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Everything posted by Bone_Vulture

  1. Bombardment missions called on TRP's arrive without a spotting round, i.e. without any forewarning. The first volley to fall nearly destroyed an entire recon platoon. I do not know whether this came as a surprise to him; it's a part of my personal doctrine to hammmer down with strong artillery.
  2. That's only gonna happen if your opponent runs his troops in a circle on an open field. Besides, I have proof of my success. :cool:
  3. It was a 1250 Axis probe, with unrestricted troops, thus I could purchase fortification paraphenilia. The map was set on a foggy farmland in the morning, with medium trees. I was quite unconfident of the battle's outcome, so I decided to go for overkill. Although my opponent controlled the plains with a pack of armored cars, the outrageous infantry casualties yeilded a minor victory for meh.
  4. That's half of the opponent's total casualties. :cool:
  5. In today's 30+ turn axis attack, my defending T-34 raked 25 infantry casualties... Those super-sized buckshots can do some real harm. :cool:
  6. PBEM games are fun if your opponent returns the file at the same speed that you send 'em; it's no fun waiting days for an answer. Otherwise I still prefer slow TCP/IP games: the best trade-off between thinking and patience. The only problem is that a game can take some five hours... Ah well, it's time well spent.
  7. I've lately been playing alot of the Soviet side, and noticed that the early T-34 models seem to always carry an ample amount of canister rounds. I was wondering, has there been any research on the factors that dictate whether the tank will use this ammo type against infantry? Range, target cover, experience? Also, do the tanks use the canister rounds against other "soft" targets, like field guns, or even trucks?
  8. I was thinking the same thing. The tanks should be able to climb out of that ditch, assuming it has enough engine torque. And even if it doesn't end up immobilized, an At gun has plenty of time to have the tank zeroed, and impale it "by the gut" once the tank's climbing out.
  9. Remember folks: the .PDF file can easily be copied. It's no proof of purchase.
  10. One more time. Want to destroy field guns? Use on-board mortars!
  11. Fast-response artillery spotters, like mortars and light German field guns, can be used to provide serious area denial and suppression effects. Remember that the heavy artillery lobs rounds rather slowly, and can hammer a given area for a handful of turns, if set as a pre-planned strike. When defending, seasoned players can predict the areas where the enemy is likely to amass supporting weaponry, and set this area as a target for a pre-planned strike. In other words, a pre-planned strike with heavy ornance is your best guarantee that the enemy troops will not be (or survive) at a given spot, at a set time. Also, using wide target for a strike might confuse the opponent, as he cannot be sure where exactly you are aiming... And who is stupid enough to start charging with infantry when there are 152mm rounds falling all over the place at random? [ March 03, 2003, 10:39 AM: Message edited by: Bone_Vulture ]
  12. Maybe the early '40-'41 models (sorry, didn't notice first that this was an early war battle). As for the rest of the thread, I'll align myself with the anti-whiners: what do you expect, charging face first a powerful, dug-in field gun positioned at a perfect vantage point?
  13. How on Earth can you kill nine T-34's with a 105mm piece? Or was it the recoilless rifle model, with ample HC ammo? Otherwise, I've got but one thing to say: "Those who wish to destroy AT guns use on-board mortars".
  14. Company / battalion leaders with a morale bonus are worth gold, since they can rally troops that have routed and fled back from the front. And remember: unless the HQ team is at least a veteran, attempting to rally broken/routed troops without a morale bonus will take aeons.
  15. This is about the skins for the models of SdKfz 6/1, 7/1, 7/2 and 10/4. Just wanted to be sure before installing 'em, since the readme.txt included the following line:
  16. Makes sense. But can the unit escape during the game, and how does this work? Is the distance to enemy / friendly untis a factor?
  17. A routed AT gun crew had this peculiar status, when viewed in the after game screen. How does the "unarmed" affect the game? Perhaps the unit's influence over a flag?
  18. Aww burn! Disrespecting poor grammar = high debate. :cool:
  19. Canister rounds? :confused: I know that the late war German 75mm inf gun usually comes with a bundle of HC rounds, those babies are handy when taking out light tanks, or hitting the flanks of heavier ones.
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