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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Bah rleete, those were the SC-less days, we showed when SC did. We are the SC disciples.
  2. Hey Liam did you notice the seemingly quicker pace at which the German air units accumulate experience? Haven't played the Allies side yet. Is it my imagination.?.....by the time I was out of France, all three Fighters(Me 109+110) had 3 ribbons and the Stukas were at 2 and a half.
  3. Stop being a perfectionist HC, you've done a brilliant job with this series. Really... I kind of feel a bit petty just mentioning it. Its simple to avoid, just don't cycle and go to the big map to observe which units are still flashing to see who hasn't moved. Besides, there's bigger fish to fry in the Pacific.
  4. Be careful with that cycling issue HC, I've had numerous SC2 games CtD when using that option.
  5. Man... those two strike Panzergruppen rock. I know what I'm buying and researching first as Germany.
  6. I might add that map scrolling is disabled when auto-assist HQ selection is activated to attach units. This doesn't allow observation of all possible attachments without deselecting HQ. In which case, then you can adjust map view. Good observations aesopo.
  7. Hey DD, good to see you posting again. You are possibly correct with the WaW applications to the Pacific and I'm sure the modders will help hash this out. Here's the thing. Many vets on this forum have diplayed some displeasure with the current SC naval model. Now I've been kind of on the fence but as I am now intially beginning to think about the mechanics to take SC to the next level, ie the Pacific, I'm leaning into their camp. The amphibious nature of the theater as well as the naval-air relationship coupled with the island supply interaction probably dictates a severe deflection from the present code. I have some ideas, rudimentary at best, but I'm looking for additional realism as I'm sure my well meaning colleagues would appreciate also. So this thread was to develop some creative juices with referral to some ongoing naval game advancements, if the present SC WaW model proves defficient.
  8. So....are we in favor of an AI assisted feature that includes organizing your own convoys and task forces?
  9. Exactly PM, naval units represent a task force. Think of them as a multi-vessel organization around the primary unit from which it gets its designation.
  10. PM, yes. What do you want to sail, a dingy or a yacht? This is the slip where the yacht resides.
  11. SC is like an old plain jane Chevy at first glimpse, nothing special........ until you open the hood. Kind of like my Buicks, vanilla Regals, black and white.....but as the hood creaks to revelation. Custom made, balanced and blueprinted, 3.8 liters, 231 cubic inches of sheer power with an elegant touch. "Going Fast with Class" sums up the gameplay and experience.
  12. This is so weird.... so coincidental. Its a different Tony!
  13. I know this is really way to early, but somehow, something, has been gnawing at me. This is obviously the next step, but for some reason I haven't a grasp on the naval aspects from a previously played wargame in my background. I'm trying to get a connection of some good naval warfare simulations that could be adopted to the SC realm. Its not that I haven't been searching, it just seems nothing is good enough ........... until ......... well I'm still not sure. Alright...last night in a delusion of fever (i have the flu) I hallucinated about a game...a naval game, strategic, but operational, with an AI, to help me, to unravel the micromanagement. What was the vision??? Where did it go?? I searched....that's it, remember..."The Search". Finally... a fifty five page PDF downloaded file describing the mechanics...could it be. I don't know, you guys....maybe...., just maybe it will help to focus on the mechanics necessary for the Coming. NWS-online...Supremacy at Sea? JDF...where are you...you know???? JDF2 tell us!
  14. Ha! A ...Legendary......Failure. Does this mean no "Volume 2"???? "America loves a winner and won't tolerate a loser"
  15. And xwood, WtH, we're all family here. I respect your opinion as well as everyone else's here, and you have been the origin of many excellent ideas. I especially like the idea of coastal fortifications having the ability to return naval fire. Besides, your English is excellent, much better that most of these so called Americans running around here. Anyway us Texicans don't speak English, so I'm not much of a judge.
  16. You know we're never going to get this expansion out if you guys keep coming up with such great ideas. Let's leave it for the Pacific SC and maybe some patches to WaW to try out. Now bring on WaW!
  17. Bad luck my @ss, the defenders put up fierce resistance. :cool: Now tell me that's not normal or at least a possibility.
  18. You guys have got to get past this relationship of a unit's strength points being the soldiers getting killed, wounded or missing and all their equipment being destroyed. It is simply a measurement of combat effectiveness and it is eroded when you are under heavy bombardment such as that represented by the naval units. The unit can't return fire, ....as effective, their ability to communicate with higher commands is impeded, they become disoriented, there is much smoke and debris....need I go on? :confused: As far as the way naval movement is handled. Ever hear about the similarities of tanks moving about the desert compared to ships on the ocean? How bout fog being forests of limited intelligence and sea storms that are like mountains, ever hear of waves being like rough terrain? A one week naval battle...give me a break, this may only represent a chance meeting of naval units on a single sortie in that weeks' time frame. You have just stated how rare they are. It could also be a combat patrol that happens upon chance meetings numerous occasions during the week to month game turn period during a longer mission. Tell me about how this didn't happen in WW2 naval scenarios? Sorry, I guess our present day education system has completely befuddled the development of imagination, but at least you all know how to be politically correct.
  19. You are right on A234. SC is not about a literary definition of an actuality, it is about abstraction of an effect. You have presented the case well and I am in full agreement and this is a really old discussion we've been having for about 4 years. Sorry Baron, learn to think outside the box, in abstract terms and realize what SC has accomplished on a grand scale is not the details of the smaller ones. Units of this scale are never completely destroyed, they are rendered "combat ineffective".
  20. Understand that the war is won or lost in the East and so is SC. That does not mean you can totally ignore the WA(western Allies). If WA extend themselves into Scandanavia or NA(North Africa) then indeed you will have an opportunity for Sealion, just keep tabs on the RN. You will need 5 air units and the FJ for the invasion of the British Isle, so build your air oriented units first. Even if RN stays around the Island these assets will be needed later on in the East. The main thing is keep the WA honest in the early years and don't allow them to exploit your weaknesses dictating the initiative. If WA defend the Island, then move to NA and Mideast and be in position with the appropriate assets for a southerly thrust into the USSR via Caucasus. Do not allow WA to divert you from the USSR early invasion, May 41. You must take at least Kiev and Smolensk by the first winter, after that it will depend on Red Army deployments, but you'll at least be in position to move north, south or east in the next campaign season. Now you have your marching orders....get after it!
  21. Terif is right, if you really want it...do it. But to let SC take you where it wants to go, diversify your investments. Put 1 chit in the things that you would like. When you get a hit follow up with additional investment and pursue the strategy that SC gives you. Later as the game progresses into 45, 46, 47, you'll be investing in most everything anyway. Most countries will be conquered or joined, most units will be built, excepting naval. Realize the beauty of SC, you can develop all kinds of different strategies, and if you prosecute them efficiently, you'll be in an enjoyable game. Isn't that really what its all about?
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