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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Appreciate the support Retri, if it wasn't for guys like you, I wouldn't be entertaining these thoughts. :cool: Come on guys...get on board and we can get these things considered...remember we have a true artist at our bidding.
  2. Hey SO don't forget the massive air convoy the Luftwaffe maintained throughout the Stalingrad battle. Talk about an effort and in bad weather also. I'm sure that scenario would equate to at least a corps' lifting.
  3. Well David or maybe that was Hubert, I saw your...yeah it was Hubert come to think of it.. post over at Wargamer about the port to WaW. Beginning to see this might be more than just a simple port and could become a full blown expansion. I'm seeing the necessity for more code here. You know truly...if it is well done...like WaW, I could ante up for the download. You know this would have to be a DL only for it to be worth it as shipping costs could be an issue to some folks. Yepper...a well done Pacific with the ETO would be worth it. To bad you can't think of something to expand the historical operational theaters while doing away with the parts of the map that are essentially useless. Those loop arrows could be mighty useful for a feature like that, operating in and out of the different areas of the connected network. May require a holding pool, like our build Q is now with the time of appearance, highliting the potential placement tiles when ready for deployment. Yep....a feature like that would allow the applicable battle areas to be done with more attention to detail... Just thinking out loud here! No big deal if it doesn't happen...just wishing .....Hoping No need to be disappointed if it doesn't "come to pass."
  4. You know as log as those icons don't mean anything, why not let the player choose? Choice is good...and if you think about it, it could add to the FoW to a minute degree. You might choose something that doesn't even reveal(accurately, but in the proper class) visually to your opponent what it is. Of course this means more micro-management. Nahhh!...see I'm getting carried away.
  5. Great idea David, but for it to have 50% efficiency/5 supply level it should be connected to a communication/logistics network, like our rails function currently. Even roads should have a lesser %/supply when connected, then the movement of an HQ to the "Support-field" would serve as a commitment to supplemental assets(potential of 8 supply) for offensive or defensive operations in the area. Now that shouldn't be too tough to include and the AI could easily...well ok..maybe not easily, but hopefully, use the feature somewhat competently.
  6. You know FuChu you are right, and many of the other posters here have some excellent ideas. I would love to see many of these suggestions incorporated into SC but there is just one problem. Even though I don't play against the AI, many people do, and in fact probably the majority that own SC only play the AI. Therefor we must remember that even though these extra features seem mundane when thinking in reference to human usage, they are highly complicated to code for the AI to use competently. Hence, I believe we all need to keep that in mind when making real suggestions that we would like incorporated into the game features.
  7. And for item 4 ....mobility upgrade, how about Hummel, Wespe, Priest, etc. Then for artillery 2 upgrade we get the rocket batteries. Actually you could get quite carried away with this, better left to some modders.
  8. Hey guys thought I'd weigh in here with another perspective not expressed yet...as I catch up on these threads. As the Axis against a human allied player I believe it is imperative to conduct the first turns with every intention to invade UK in the Summer of 40 after France's fall. You must keep the Allied player honest with the defense of the Isles. Each of us will initiate a path to that ends, it is not important to be specific, you know how to conduct invasions. See, this is one of the main ideologies of playing SC, maintaining a threat. Doesn't matter if you actually intend to fulfill that threat, you just need to create it as a viable scenario in your opponents mind. Which brings up another apparent asset...or defect...depending on your position, that SC does tend to lead you down an historical road of actions. So in conclusion I say to you human players that emphasize the Axis endeavors, develop the preplanning details for Sealion from the opening turn of Fall Weiss with every intent of prosecution. Because if you fail to....you run the risk of a rampant Allied plan of early befuddlement.
  9. Actually this campaign has been done with the best this game engine is capable of, currently. It produces the correct effect without the dynamics that were the reality of the theater. This is a really tough one to simulate because the game engine was not created with a campaign such as this in mind. Dave did the best he could with the tools Hubert gave him. Two things, you either create this campaign as an isolated theater reactive to the historical grand strategy that resulted in the dynamics or you allow a what-if condition that would completely change the historical orientation. So essentially what you have is two possible models based upon a single element, that element is logistics. As Dave has stated the campaign has vast time periods of inaction followed by large sweeping movements of relatively small combat forces all dictated by the logistical considerations of a larger overall scheme. I have played the campaign numerous times but never to conclusion usually because the supply model of SC is incapable of producing the dynamics. My prime example is the opening counter-attack by Rommel at the end of March 1941 at El Agheila. In a matter of less than one month the Afrika Korps had invested Tobruk and advanced to the Egyptian frontier at Sollum. You can't simulate that with this editor until the supply model is more flexible(road dependent) and the unit movement abilities are modified. The best I was able to do is reach Tobruk with a force large enough to lay seige by June 1941 and that was if the Commonwealth totally removed itself from the area without a fight. As I've said before the evolution of the SC model to the Pacific will require the creation of an underlying(transparent) web of communication and logistics(like our present convoy lines)(dictating combat interaction) that can be easily interrupted by enemy actions. The North African WW2 dynamics will require a similar feature.
  10. Research model is fine, the only improvement is JDF2's mod. What you have to do is let the model take you to where it goes. As Axis you spread some research chits around and see what hits, maybe follow up with more, then develop your strategy around your advances. Build those high tech units, add experience and some support from your allies??? Makes for some unique avenues of approach, sometimes allowing for a diversion from your usual MO. Allies can do the same to a certain extent, especially USA, as now in WaW, UK and commonwealth can create a decent ground game. Unfortunately Allies don't have as much flexibility as they are having to adjust to Axis actions.
  11. Damn it Minty, you might be right, cause now that I'm thinking about it, it was "Run Silent, Run Deep" with the Bungo Straits & Burt Lancaster. I've seen way to many war movies!!! :confused:
  12. Actually you can induce those SA convoys to USA by DoWing them. Its not an easy conquest with the supply situation in the desert, but a paradrop with some air support from Kuwait gets the job done. UK can accomplish this early if they focus and its 25 MPPs additional to USA base. You then can link up with USSR forces through Iran and neutralize any Axis attempt at subjecting the MidEast. Makes for a nice little side show.
  13. But he doesn't know his Bungo Straits! Remember Minty....that sound..."can't make it out Sir!...what's that sound?" It was...the jap sub ...that was responsible for the previous USN sub losses.(Cary's previous command)
  14. Sorry foko, subs not only found subs in WW2, they also sank them. WTH, haven't you ever seen "Up Periscope" with Cary Grant sinking a jap sub in the Bungo Straits. :confused: You know if Cary did it, "it has to be true".
  15. Roads and Rail building with the supply model applied would also be nice ala foko's previous post. You know I was kind of thinking about this, if you had a rail completed to a tile somewhere you would not be able to operate units to its end unless it culminated upon a city/fortress, village...right? So you need to offer some finality...a disembarking...railyard. Now who would build that railyard? The new feature would be to let fortifications built by engineers act as the disembarking station(supply 5/ 50% efficiency) for operated units. If it gets bombed/partisan disruption...oh well :confused: ...it slowly recovers as the other game resources. Another use for AA units and upgrades.
  16. Can't be understrength to add elite reinforcements, must be at 10. I suppose a design decision...might be nice to have the option, but perhaps since Germany accumulates the most experience early it is a balance issue. Look at it this way, if you keep your experienced units overstrengthed then hopefully they will not fall below 10 and will not lose experience when reinforcing.
  17. Ibn Saud, the absolute ruler of SA was pro-allied leaning throughout the war and eventually declared war on the Axis in March of 45. The Saudi Arabian oil fields were developed by US companies and commercial production was started in 1938. There were exports, how much, it's not clear, but SA was a recipient of Lend-Lease supplies and I'm sure they made concessions for those receivables.
  18. Alright goodwood! Is a commonwealth armored assault in the Caen area forthcoming?
  19. Thanks K, I like your idea better, end date is sufficient,....although it should be somewhat variable as you know how construction proceeds, a little here...a bunch there..delays, materials insufficient, bad planning, weather, blueprint adjustments, etc.
  20. Don't count me in the pooh-poohing crowd.......although after that last cup of coffee....I may join..for just a few minutes. Of course IT and PT are important for Germany which has to build and maintain a large armed force. Same can be said for USSR and USA, but it is questionable for the other majors since they are used in a more specific role, a support mechanism for the main belligerents, Germany, USA, USSR.
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