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Everything posted by Bone_Vulture

  1. Rockets seem to inaccurate, I don't think I've ever witnessed one actually hitting a tank. Bombs are best against light armor, but autocannons are the real killer! They're accurate, and there's enough ammo for several strafes. Top penetrations and broken tracks are common occurences.
  2. *Sniffle* Since Joe Shaw revoked my Coventry status, I must return the favor: I hereby state that no more Vanilla Ice pics will be posted, bar this one: ... And to be insured that all taint of V-Ice has truly been cleansed off the face of the "peng", I shall summon our infamous wiggy-wiggy white boy rappah's only true nemesis: MC HAMMER! The message is clear... "Peng thread - u can't touch this". Now that the act of exorcism is finished, how may I disrespect the individuals (as Mr. Shaw underlined) of the "peng" thread in a more efficient, productive manner?
  3. I recall the trivia that historically Italy was unprepared for the war: Mussolini would've wanted several more years to build up Italy's army when Hitler was already on tour in Europe.
  4. Most of the time planes are too expensive, in comparison to the risks involved. Yes, a ground attack plane is almost guaranteed to take out enemy armor, if it manages to target the armor instead of other vehicles, or the enemy's troops altogether in the first place. I say your points are usually better spent on AT guns and off-board artillery assets.
  5. I once managed to fight a draw with Italians, when defending against a Soviet attack. In the case of Italy, yes, their tanks are a joke, and the infantry troops have mere hand grenades and are mostly armed with poor rifles. You have to spend big bucks on those insanely expensive (rarity factor) heavier AT guns, in order to have any chance against heavy Soviet armor.
  6. I think the idea is to preserve the two precious bomb-bags. If you want to use a satchel against infantry, an indirect fire command is definitely enough, since those babies have a punch similar to a 150mm shell. [ March 31, 2003, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: Bone_Vulture ]
  7. I'd find it much more realistic, if paved streets in cities - depending on the damage setting - would be "rubbled" here and there, with qualities similar to rough terrain. It'd both hinder tank movement in urban areas, and make infantry maneuvers from building to building more realistic to execute. It kinda gets your eye when an absolutely demolished city still has clean streets, save perhaps a couple of craters.
  8. I'm too tired to fire up CM.... What's the maximum firepower of the team?
  9. Addition to "gamey" tactics: placing roadblocks in city streets, sealing off entire blocks and the flags inside.
  10. The downloading might be slow, but certainly not impossible. You can also try p2p channels, but 3rd party downloads always include the risk of viruses or harmful material. Keep on trying. Then again, patch 3# will be out "soon", so you might just wait!
  11. I've never heard that walking could reduce morale....
  12. Human wave is a sort of "poor man's assault". It'll give the troops a morale bonus, but you have to be certain on the location where you want your troops to rush, as the waypoint cannot be altered until the troops are well on their way running. The other perk that the command has, when compared to "assault", is that it can be given to conscript/rattled troops. Human wave should be used when you want to cross open spaces between cover (from one forest patch to another), or when attempting to overrun enemy positions. Remember that it'll take the length of over a dozen meters before the squad starts running, so perhaps you should initiate the command from deep cover, so your troops will have space to "pick up the speed".
  13. I'd like to go back to the western front for a change... But I fear I'm no longer able to play CM:BO after I've gotten used to cover arcs, more realistic infantry and new movement commands.
  14. You can see the number of all the ordnance the unit is carrying (other than plain grenades) from the [enter] info window.
  15. That's why it is important to trigger the AT gun ambush when the tanks are A) far away from cover, and facing away from the gun. A certain Finnish CM player who frequents this forum now and then might remember the time when I snuffed his two T-34's and an ISU-152 within a single turn with my 88...
  16. I'll just take the easiest one off the top: This is the last known position of the spotted enemy unit. If this unit hides, sneaks away under foliage or runs behind a hill, you'll obviously lose LOS. Remember that the enemy units may wander far off from the spot undetected, so don't trust the markers to give you an accurate picture of the enemy troops's whereabouts.
  17. You'll need good weather conditions and a lot of cover in the form of buildings, trees and hills if you wish to attempt flanking Tigers. But since the Tigers have a 76.2mm-proof side armor, I wouldn't try it without tungsten rounds.
  18. AT guns lighter than 75mm can be rushed, but I was thinking more of bold tank assaults in general. Moving a mass of tanks in uncharted territory (without forward recon) is highly risky, as there's a chance of getting ambushed by infantry, receiving flank shots from AT guns or running into mines. But the payoff is also handsome: if you manage to bypass the defense line of your enemy, his tactics will be on the fritz! Both his tanks and infantry will now be under crossfire, a huge advantage for you.
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