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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. I'm OK with the present evolution of SC. I find many ways to use the new units, AT and AA are great for partisan control early for Axis, garrisoning midgame and crucial in the endgame with experience and tech, both cheap. The ART is appropriate for its historical role. See at least Colin gets the defend at all costs against Sealion, which I think compels the players to embark upon an historical path, Terif likes the what if options more and it's a very good point. But more important(imo) is the significance of an early Sealion because it really keeps the UK from dabbling into Axis plans in other theaters perhaps letting the Germans gain entirely too much momentum. Every human game I've played leads into a slow pounding of the USSR into submission. Sometimes it occurs as early as 44, but usually early 45, so I'm concluding, prematurely, that the Axis are easier to play.
  2. Don't forget and build the two AA units also, then you get 4 and 4. Minty thinks the USSR gets too many currently and he seems to have a few H to H games under his belt. Not sure I agree about that, but have to respect his opinion. I could see maybe 5 total, but that would be 3 max in the build Q, still a little early to be conclusive in my opinion. I'd like to hear from some players with >10 H to H games of FW.
  3. No prob HA, its just a suggestion, you've really done a great job, no need for enhancement really.
  4. A234 we've got ATR, well pretty close, check out Bill's scenario. We want the global variety of WW2.
  5. These are most excellent counters HimAgain. Now I can tell you put in a lot of effort...but...if you would like to think of something else Then read on.... I was thinking about the intrusion the colored background makes on the map landscape and how that could be remedied. The silhouettes and the Nato designations could reside on a tranparent oval that was shaded for the national colors allowing the terrain to be observed in greater abundance. Also, I don't know if the upgrade numerals could be moved to the base of the unit designations slightly above where the strength numbers now reside. Kind of getting things together and doing away with the square counter mats altogether.
  6. Yeah!.....Marty are you not aware of the computer remake being done over at Matrix? If you're a WW2 gamer you best look in on this gem.
  7. Well Jeff I think you identified a good starting platform. My opinion is the unit counters and map from MWiF are well researched and will be hard to improve upon. Now you have to settle on the game mechanics. The release of MWiF this summer should shed some light on the abstractions that would enhance gameplay and the details that involve micro-management. I'm looking forward to examining the aspects of MWiF having never played WiF it will be interesting weeding out the features.
  8. You know, come to think of it, I was trying an intercept move in which I put a carrier in the port just as France surrendered and the Vichy transition took place. The port was neutral, but my UK naval forces remained in the area to blockade any Axis invasion of Tunisia, using the port facilities to shield my CV and the two sea tiles adjacent occupied by BB and CA. Perhaps this had something to do with it, port observers passing info along to the Axis of the proximity of my forces.
  9. Open your WaW editor, pick the campaign, not the folder that looks like a file, the one that looks like tablet with an A on it. When it displays the map, use the pull down menu at top(tool bar) under campaign and go to the bottom where it says edit event scripts, not the AI scripts. Open it and under Select scripts choose strength and see the Soviet winter script title? Select it, select edit and see the whole file and an example. It seems to me....this is my first time to look at one...that it will occur 75% of the time after 12-21-41 effective in the winter only and affecting the map positions shown with a min/max range and a min/max strength loss for Axis units. Its a one time occurrence. Now surely if I can figure this out in a few seconds, you can too!
  10. Hey Hubert one thing I did see that was kind of weird was Bombers spotting naval vessels that were in rain. I had the Italian bomber in Sicily(clear weather) and was able to spot UK vessels in the port of Tunis and surrounding tiles....all covered in rain, bug or feature? Didn't save the turn, anyone else seen this? Seems to me, naval vessels should be able to remain hidden in squalls. I know this is kind of haphazard for SC, but in reality approaching Taskforces used weather fronts to hide their movements.
  11. I've been able to operate and transport these units out of and into these locations. Its expensive, but it works.
  12. And these units can only be air, SF, corps, egr, AT,AA,Art, no Army or Tank size units. Partisans are elligible. Did I miss any?
  13. I want to reiterate what I may have only suggested about Sealion. Historically, I agree the feat was impossible, well maybe not impossible, but very difficult to execute successfully. Since SC is a what if...moving to a more simulation format with WaW, I propose that if Germany had prepared properly, even before Fall Weiss, they may have been able to pull it off. Any problems with that assumption? Basically I'm saying that if you begin with that goal as Germany you can do it in the game, and in defense of the Axis bias you can also launch a relatively effective Barbarossa in the Summer of 41. The Axis opening will gather momentum and pretty much culminate with either Moscow or the Caucusus falling by the end of 42. IMO it takes Axis focus, ingnoring the loss of Finland and some MidEast, African possessions, but so underminds the USSR position they can slowly be obliterated.
  14. Current game platform. Set up a journal of the last 6 months of the pop-up gameplay notifications in chronological order for player review in the REPORTS area. You know the end turn and beginning turn occurences and maybe allow a replay of the last significant events(visual action summary, condensed of course) Cons: Sorry Hubert...its just an idea
  15. Well I guess that's the final word Ludi...kind of hard to argue with the facts you have so eloquently presented. So let's move to SC game terms. Are we in agreement that Germany is the only nation that has a true viable strategy using Rockets? If so, they are completely lost as a category for production and research to the other political entities. What to do? Maybe this discussion should move to the design thread.
  16. Next allow your Americans to acquire a city, liberated from the Axis or neutral conquered, then you can place aircraft from the USA build Q directly into those vacant cities, saves operating costs.
  17. To shed a little light on my presumption, my initial focus has been mostly the Axis with WaW, I'm only just now getting around to the details of conducting Allied operations. But as Axis, I have found they can put together a mighty Sealion force scheduled for August 40 invasion. I believe they can be stopped, but the cost maybe so significant that it truly impairs Allies from adhering to an effective early game strategy that carries over to mid and late game with the ever increasing Axis momentum. Scook is right about the new amphib blockade feature, RN is very lethal in that capacity, but the cost is high, very high, maybe too high. The sacrifice of the RN continues until the weather finally short circuits Sealion in late 40. This is a very critical period. To tell you the truth...I like it, its objectively an historical possibility, because as Axis you must plan for this success the day you role into Poland, first turn. As far as the game balance....well...that's what I'm soliciting opinions for, and it maybe premature, but I want everyone to be alert to the possibility as we continue with the examination.
  18. Well Rambo, that puts me somewhere between a 1) and 5) comingle and how productive the game is, haven't played in probably 8 to 10 years, but went home with a few grand from some tourneys, great fun in the scrambles.
  19. You are with unfathomable insight Phillipe. A234...how emphatic, however I do agree you have a natural feel for the probable sequence of events. :cool: And the bias.....Phillipe??? A234??? is that an affirmative or negative. :confused: Thanks Rambo,clearly stated, thanks for not making me use my powers of decifer,,, unlike the other yahoos.
  20. Tell me I'm wrong, I'm jumping to conclusions, right? Now I'll be the first to admit I have not completed more than a few, some disrupted, perhaps incomplete games of Fall Weiss WaW, but I'm getting the feeling of a slight bias. Now I've been playing with UK capital transfer to Ottawa because I feel its more realistic that the UK never surrenders and I think the Egypt deal is to farfetched..... ..... Hey ....I have my boundaries, the British Empire based in Cairo? :confused: So what do you guys say, we've had the game long enough, the introductory tourney should be winding down with some opinions....eh? Has the SC circle come all the way around to the Axis advantage that SC1 was? Slightly?
  21. It seems that 42 was decisive for the Axis, hmmmm, where have I heard that before. Wasn't 43 the real year of decision for the Allies gaining momentum? I believe this is it Tiger, the Allies are in dire straits, nicely done K.
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