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Everything posted by Bone_Vulture

  1. Add to that: if you can see the mines before running into them, they're of the daisy-chain variant. Also, I've noticed that aiming the mine field doesn't seem to work: the engineers can waste both satchels without any effect. This has happened in the latest version.
  2. Umm.... There's a tiny - no, scratch that - HUGE difference between air recon and ground attack planes.
  3. :eek: But enough of that. Don't you fools know that V-Ice has been "keepin' it real" since the.... Uh, early 70's?
  4. I wonder what kind of ground pressure the Maus would have? Somewhere around 1.5 in metric?
  5. Would you like to know more of the hardcore material made by Vanilla Ice (or V-Ice, as the devout fans who know he's "keepin' it real" like to call him)?
  6. Also you can fit your mech with heat sinks to improve the... Wait a sec, wrong game.
  7. I wonder, what was the idea of mixing different ammo types? Was it to make the gun salvos efficient against both infantry and armor, without the need of changing from a certain ammo type mag to another?
  8. Damn, that was actually funny. Does this thread need any.... Ice?
  9. Mere coincidence. I've seen it happen on several occasions. What sort of artillery were you using?
  10. As if you used an assload of artillery fire, just to pull up a smoke screen for the cover of a single MG...
  11. I'll say clips for the 20mm. What do you mean by "Kwk"?
  12. Remember: profile shots hit easy. Although the last time I had the side armor of a IS-2 well within the deadly range of 50 meters, the damn tank managed to survive two penetrations with a single crew casualty, and drive away! :mad:
  13. Well, the 88 is a big perk. No worrying about ricochets, unless you're planning on taking down a IS-2 or something. The 88mm rail gun will mow down anything lighter than that usually by the first shot. One of my usual TCP/IP opponents might remember the horrid battle where my 88mm AT gun managed to ambush a ISU-152 and two T-34's, blowing them all to smithereens in a single turn. :cool:
  14. Marders seem behave as freaking AP round magnets. I've witnessed three cases where a Marder is snuffed by a late T-34 around the range of 500 meters with first shot. I think Marders have potential in loose defensive anti-tank duties (light ground pressure, and pretty fast), and area denial. I wouldn't go attempting to out-maneuver any enemy tank with this egg shell.
  15. The chances of blasting a buttoned-up, closed top tank with mere hand grenades are very slim. I'd say you got extremely lucky.
  16. The pack's has a total size of around 60 megs! :eek: Since there aren't (oddly) any preview pics at CMMODS, could you folks please tell me whether this terrain pack is an improvement over the default terrain skins? How does it fare when compared to other terrain mods? :confused:
  17. What is so gamey about that? :confused: "Comrade Sergei, the great communist party doctrine and my Tokarev both order you to reman the field gun that you abandoned in a most immoral, bourgeois manner!"
  18. I still find it hard to understand why the remanning of abandoned guns/vehicles hasn't been modeled: it was possible in Steel Panthers: World At War, and hell - maybe even in the original SP?
  19. Do you have a save of the after-game overview? Any possibility that you could host it?
  20. Now that the "hull down over the hill" AT gun bug/exploit/tragedy has been discussed thoroughly, I'd like to point out an another suspicious feature. I've noticed that light guns with high ROF and accuracy - namely flaks and some tiny AT guns - are murderous against pillboxes. This is due to an almost constant flurry of firing slit penetrations after several "aiming" rounds. I can hoist a tiny 20mm flak to the edge of a forest patch, lure the pillbox into revealing it's position with infantry maneuvers and then have the bunker demolished in less than sixty seconds with salvos of hot flak ammo. Realistic or not? :confused:
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