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Everything posted by Bone_Vulture

  1. Could I interest you in some hardcore material by Vanilla Ice (or V-Ice, as the fans who know he's "keepin' it real" call him) instead?
  2. Aye, the negative rarity really is a tough one to beat... Although I also favor the 150mm inf gun: moderate ROF, deadly against infantry, and with the aid of HC rounds, murderous against tanks!
  3. Yesh, Leutnant: set up an FTP on your computer, and we upload you the adult entertainment!
  4. Fine! I admit it! I've also done that. There's nothing more pleasing than watching the fireworks fall on empty trenches some 100 meters ahead.
  5. I love all of my German tanks, whenever they manage to knock out an enemy tank (happens once or twice in a month) I hate the Soviet tanks, that seem to have very long range optics installed secretly... Says the crew of my hull-down Marder that fell to the first round fired from a T-34/76 some 1000 meters away. :mad:
  6. *cue background music* Ice ice baby - too cold, too cold Somebody rang? :cool:
  7. Thus thread has now been officially sanctioned by no other than V-Ice himself. Thank you.
  8. I don't think "tank pushing" should be inmplemented, other than allowing infantry to help a bogged tank. This would be an abstraction of digging the dirt in front of the tank, placing planks under the treads etc. etc... Or maybe you could tow the tank free, with a heavy gun tractor maybe.
  9. Good point, MikeyD. Now that I thought of it, the tanks have usually been in low ground when bogged. I'll try using elevated trails.
  10. I've noticed that random bogging can happen in absurd conditions: when my friend was attacking with the Soviets, one of his KV-1's (with a 0.8 kg ground pressure) got bogged & immobilized on plain grass, under very dry weather conditions! :eek:
  11. I was wondering: are there some less obvious factors that affect the probability of a tank bogging? Meaning other than ground pressure, crossed terrain and weather? It is starting to bother me, as my assault/attack missions are foiled over and over again when my panzers (today it was a PzIVH) always get stuck in the mud. Or not mud, simply in plain grass with a "move" order and damp weather conditions.
  12. That sounds odd, considering the poorer range the recoilless rifles had, when compared to standard artillery pieces of the same caliber. But since you mentioned airborne/mountain units, I take it that the overall weight of the weapon is an important factor?
  13. Remember that most of the tanks in the game have a crap rotation speed: take advantage of this by buzzing past the turrets of enemy tanks. You might not have a chance to take a shot, but you're likely to succeed in hightailing for safety behind the ledges / tree lines.
  14. Fine, so it's a real bug. I'd really like to see that movie file...
  15. One time, my SS grenadiers grew wings and flew over enemy infantry, bombarding them with potato mashers.
  16. Also, a Stug IV I had purchased once appeared on the field as a "Super Stug", with 500/60 front armor, and a rail gun instead of the 75L48. And the computer surrendered immediately.
  17. Since the WW2 tanks weren't exactly the pinnacle of maneuverability, I'd wager no tank crew was insane enough to allow an invicible enemy armor at point blank tange just so they could attempt to immobilize it. If it was me, I'd rather spend the time shelling the enemy infantry, so my fellow foot troops could attempt to roll the tank.
  18. Thanks. I figured checking the properties of an existing wav file, and came to the same conclusion.
  19. Ok, got the program, but what about the file attributes? Format, sample rate, mono/stereo?
  20. Better yet, point us to a freeware program that can do the conversion easily.
  21. I didn't know homosexuals had minorities... Anyway: Ice ice baby, too cold too cold
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