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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. You guys need to get with "The Flow" and embrace the improvement SC WaW is. Unlike Terif's original assessment, I believe WaW shows at least if not more flexibility for diverse campaigns. I have had several good conflicts revolve around the Persian Gulf area/access and in the expanded Scandanavian region. Sure...they don't eclipse the main regions, but if left ignored by either player there can be some substantial potential problems arise. I think the expanded regions serves to dilute out the additional unit density to a greater degree than SC2, making for conflicts all over the SC WaW map.
  2. To all my SC brethren, a most joyous New Year and a very Merry Christmas.
  3. Most awesome....special thanks for the road negating supply penalty. Ohh and maybe for the next one...that is if needed, we could have the liberty of more than 2 strikes in the editor for any designated unit. Thanks, Again
  4. You're right Robert, but just a little refinement of your idea, if I may. Only Infantry Corps or Special Forces(read Marines) should be allowed the attack feature from amphibious mode. This is also a perfect opportunity to enhance the amphibious tech relevance to motivate the players to actually invest in the tech. Its useless at the moment. How many of you actually invest in Amphibious technology? I never have.
  5. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get some more information on the sprites. Like morale, readiness, supply, and possibly experience, along with the names. It wouldn't have to be actual numbers but say a red square for less than 50%, green above, you know color coded. I still prefer the icon change with the tech levels and silhouettes for air and naval, but the nato symbols work great for infantry, paras, SF, artillery, AT and AA. The little wheels would appear for upgraded motorized versions.
  6. Prepare selection is to allow the Paratroop unit to exercise its "jump"..deployment feature the following turn.
  7. So there you are, from the lips of an eyewitness, you can't take the place unless you commit the proper resources. In SC that means some other theater will be compromised. You go to war with what you got....not what you wish you had.
  8. AtH, think of your subs as being in a revolving door...or some kind of pattern. Get 4 going at sea and one in the Q, keeping them evenly spaced(or not) in the Atlantic, dipping into the convoy routes from time to time. Now examine their rotation, adjust as needed, and how your opponent reacts to their raidings and set your traps with the Luftwaffe and KM surface forces.
  9. lparkh, SC is a game in constant metamorphosis, just when you think you've got a good understanding of the features, it changes. The game is full of unpublished idiosyncracies and the players will come up with all sorts of ways to abuse the engine. My conclusion...after ..what ..like 5 years of playing....is: "You just never know" :confused: Just like life.
  10. Now... is the time for Sealion, unfortunately the Axis airgroups and air assault units are out of position. Not likely they can regroup in time, but 2 FJs and 2 SFs are unaccounted for as well as the Kriegsmarine.
  11. Timskorn, Childress, and Lars have it, this is a strategic game, there are abstractions for realistic simulations. Example: We all know what happen in France, 1944, after breaking out in the aftermath of Cobra, the subsequent Mortain counter, 3rd Army Avranches dash, and the ensuing Falaise pocket the German Armies seemingly failed to exist as a combat force in this scale. Essentially in SC terms they were eliminated, but there was a reformation at the Siegfried Line after the retreat, and that is possible with the current SC engine. So in my humble opinion the simulation, although not specifically correct, creates the atmosphere of the required effect. Nice dialogue, but we've been here, me thinks the creator has moved beyond this feature.
  12. All we need is a tile that looks like water, or a corral reef, or a beach, etc. that can only be entered by a unit in amphibious mode, sort of like a port is now. The difference is that the amphib can unload in that tile and attack from that tile and move into the unoccupied tile when the defender is vanquished. Sure, the enemy could put his own amphib in the tile, but wouldn't that be smart, one or two bombardments from BBs or an attack by a CAG would be the end of it.
  13. Actually places like Malta and Gibraltar are easier to neutralize in WaW then in SC2. Sure, it requires an investment of resources that maybe more useful elsewhere, but that is your decision Herr General. My usual MO is to reduce these southern fortresses in the wintertime when bad weather is predominant on the continent as it gives my airforces something to do, but the operational costs are significant.
  14. JonS..JonS...JonS...just can't get there can you. Ok, not my problem, I guess my vision is a little wider than yours....and that's OK. Try to think of a Corps or an Army as just an organized bunch of combat units, and hey..I'm not limiting this discussion to just those SC units, you can include the special forces also or others. You know in WW2 there were Armies and Corps command structures that sometimes didn't have any combat abilities, no assigned combat troops. Your defining the SC corps by some historical facts(TO&E) for UK corps as an example, but these are SC corps, not UK corps. We're the armed force organizers in SC, not some General Staff from some country of a bygone era, we just operate loosely under that era's guidelines. So we're somewhere between nothing and your generic UK corps in concept of command. Of course the time element of an SC turn or the operational scale, remember there is a lower scale capability in SC scenarios, precludes any possibility of an airlift from a friendly set of airfields in one location to another? There's that "smell" again. There were just not enough DC3s to supply West Berlin during the blockade...ok so what if it was 1948? Think in terms of tonnage movement capability over a week..a month. Maybe it just wasn't expedient in terms of necessity for WW2 operations, doesn't mean it wasn't possible. SC is about "what if". It's not for you or I to decide, unless we're the players, they decide. Its up to the game mechanics to make it feasible, as it was done IRL, but perhaps not to your imagined scale...but to mine or theirs.
  15. Yep Bill...that is what I mean to say. Plenty of evidence now that I'm into 1944. First noticed it when reinforcing a 5 ribbon Red Artillery unit and the 5th ribbon went 1/2 gray when I increased the stength to 11. Now that I'm aware, it happens all the time....just letting the rest of you guys know so you'll be enlightened...as I was.
  16. OK...so you're the decider on the size of the mission taskforce based on generic TO&E for a UK Corps? I thought our SC units were a little more abstract than that, not to mention how real life combat teams are put together. :eek: So we have strict definitions in an abstract game? :confused: Hmmm.....I smell sea creatures rotting.
  17. Sounds like the RN has stayed at home, no Norway incursion by Allies. A subliminal African campaign? So it seems to me...the envelop please. No Sealion........for 40.
  18. Not only will their experience play havoc with your fighters, they could be overstrength as well with elite reinforcements. Has anyone noticed but the use of elite reinforcements actually degrades your experience level just like normal reinforcements. Go figure.
  19. Air unit has ground support mechanism even though it will not cause you casualties, they will defend. The air support base is probably entrenched to some degree and they are of higher morale and readiness then your abused forces. You're going to have to get some troops in there with a little resolve to tackle those improved positions around the airfields. Otherwise those lazy a..holes you have abused will issue you a one fingered salute when you give them orders to attack. Better get in there and show them some support, else they will never take the place.
  20. OK a corps by airlift, that is what you said ...right? Including airborne operations, D-Day and Market Garden,...oh but you meant landing and debarking from airfields right? Does this mean the assets are available, but it just wasn't done that way? So, it is impossible to supply a corps through airlift WW2 operations, any contingent, within the timeframe of an SC turn? Well I guess you have a greater in depth grasp of the potential of WW2 airlift operations than what I assumed was possible in my exposure to history. Guess I missed it....damn human fallible qualities! Then abstractly thinking, I guess in the context of SC, we couldn't even begin to acknowledge the possible beginning of an airlift that may extend for two plus turns in WW2 that would accomplish the feat? If so, how do you represent the beginning in SC terms, a corps at 1/2 strength, 1/3, 1/4, another unit type(SF) or we just conclude..."it can't be done"?
  21. Failure or not there were a lot of supplies flown in and wounded brought out, not to mention extending the campaign longer than normally possible. Good referal to the sub supply model, Japs did that a lot in the Pacific.
  22. Tell you what Retri...I am "flippin out"....about how good this game is getting. This freaking WaW expansion is awesome and we are so close to a global version......well....I can smell it!
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