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  1. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to cesmonkey in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  2. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I could care less what we call it.  It is more the recognition that Europe was largely a global backwater in the evolution of warfare during this period. The major global powers were in Asia and Persia. It wasn’t until Europe gained superiority in maritime power that things began to shift in and around the 15th century.
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_medieval_great_powers#:~:text=The following is a list,%3B Timurids%2C 1400–1450)
    The single largest military evolution (and operations) were within the Mongol Empire as they rose to be the largest empire in human history at that time (only surpassed by the British empire in the 19th and 20th centuries).
    The Mongol conquests killed an estimated 10% of the total human population of that day.  For reference that would equal about 800,000-1B people today - or a thermonuclear exchange essentially. The Mongols were the nuclear war of their era.  So if we are going to say “Going Medieval” it should be in reference to them and not a freakin Month Python skit.
  3. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to billbindc in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The best thing about letting this sovok stick around for a bit is that he illustrates exactly why Ukraine must fight and will win. 
  4. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    They showed no mercy even to the same Slavic people. Execpt Finno-Ugric nations first Slavic victim of genocidicval "lands gathering" was Novgorod - north Rus' nobility republic, crashed by Moscow in late 15th century, because it remained single rival of Moscow hegemony in northern part of Rus' lands. Many Novgorodians were massacred or moved to other lands. If Novgorodod won, history of Russia could by completely other. But Moscowian asian-despotia type of ruling completely won over traditional Rus' form of ruling in triada "duke + nobility parties + citizens council", when Moscow gradually was subordinating during almost 300 years other smaller principalities like Tver', Ryazan', Rostov, Pskov and tried to contest Great Principality of Lithuanina for the legacy of south-western Rus' lands (modern Ukraine and Belarus).    
  5. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    So how long we gonna let this jerk derail the thread w nonsense?  
    Can he just be banned from this thread?  And then he can start his own thread of "murder is always murder victims' fault"
  6. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to Harmon Rabb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I have a question for you after reading your posts. Are you posting all of this out of frustration that Ukraine is not getting enough support from the west? Believe me plenty of posters here wish the west would give more material support to Ukraine and lift restrictions on Ukraine being able to hit targets inside Russia.
    Are you frustrated by something someone posted here? Are you being sarcastic in some of your posts in response? Sarcasm is kind of hard to detect through text on the internet so I'm not sure.
    Or do you really just think that this war is not worth fighting period? Even if more support was given to Ukraine and more restrictions lifted on the AFU's rules of engagement.
    And yes unfortunately you are right North America also has it's share of idiots who support Putin's narrative. This is why it is important for us to do what we can to counter these lies through open conversation and facts.
  7. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    If this guy is in Ukraine then I hope his posts here cause him to be tracked by UKR intelligence and investigated.  I am quite sure he's an RU asset and is helping RU in ways other than this.  And I hope he gets what he deserves.  
    But we all know that's not true.  He's a russian who's paid to do this sort of sick, twisted propaganda.
  8. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    What you are is a f--ing liar shilling for a murderous regime that is slaughtering civilians every day.  Can't believe you're not banned yet.  You don't have an opinion.  You have talking points so deplorable it would make Goebbels blush.
  9. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Ladies and Gentlemen, it appears we have a russian troll!  He finally gets to his point.  The only way for the suffering to stop is for UKR to capitulate.  I am hoping this post leads to an immediate ban because you are obviously just an RU propagandist.
    And same with NATO countries, the only way to ensure you are not attacked is to capitulate now!  
  10. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to Tux in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    For the record, all, I’m well aware that ZellZeka’s posts so far are almost comically familiar in tone, content and even syntax to a certain category of posters this thread seems to attract one of every couple of months.  As noted previously I think it’s always important to engage in good faith on the off chance that such is reciprocated.
    If/when we find out it’s not I will happily drop out and let nature take its course.  
  11. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to ASL Veteran in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Just to lighten things up a bit
  12. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to ASL Veteran in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  13. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to FancyCat in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I understand that its not forgone that Ukraine should be reabsorbed into Russia, I mean certainly part of your lifetime included its independence occurring, but I think your understating the positions the West have staked out on Ukraine. The fall of Ukraine will strike absolute blows into NATO, the EU and the Western bloc. A lot of focus on Russia's internal dynamics in the event of their defeat, let me be clear, the fall of Ukraine is a defeat for the West. A lot of talk on poor Russia, not a lot of talk for the ramifications for the West for a nation that yearns for NATO membership, EU membership, and has shown itself to be capable of fightimg in a straight up full scale conflict with what is still considered one of the top dogs military-wise in the world to fall completely despite EU and NATO support.
    A ton of ramifications including tons of internal dynamics between the bloc's eastern members and Western members. Macron's warnings about Russian forces approaching Kiyv and Odessa should be considered as they are, no less consideration of Putin's words. The words of our eastern partners like Finland, the Baltics, Poland are just as essential as those of France, Canada, Germany and the UK. So sure, maybe some policy makers might be okay with Kiyv falling but there are certainly policymakers in Poland, the Baltics, Finland and Sweden that would disagree and I would think it the height of folly for those to be disregarded anymore than disregarding Turkish policymakers or Russian policymakers especially when dealing with nuclear risks.
    A lot of "Kiyv isn't important" coming from across the Atlantic while closer Lithuania is prepared to deploy their personnel to train in Ukraine. Considering the very obvious focus of Putin of dividing the NATO alliance, and the obvious risks of what could be considered Russian total victory, it probably should not be waved off the concerns of the Eastern bloc members. Especially when managing escalation and mistakes. Especially as Poland becomes probably the largest land based army in Europe. Especially as the incoming election heralds uncertainty to U.S commitment to NATO.
  14. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to Beaker-I in Fortress Italy Building Textures   
    I decided a while back to replace one of the house textures (the one with large grey blocks) with something a little different and ended up adding four new house skins along with two new modular building skins.  While I was working on the files, I also added basic weathering to the tile roofs for all buildings.  You can download the file from the link below and place it in your data/Z folder.  
  15. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    New batch of YPR-765 from Netherlands, equipped with more protected combat modules.
    These Cold War YPR/M113 showed itself as perfect "combat taxi" - cheap - without surplus high-tech features, well-protected, well-offroad and with proper space inside for equipped soldiers. We need hundreds and thousands of them. 
  16. Like
    Aragorn2002 got a reaction from purpheart23 in The year to come - 2024 (Part 2)   
    Preferably with some real news.
  17. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Now let’s not suddenly forget the real reason why China has risen to power…western greed.  We exported manufacturing and every other hard/increasingly expensive job to China because they would do it for a fraction of what western workers were demanding nor was governed by pesky workplace safety regulations.  We wanted cheap everything from Tshirts to running shoes to cellphones.  We did not admit China into the WTO until 2001 and by then we were over-invested in China for our lifestyles that no one could slow that train down:
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_and_the_World_Trade_Organization#:~:text=China became a member of,changes to the Chinese economy.
    We had started this trend back in the 80s.  There was nothing altruistic or generous about any of this, it really was simply an extension of western benign (and sometimes not) imperial doctrine.  The Western Rules Based order was really designed to keep the West on top. China figured this out and used that system to rise to power.  They did it using Western money, not charitable intent.  China conducted a series of pretty radical economic reforms and the outsourced the industry we downloaded on them to places like Bangladesh and Vietnam.  They then reinvested in their own high tech and bolstered it with an historic industrial espionage campaign.
    None of this was “western misguided liberalism gone wrong” it was straight up pursuit of profit and reinforcing our own consumer based economies.  By the time we realized the problem in the mid ‘00 it was too late.  No politician, even Trump, could simply “drop China”.  Since then we have seen attempts at a gradual uncoupling but we are still too dependent on Asian manufacturing and industry, the pandemic showed this in spades.  And now we are stuck.  We either keep funding Chinese rise to power or try and roll the clock back to 1960, which we can’t do with current standards of living and economic realities.
    None of this was generous or high minded.  Anymore than British rule of India was.  It was a 20th century version of economic colonization, which like a lot of colonization came back around to bite.
  18. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to ZellZeka in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    More like a cluster munition. The Russians hit the Odessa embankment with cluster ammunition to hit more civilians
  19. Like
    Aragorn2002 got a reaction from PEB14 in The year to come - 2024 (Part 2)   
    Preferably with some real news.
  20. Like
    Aragorn2002 got a reaction from Bulletpoint in The year to come - 2024 (Part 2)   
    Preferably with some real news.
  21. Like
    Aragorn2002 got a reaction from acrashb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A man who can serve his country in time of war, but choses to go abroad is a deserter. Unless he's Russian of course. 
  22. Upvote
    Aragorn2002 reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    So the story really does not get into his motivations for not fighting.  “I want to be safe” is what we get.  Of course to “be safe” in Ukraine right now means fighting for that safety.  We do not know if the young man has religious grounds or even ideological ones.
    White feathers is a poor analogy.  They were used in the British Empire to shame young men to go and fight in a mainland European war.  Many of these young men were in far flung nations such as Canada or Australia.  The peer pressure for them was to go to fight and die in what could be considered an imperial war.
    Ukraine is in an existential war. The Russians have left pretty much zero doubt of this based on both their plans and actions.  If anyone wants to “go home to safe Ukraine” as a Ukrainian they are going to have to either be willing to fight for this..or let someone else do it for them.  This young man definitely would have somewhere to live…likely a trench on the front.  Based on how desperate the UA is for manpower he would likely have a job…killing Russians.  
    Now it is his personal choice as to whether or not he wishes to do that but this reads a lot like the “cake and eat it too” generations we have right now.  I want all the healthcare safeties but no vaccines.  I want peace and security but not to fight for it.  I want cheap products and lifestyles but no climate change.  If this young man wants to live in a free and safe Ukraine he needs to be willing to do what generations before have done…be willing to fight and die to make that happen. Because it simply won’t be delivered like DoorDash or streaming entertainment.  Don’t want to kill?  Become a medic.  
    My fundamental question back to this kid is “if you want to go home to Ukraine one day then what are you still doing here?” 
  23. Like
    Aragorn2002 reacted to S-Tank in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Mit Karacho!

  24. Like
    Aragorn2002 got a reaction from Anonymous_Jonze in The year to come - 2024 (Part 2)   
    Preferably with some real news.
  25. Like
    Aragorn2002 got a reaction from FlammenwerferX in The year to come - 2024 (Part 2)   
    Preferably with some real news.
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