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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. I have noticed strategic bombers taking an inordinate amount of damage from naval vessel attacks that were not intercepted, usually around 2 strength points. IMO if they are not attacking a CV and are not intercepted they should probably not take any damage other than the + or - (1) random. This is because they usually represent a high altitude attack of which naval WW2 vessels had very little impact on with their low level AA guns.
  2. Its simple dodge, the ai calculates the least APs to get to your final designated tile for that movement. Sometimes it doesn't follow the road tiles exactly because it won't matter, its the same amount of APs. Roads are beneficial when moving through terrain that costs more APs than clear and during periods of inclement weather, like mud. Hopefully we will get a supply calculation from the use of more efficient movement networks, like roads and railways. If you get the bundle you'll never be in need of a human opponent. There is a vast community and you will have a great time testing your strategies against them and from what I hear a competent AI also. Welcome to the world of SC. [ November 08, 2007, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  3. Have to agree with arado, good example with Midway. I'll mention Pearl Harbor which allowed the Japanese to run unchecked for at least 6 months. There could have been many more examples but as has been noted most of the participants were very cautious in the use of their capital naval assets. Good reasons too. Subs/DDs were expendable.
  4. This is exactly what is needed to evolve this scenario into a viable SC campaign. Great feedback John. Hopefully, soon I will be starting a game against one of my usual human opponents as we'll need that perspective also. Hope to see more postings on this campaign as it should replace FW as the primary SC competitive basis. Multi-player will raise the bar to a new team level of contested bragging rights, looking forward to the new age of SC.
  5. 1. Already addressed, situation obsolete with intro of AAA units, sure to be patched. 2. To early for conclusion other than UK capital moves to Canada instead of Egypt. Scripts take care of this. 3. Allow German HQs to attach 7 units instead of 6 and buy minor HQs. 4. Italians can take Tunisia and Algeria early unless RN intervenes and takes a beating. Later around beginning Barby they can take Yugo and Greece with a little help from Germans. Now Italians are viable and can threaten NA and ME with some German help, all this by 42. When Allies come to Africa, Italians can defend by 43. [ November 06, 2007, 04:08 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  6. Go take a look at NWS Supremacy at Sea for a true naval experience formatted in a game. Wait for porting to WaW and some tweaking, it'll get better. In the mean time try ASW tech for the Japanese.
  7. A consideration is more than adequate Hubert, thanks. If you get to the point of coding then maybe you could anticipate a further request to represent secondary tracks/roads that would be more susceptible to weather conditions. The main road tiles for our strategic scale SC campaigns of course represent all weather road networks, but for the smaller, operational level campaigns the secondary road networks could be very useful/realistic to modders. Oh yeah....don't forget the rails for supply considerations.
  8. rich12545 you can do the DLs. I'm on dialup also and I do my downloads overnight. Got the WaW demo, got the 1.08 patch, even got the SC2+expansion. Sometimes it takes 11 hours. Have patience, set it up and go to bed. Next morning perform the installation. Occasionally I have to do it twice as I'll catch a disconnect or a corruption during the first download. So what, its two days out of a lifetime and I'm asleep anyway. Didn't miss a thing.
  9. I'm beating this drum loud. Supply needs to be enhanced along those major road networks for realism purposes. It is almost a necessity for the lower scale games especially NA. I suppose you could make each road tile clear terrain, but then there are the weather effects. Hubert...any chance you can code this easily?
  10. Actually Otto I think your suggestion is realistically a conclusion that may have happened. Initially there would have been a great reaction from US government and population, then things would have settled down. As time went on movement by the State department and Congress should have slowly ratcheted things up. News reports and propaganda would serve to escalate the rising tension as the Axis move further along on the island conquest. So in keeping with that what if, yes a big jump at first, then a lower percent each turn with an increase as the UK resists, the longer the better for USA/USSR readiness. This provides the incentive for the UK to resist as long as possible. If UK abandons the Isle then the big jump occurs, but later with no resistance, USA/USSR readiness slows to its usual crawl. Historians...what do you think.....where's Jersey when we need him?
  11. I sure would like to see some MWiF type unit counters for SC. I like the regular nato designations for land units, but the silhouettes for the naval and air.
  12. You've instigated a thought A234. Supply! That is the key, always has been for the NA campaign. Until USA is activated to 100% and fully committed to providing its Merchant Marine force to enhance Egyptian supply it should remain low say at 50% efficiency. When USA reaches entry level the supply should go to 60% giving the Allies' HQs 10 supply, but not so high that Axis strategic bombing and interdiction could not reduce it. Similarly if the Axis reduce Malta by occupation then their supply efficiency should also increase to 60% allowing for 10 HQ supply in Libya.
  13. Do I have to dig up my old parameters for different levels of amphib tech? I hope not....they weren't that good. But...A BIG BUTT....all amphibs should be limited to the corps size infantry unit and now we have the special forces also.
  14. I knew it, a mega patch, I'll never get around to modding anything with all these scenarios to play.
  15. Man this is great, 4 pages for the initial tourney of WaW. You new guys are going to love these dynamics, HtH. Now everyone remember, especially you veterans, be on the look out for inconsistencies with SC2, as I'm sure WaW is in need of some tweaking. Post your observations.
  16. Yep, it seems the Italians enter earlier then in SC2 whether you move Med assets or not. Perhaps the scripts were changed to a greater % possibility.
  17. I see no reason why egr in fortification building mode or paras in prep phase should not perhaps get an air defense bonus simulating addition AAA asset allocation. The players would then have the option to enhance those assets with the proximity of the AAA unit. Sorry Terif I believe "SE" is a nuance of SC, perhaps it has gotten a little severe, I have not experienced it to that degree yet. I believe in the premise and it is up to SC players to deduce its negative effect and take the proper action. You do remember what happens to most soldiers that were "on the point" in WW2? Now don't give me this is a whole corps thing, it is a simulation of a tactical effect. I never put a unit "out there" I'm not willing to lose.
  18. I haven't had a chance to test the UK defensive possibilities yet, but I see no reason to doubt Sombra's conclusion, he is after all an SC veteran, not to mention Terif's corroboration. I have always had some apprehension about the UK move to Egypt and always felt the move to Canada would be a more accurate simulation of the WW2 event in the case of a successful Seelowe. I know we've had this debate before and I understand the necessities for balanced gameplay. There is also the case with India in proximity(water route) of Egypt(as well as other ME assets) that a decent stand could be made there (Egypt) by the reorganized Commonwealth forces. It should however be an if/then situation and readily hang in the balance for both contestants to conquer the ME and Africa, as it was IRL. It should be up to the investment and players' gameskill to dictate the successful endeavor. Pzgndr has made the case for the Siberians. USA homeguard is a nonissue as it is only activated on a gamey landing by Axis forces which would not have happened in any kind of force necessary for capitulation in the SC timeframe.
  19. Agree with HvS, the RN is under represented in FW. Sombra is right AAA makes invisibility of Egr/Paras obsolete. Now for the defensive bonus in "Surprise Encounters". I completely agree that the AI would be at a disadvantage with this feature on, but IRL it is an accurate presentation of the aspects of combat and recon. I don't think it has been changed for WaW and I see no reason to change it now for HtH games. The offense has enough tools at its disposal currently.
  20. I have to weigh in here on the side of not having any invisible units. I understand why they were created that way, but I'm sorry, fortifications, especially during construction, are pretty hard to hide. Paras usually have to organize for a drop on an airfield, numerous airfields at this scale. And let's face it, airfields are very hard to hide. Its only now that they can actually make a tank seem invisible, much less extensive fortifications and airfields. Go figure!
  21. Good fix Hubert, let the subs pass through(excepting DDs) when "silent" mode is activated and then elligible for combat in the "hunt" selection. Surprise encounters can only happen when subs are in "hunt" mode or found by DDs in "silent" mode. I would say that if DDs disclose a sub in silent mode, the DDs should get the first shot at causing damage.
  22. Thanks DD. And indeed I am contemplating a mod, but as I did with SC2, I'm kind of waiting for a stabilization of the mechanics. Never got to that point in SC2, with patch after patch, then the announcement of WaW expansion, and now another reference to "global" SC. So....I'm kind of in SC limbo mode...although I have played your African campaign and I've got some ideas to turn it into PanzerArmee Africa. Thing is, I need supply to be enhanced along road tiles, like 1AP for tracing or additional HQ linkage, something I can work with to create the supply model that existed in NA. Movement allowance will have to be greatly increased, they were 60 and 40(for Italians) in the original game. The units are there, the map is beautiful, but still the supply hurdle. I guess I need to dabble. Anyway Mods was the whole reason for getting that new Dell.
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