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Everything posted by Bone_Vulture

  1. It'd be absurd if inanimate fortifications could control flags... Hopefully it's not a bug.
  2. It's a "peng" thread full of "peng" residents. Do I need to draw you a picture?
  3. A) It's a "peng" thread, so all bets are off. I still lead the score chart with two dead war veterans; my uncle and grandfather both served in the artillery during the Winter War, both died senile, deprived of their minds.
  4. This melodrama is making me sick. Glad I'm not diabetic, all the sugar would kill me.
  5. Recently, I was defending as the Germans in a TCP/IP game. My Stug III climbed on a small hill, and was suddenly faced by three T-34/85's coming out of hiding! :eek: After typing "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" several dozen times in the radio chat to reflect my emotions, I was stunned to see the results: The Stug took about five hits to the front armor, with two penetrations, a gun hit and a partial penetration. Miraculously, the crew only suffered a single casualty, and after a moment of being "shocked", the Stug reversed back to the other side of the hill for safety. Talk about amazing resilience... My opponent dubbed the lucky tank as "Super Stug".
  6. Damn it, just one time I decide not to refresh the forum before going to sleep, and you morons manage to defecate four new pages of this filth? I DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO DESPISE YOU ALL EQUALLY!
  7. Rick Wakeman's works are - of course - inferior to such classics as the "Horny Song" and the nu-metal version of "Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice. You don't have any taste in music anyway, since you defend the putrid "peng" phenomena.
  8. I wonder if there was any possibility to improve the "follow vehicle" sub-command with a patch, so it'd function more like "shoot & scoot" does? Meaning that after choosing the vehicle to be followed, you draw another line from the vehicle to a nearby cover. The assigned troops would then move to this location, after destroying the vehicle, or running out of AT weaponry.
  9. Elvis makes a good point. Too bad he died on a toilet. Anyway, it appears that I've no other choice than to increase this forum's quality by pointing out what kind of imbeciles you "peng" thread residents are.
  10. I bet MikeT gets highly aroused from reading Ann Coulter books....
  11. CM:BB engine and game system + Close Combat 2 campaign = ultimate win
  12. Just a quick note: on-board mortars are the only option, if you want to take out field guns with precision and efficiency.
  13. Bah, Maj Soshtokovich's post is but a poor troll. Falls almost to the "peng" category.
  14. Nah, our lovely Swedish brothers have their Ericsson cell phones. You write your message on a piece of paper, wrap it around the phone, and throw the phone through the receiver's living room window.
  15. Watch it, matey. That sounds so very typical; almost of copy of my friend's typical venture with the females. After the initial contact, there's the telephone game and always - always - the freaking "grab a coffee" part. I foresee what will happen. You'll meet, have a non-alcoholic drink, she´ll enjoy your small talk, even if seeming a bit reserved. You'll part without any bodily contact beyond a handshake (consider yourself a winner if you get a hug), with a promise of another meeting. You'll call her again in a couple of days: she's caught up with some urgent matters, but wishes that you'll call again later. After this, she won't answer/return your calls. End of story.
  16. What was I expecting, thinking that you'd understand the delicate terminology of the music industry? No, in this case "hardcore" has no reference to pornography, so you can quit fumbling yourself. I know, you simpletons are so easy to please. If you wish to gloat on the fact that you're tone deaf and without any discernible taste in music, the go right ahead. No. May I suggest offering your below average saying as the official "peng" thread slogan? It's be so fitting!
  17. Sorry, still doesn't make any sense. Not that I was expecting your communal mindless dribble to make any sense in the first place.
  18. Oh no! Your drunken blurb was far superior to the standard trash posted in this thread. Also you're Swedish, so I understand.
  19. You idiot. The true wisdom is the following: "If you have nothing good to say, it's good to say nothing." Obviously, as the inventor of this wisdom, I'm free to appraise just what exactly is "good to say".
  20. I think I'll copyright that "thrwad" word. Just like a thread, only disposable and usually vastly more disgusting. Oh, and this heap o' junk thread is especially my plaything, for it doesn't belong in this forum, and thus I can manhandle it as I wish. When will you realize? Spouting the same, tired slogans over and over again doesn't work. It's amazing how I get tired after the first paragraph! Yes, your post was that meaningless.
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