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Battlefront is now Slitherine Ă—


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Don't hunt subs unless you are only one tech level behind. If Uboats are at advanced 2 then wait till your at ASW 1. Get LR for your carriers, these are the sub spotters. Spot them and then surround them(w/DDs) without being adjacent, they can spot one tile. Hopefully when they move they'll run into you and you get surprise bonus, in other words be passive until you've caught up in ASW tech. You can force their movement by putting a TF next to them, but you'll likely get attacked and lose substantial strength. I'd advise using a DD in this capacity and only on last resort. Remember you can expand your MPP usage by researching IT and PT. Hang in there...you'll figure it out.
  2. Are you advocating "Gunboat Diplomacy" a234? I'll bet you even have a "Teddy" bear.
  3. Look, I've said this before, surrounded and completely cut off are not synonymous. Take a page out of the encyclopedia of real life, ever hear of a completely isolated environment excepting theoretical terms? Ever hear of smuggling? Is it possible that the resident soldiers could, after being temporarily incapacitated, somewhat recovery and even resist when actually wounded and rejuvenated? Nahhh...could never happen...totally unrealistic. And DD, I concur, I should hope I live long enough to ever finish a game of WiF.....I'll be triple digits. :cool:
  4. You know Ludi, I like that suggestion, perhaps Uboats should take a possible 1 point damage on raiding convoy lines if......and only if the nations on either end have ASW tech. Percentage chance goes up the higher the ASW tech level. And Ludi, CVs can spot and damage subs in ports and on the open ocean, don't need DDs to divulge them, it just takes the proper force mix.
  5. Count the tiles from the supply source, if you are greater number of tiles away(Mtns/swamps count for 2)then the actual supply level(% efficiency/10) of the source then your HQ supply = max 5. So if source(city or port) is at 50%, your HQ can be no more than 4 tiles away for an 8 supply rating (40% = 3 tiles...30% = 2 tiles, etc). If the source is 60% or more and you are within the dictated range then your HQ will have 10 supply rating. The units then count to the HQ using the same pattern for the source to HQ rule to obtain their expected supply level(8Hq-3 tiles away=5) and thus their readiness® and morale(M) effectiveness, (HQ attachment helps also R & M values). Simple...eh?
  6. No...but there are pdf files for reference to new features and conditions. Be advised VC there are nuances in this game that will never be written. Kind of like, "The Big Game", live, play and learn.
  7. Take notes TH, the consequences of a DoW are not necessarily in any manual. The diplomacy screen is a good place to start. It is a fine art...this diplomacy.
  8. Tiger is right, early emphasis on building strategy provides greatest flexibility. That is the key to SC, flexibility. As you try and dictate the pace eventually your good opponent will grab the initiative. This is the crucial phase as you must respond appropriately to counter him. Sometimes arresting the momentum will take a little time and patience, and you must be prepared to conduct your operations during the interim period too lessen the damage. So as you can sum up, you can have a plan, but be forwarned those best laid plans won't survive the initial engagement if it is of any consequence.
  9. Hubert, I have had good results with this naval model, its just a matter of who gets surprised. I ran a short engagement off Casablanca between two level 3 subs with 2 ribbons, going against 4 destroyers, 2 CVs, and 1 BB and 1 Ca all with level 2 ASW and not any experience. When the RN and RCN ran into the subs they received anywhere from 4 to 8 strength losses depending on the type, DDs suffering least. I ran into the subs with transports and amphibs and they died. When the subs ran into the DDs a whole different pattern emerged as they took anywhere from 3 to 6 damage diving mostly when follow up attacks by the CVs. The DDs took maybe 2 or 3 strength hits at the most. It was even possible for the Ca and BB to finish them off when down to 1 or 2 strength points. The subs never resurfaced more than 2 tiles from the emergency dive tile and many times the DDs picked them up when they surfaced as they(DDs) were arrayed in echelons. Needless to say if their dive wasn't successful in evasion they sunk quickly. My main question would be, how far can WW2 subs run submerged in terms of SC tiles? Reason being if they could move a 100 miles and SC tile=50 then the model is accurate. If they can run 200 miles underwater then they need to resurface 4 tiles away or less depending on a % experience or maybe tech level driven or perhaps damage dependent. Now level 5 subs with schnorkels may get a half a dozen tiles in the perimeter resurfacing zone. I haven't researched it yet, but a larger perimeter would undermine the "corral" technique as it is still kind of in play with the two tile max. But needless to say this new model is a quantum leap forward. [ November 13, 2007, 07:16 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  10. Alright time for my 2. I'm into summer 42 modelling the sub vs surface Atlantic combat scene and I have to say, its beautiful. Really ...really well done Hubert and betas. Yes you can get caught and hurt big time with whole task forces sunk in a meeting engagement, just depends on who runs into who. Your naval forces out there on active patrol, maybe getting a little to aggressive, just a wee bit overstepping a competent plan...... Well..... KABOOM!!! Your dead! I might add as it should be. Now those high tech subs are dreadfully efficient....all the better to get yourself some ASW...or bare the consequences(refer to caps above). But if your a smart RN admiral and you figure where those subs are cycling to for supply or raiding (like you don't get some clues) .....well lets just say the wolves become the sheep, even if your a tech level behind or so. Ha! First to shoot gets to apply the boot, squashing your Kriegsmarine uboats like cockroaches, with vary nearly a damaged hull here or there. Yepper ....them DDs applied like a swarm of wasps puts some mighty nasty welts on those poor uboat mariners, but then again.....? Yes sir turnabout is fair play and they are sneaky and if you didn't bring enough naval assets, well them sharks can bite back and steal away baby.....steal away! Talk about stealing...poor UK gets ravished, I'm talking down to a mere 40 MPPs per turn...OUCH! Axis on their way, those knobbyhealed boots stomping all over continental Europe..... But payback is hell......and competently driven, the Allies will be back....and hell is coming with them. Once again...HC and the gang...great job... It just feels right! [ November 12, 2007, 08:38 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  11. Congratulations TH, many of the vets here will help you to become competitive in no time at all. Oh.... and by the way...down here in Texas we don't mistake sea monkeys for crabs. Perhaps you meant "See Monkeys" which are akin to Sheople.
  12. Thing is David, these little islands don't need to produce MPPs, just give them a % efficiency to provide a semblance of supply, like SC North African ports and villages. Once we can get Hubert to have a link represented by the rail mechanism in WaW then connected islands can go up to say 80%. These tiles could be water or land or however represented(modded) to produce a communication net and provide a supply system that can be interdicted. Air attacks, naval bombardments, special force raiding parties, and submarines can all serve to attack "The Net" and isolate areas as was actually done. If you start with a properly composed infrastructure overlayed on the Map the rest will be easy. Get the foundation mechanics worked out first and all else will fall in place with an extensive, flexible plan. This is the way I approach all my real life projects and I never fail.
  13. David, glad you are thinking about the changes as I to long for that Pacific feel of island hopping. Forget Wiki, totally lacking, instead let me send you to the Matrixgames website. There is a game there called "War in the Pacific" by Gary Grigsby. Observe that map, memorize that map, duplicate that map for the Pacific Theater. I believe Hubert has come very close with the WaW mechanics of providing for an accurate Pacific WW2 simulation. There will need to be some enhancements and we'll have to be imaginative, but the time has come for SC to dwell in the Pacific.
  14. Not at all, refer to the AARs and the tournaments that are widely held and finished.
  15. Look its simple, we have the CV aspects that are necessary it's just a matter of tweaking the effects to the CTVs especially Naval tech. Enhancement of naval tech increases SA, NA, RA, CA, CD and DE/DM levels for CVs. You'll now have 4 categories of research to enhance carrier prowess, ASW, AA, LR, and NT. You could possibly even make a case for AT as it is applied to TAC bombers for the CAG attacks. Now do you see why only the richest nations on the planet can employ Carrier Battlegroups.
  16. Yeah Robert, you go, tell the Japs at Guadalcanal that the Marines weren't good defenders(Battle of Tenaru River). Enough of that fallacy, now I have to bring up that interdiction of supply and neutralization of enemy asset islands was a big part of Carrier TF operations. The best example is the huge central Japanese naval-air base of Truk in the Caroline Islands. This was the main support structure for most of the central and south Pacific Japanese defense perimeter and it was totally neutralized by CV hit and run tactics. Invasion was never needed. [ November 11, 2007, 08:15 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  17. Man TH, don't mess around, start PC strategy right away. No dust collecting on the maps/counters not to mention the occasional upsets due to cats, wind, earthquakes, etc. This is an easy transition, the UI is very intuitive. Don't believe me... try the demo and then order the package SC2+WaW. Your going to absolutely love PBEM, especially the Global versions, but the operational scales are wonderful against the AI. You're not getting any younger and if you've missed out up to now and been a boardgamer all these years, time to embrace the world of PC wargaming. One of life's little conveniences.
  18. Damn it guys, I wasn't going to do this, but I just got to thinking about SPI's PTO mega game which I have in almost new condition, counters are punched. So I start looking at the map and comparing to the Pacific Global 1.08 map and thinking about the port to WaW. First thing is you could cut off a bunch of the southernmost tiles just to where you are at the bottom of Africa and Australia, shorten the SA continent and have more North to South area centered on the Equator. In addition, I retract Palua, to the other island suggestions I want to mention these for thought. 1. Dutch Harbor in the Aleutians (US) 2. Palmyra (US Marine training base) 3. Truk in the Caroline Islands (Japanese) 4. Rabaul, Bismark Archipelago (UK) approximately where Guadalcanal is located presently. Move Guadacanal to the far southern end of Solomons. 5. Take out New Zealand and replace with the New Hebrides, Caledonia, (Noumea port). Large Allied staging base. 6. Fiji is OK, but the US Samoas(combine them with the Phoenix Is.)are equally important for supply base and staging area. 7. Who could forget Midway? OK I know all these will not be presented with a 4 tile configuration and that's fine. Many of these really don't represent port facilities and some can be single tiles where only SF(special forces) can reside or aircraft based for interdiction and patrol. Somehow a supply net like the railroads of ETO SC WaW will have to be set up throughout the PTO linking the various island groups. I will help, I have the game, the maps, the OOB. Now who's got SPI's ETO? [ November 11, 2007, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  19. Hey David, fantastic job on the World map and I like the concept for the port to WaW of providing four tiles for the island hopping scenario. One thing I would request is the central Pacific chains, Gilberts and Marshalls. Saipan/Tinian could be added to Guam also for a better representation of the Marianas, remember this was a valuable Strategic airbase. Only other one of significance I would like to see added is the the Palau island chain. These were the locations of historical Pacific battles, maybe not so significant to the overall conclusion but none the less important. It gives the Japanese player the chance to evolve the original battle script of providing an outer defensive perimeter of "unsinkable" aircraft carriers.
  20. Its a feature dodge. Think about it, if you don't drop your people in clear terrain then your likely to suffer some casualties, even if the tile is friendly. I would suggest, transporting or operating to avoid casualties, or a training exercise in clear weather/terrain.
  21. Only a perpetrator could remember so many details. Are you going to write a book? I would like to suggest a title..."Lucky Kuni"
  22. Yah see, this SC cat gets it, but he always has, nicely said DD. How do we get these other guys to imagine that no stacking is necessary? All that is required is a projection of the effect. Doesn't mean the unit has to actually occupy the adjacent tile/hex/territory just be in the proximity to convey its effect. What is so hard to imagine about that? Its just like those SC upgrades, you click, spend the necessary MPPs and a number appears that conveys an additional effect of having the equipment. It works like that for combined arms also except in a different manner that you now have to contemplate. Don't be lazy, use your brain, that's a beneficial byproduct of these games, mental exercise.
  23. Pretty hard to find something better than SC..........eh??? SO.
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