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Everything posted by Bone_Vulture

  1. And by the way, did you notice that we have a difference of exactly two thousand between our member numbers?
  2. There are three flaws in CM engine, some of them mention often. A) Ultimately limited battlefield. German panzers cannot take full advantage of their superior mobility, and flank the enemy tanks from far away, unless you're playing a huge map with minuscule forces. The horrors of borg spotting. In real life, early Russian tanks had poor optics, vision slits and communication devices. This was likely to lead a half-blind amok run on the field; something that cannot be properly simulated in CM. C) Lack of air cover. Ok, this is just a small detail, but I wonder how many of the German tank officers were nutty enough to go head-to-head against Russian tanks without air support? A couple of well-aimed Stuka strikes were likely to make the panzer commander's day a lot easier.
  3. I wonder if there are any free screen capper programs... Doing the "print screen" routine for cap is a bit cumbersome.
  4. I wonder... Are the penetration abilities of the heavy fighter MG modeled?
  5. A bit more specific, please. Until then: make sure you have an LOS to the target. Also, don't aim randomly on terrain, but try to call artillery strikes to locations where enemy troops are likely to be hiding. [ February 17, 2003, 12:46 AM: Message edited by: Bone_Vulture ]
  6. I'll vote friendly fire as the reason for not using explosives, too.
  7. I think the CM engine designers are the only people who have a clear answer to my question: is the curved factor on resilience fixed, or is it dependent of armor thickness / model?
  8. I know a curved armor is supposed to represent a arced surface with multiple impact angles, but are there any ground rules on how steep (meaning closer to zero angle) must the armor be before a curved armor of equal thickness has better resilience?
  9. OH GOD NO No Jethro Tull lyrics in this thread - they're of too high quality!
  10. As a sidenote, I'd like to know what was the difference between the Puppchen (apparently a hauled rocket launcher using a Panzershreck warhead?) and the late war PAW rocket system? I remember seeing but one field pic of the latter somewhere.
  11. Admit it, your Mace under the guise of a noob alias. There's no way in hell that any sane person would rate the horribly inbred "peng" concept hilarious. [ February 15, 2003, 03:50 AM: Message edited by: Bone_Vulture ]
  12. Umm.... I don't think the firepower/blast values can be directly compared. But a blast value of 9 for a 81mm mortar is a joke! What does the thing use for ammo? Firecrackers?
  13. I recommend the various infantry firearm mods made by Ohjusmies. Pack a fiendish punch!
  14. That happens to me often when I attempt to play movie DVD's. I've found a rather odd, but usually working solution. Launch any program that has an "eject disc" button, like the CD player. Use this button to open/close the drive without touching the actual button on the drive's front panel. Beats the hell out of me what's so special about it, but the DVD's usually function after this trick! But if you're truly unlucky, your drive's a similar lemon as my very first 4x CD-ROM drive. It made sounds similar to scraping a cinderblock when attempting to read CD's, and obviously failed to read over 60% of them. :mad:
  15. Isn't there a "concussion factor" in CM, that might kill vehicle crew, even without penetration? I once shot a 150mm inf gun HE shell at a BA-64; it showed "no serious damage". Seconds later the crew took a hike.
  16. *Bows at MadMatt* I'm willing to apologize to AJ, but not inside this joke of a thread. I feel for him.
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