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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Perhaps we need a subtile configuration for islands where a larger island (group) would have one or more tiles subdivided into four zones with a dissection boundary. You could then station four different SC units in one tile in the subtile configuration hidden from your opponent. Your opponent would only know that there was a garrison. Of course if you reveal the air or artillery assets through combat actions then of course they would be susceptible to attack. But leaving them hidden would require your opponent to bring the required assets to the battlezone to ensure success. There being the unknown of organizing a successful amphibious operation. If you don't have the proper invasion configuration vs the island garrison's assets you may invite defeat.
  2. Corrected the problem Hubert. I'm using the "quick" launch icon on the taskbar to activate the game and "knock on wood" the game seems to be behaving normally.
  3. Yeah Hubert...slow to user inputs, selecting and moving seems to have a delay. I'm still working with the Vista settings and have made some progress. I'll try to be more specific as I get a little more experience. No need for you to investigate yet unless you have other similar occurrences being reported in Vista. My old machine seems to run it fine, which is W2000pro OS.
  4. Ok, you know, we really don't need CAP, leave it as "intercept". When you select it, the intercept highlights the possible units for CAP, a right click returns to the game as it is now with the general intercept rule. If the player wishes at the highlight he will left click in succession the units designated for CAP, the first right click is the first priority unit to receive CAP. 2nd right click, 2nd priority, 3rd...well you get the drill. Now the opposition won't be able to soak off a specific designated CAP unless he get's lucky and figures right. Additionally he won't want to use his bombers or TAC without escort since he'll be unable to determine if there is a specific CAP.
  5. Don't forget Trieste and Trento divisions. However ineffective the Italian AFVs are they did have numerous ones. Perhaps a starting 5 strength Tank Corps, but now let's have more US armor like 2 more Tank Corps. I saw the Poles and Canadians get an Armored Corps each, I'm wondering if this is the Free Poles and when they would see activation, anyone know?
  6. There in is the real beauty of SC, a game that can actually be completed many times over against other humans in a reasonable amount of time. What's reasonable? That is each persons definition, but in most real life situations many SC strategies can be pursued over and over again with significant variation. Gives you kind of a feeling of conclusional success. I like that, something I usually didn't experience when initiating the Mega-games.
  7. Its easy to get the Italians into the game and be effective, you must plan accordingly as Tigerskorn has reflected upon. Now this won't happen early, plan for 42, this is when you'll need them the most anyway. Effective planning allows them to be viable into 44 and 45 for opposing any Allied NA incursions as a blocking force, buying time for the real warriors to appear.
  8. HvS, examining WW2 amphibious operations you'll find that very few landings were actually repelled. Only one I can think of is Dieppe and the reason being is not enough force was brought to the LZ to guarantee success, ie. it was not persecuted to be successful. Here is the key and this is what I see developing for a Pacific theater game. When assaulting a landing zone, island, whatever from the sea, the exact force composition of the defending source is not always known. It is up to the amphibious taskforce to bring along enough assets to ensure victory and that is what the unknown should reflect when conducting such operations. Now are you getting an idea of how the mechanics of Pacific island conquests should be modelled.
  9. Ha! So right DD. Sort of "be careful what you wish for". Well.... I was.....and .....HC delivered. SC editor is, at the moment, the pinnacle of wargaming strategic scope development. What TOAW was for the operational level, SC is for the strategic. My congratulations to Hubert and all those that assisted. A job well done, which I must remind everyone is a somewhat rare commodity in this day and age.
  10. Amen Bill! This is like an old familiar girlfriend that has somehow become more appealing, like a whole new attitude and body, the same, but way different.
  11. I would also like to see engineers have an enhanced de-entrenching attack factor and possibly extending rails for operations. If we could get a good supply model that adheres to road movement efficiency and the ability to cut roads with paras/air/SFs at river crossings then indeed we have another feature for engineers to negate.
  12. The counter to Terif's surprises or anyone else is LR tech applied to bombers = recon.
  13. I believe there is an announcement in the future referring to just such a campaign. Was it Matt or Moon who mentioned, check the threads, possibly the demo announcement one.
  14. OK I've had this happen also, the War Map button was grayed out, inoperative. In Vista I ran as Administrater and the problem went away also the saves I had disappeared. Now if I leave the game up and go away for awhile it reverts(like sleep mode) to the task bar and can't be reopened. Have to use Task Manager to shut the game down and restart. If I use the "esc" key to put it on the taskbar it restores normally. Obviously I'm not real familiar with Vista yet so some of this may be my ignorance. One thing about Vista is it has some beautiful graphics, but "Damn it Man" I'm lost in cyberspace.
  15. I'm running Vista with a Radeon 8600 card on a brand new Dell Vostro laptop and yes, the game is running slow. I can get some improvement switching to lower resolutions and 16 bit colors but it still seems a bit slow and actually gets slower the longer I run in any mode. Not a gamebreaker. I fired up a couple of the smaller campaigns, like Kursk and Uranus and it took a pretty good while for the AI to complete its turn. Presently I'm testing hotseat playing both sides trying out all sorts of different mechanics, no CtDs yet.
  16. Me thinks we need another selection for the fighter menu. Let's call the new action, "CAP" with the designated tile coordinates typed in or left click select "CAP" and the possibilities are highlighted or flashing, followed by another right click to designate the CAP tile. The selected unit will now only intercept any enemy air unit performing a mission on the designated CAP tile, unbeknown to your opponent.
  17. Yep, I thought that was a bug in SC2 also. Turns out it is a feature. Think, Battle of the Bulge, Von Der Heydte's drop behind US lines to prevent northern US reinforcements from entering the campaign area. Done in bad weather, when the other combat air forces were of little use. Not very effective combat wise, but of great psychological effect tying down US forces looking for roving bands of FJs.
  18. No not targul, Jim Cobb, alias Bismark, check the Wargamer. Longblade hired him.
  19. Sounds like JG has got the Allied side down if he can just exercise a little discipline. Timelines are sound, strategic realization about supply interdiction incorporated. Now get those Russian bombers some LR in late 43 for good recon, then you can strike, but make sure you coordinate with WA incursions. The word is reconnoitred patience.
  20. Jim's going to give us a direct comparison of WaW vs CEaW, sighting the best of both engines. Might be kind of neat if Hubert and Johan collaborated on the Global Wargame.
  21. Are we being confrontational again SO? Hey, I don't know about anyone else, but I just did a little study in Sub hunting for WaW. Let me say that it is now pretty expensive for the Allied navies to find and kill the initial starting Uboats. Damn things dive and evade air attacks until they're weakened and only the DDs can sniff them out effectively using the "corral" technique. UK starting with only two DDs makes a good incentive to break out the other two(SS) into the North Sea. There are makings of extreme havoc if the Germans pursue this strategy.
  22. Don't fret guys, we're all subject(ive) to tunnel vision at times. Opinionated animals...these humans be. Luckily this is just about a game.
  23. Jolly, if you're worried about Sealion, buy and use that engineer first around London. If you can get two forts(garrisoned) adjacent to London port pre-SL you can almost assure denying the Germans a port for landing and subsequent prosecuting an invasion northward. Ie...Seelowe avoided!
  24. Now don't sound so excited SO, we might get the feeling you're getting optimistic on us!
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