... If you listen You can hear the rumble in the distance...
  18. Hey, and I downloaded it first! Great battle this, Inspirational!
  19. The Borg issue comes down to communication between units. There is either 'Line Of Sight' or an 'inherent radio'. Out of line of sight, no radio, no command line, perhaps the AI should be picking up control of 'the gamey jeep' and display it as YOUR JEEP as it boldly goes where no jeep has gone before... Just a thought, I'm sure it's been had before...
  20. Hi Steve, If I understand you correctly, it's either mass multi player or a half decent AI? I'll take the decent AI and the multiplayer options we already have with CM... if that's possible. I think being able to play any game vs the AI like you're playing a PBEM with a friend would rock! If the 'near human AI' acts like a 'near human AI', then why would we need all the other human input? I think most people yearn for greater human involvement because the AI, at present doesn't always reproduce this for them... But Hey, what would I know? Thanks for asking anyway Steve!
  21. Hmmmm... FEEDBACK! I couldn't agree more! You guys, who play the games, who supply the feedback, however small or whatever the opinion, are the bread and butter, the word in the ear for the designers so they can know if going in the right direction... Richie
  22. I have played the ASL versions. I always found the Stoumont Op incomplete without the push on to Targnon, and these days, unfortunately I find it slightly inaccurate too. Still a great game though! PS: Sorry for the typo in the briefing... A big Thankyou to Admiral Keth for the fix too! Richie
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