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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Same ole crap! Hexes vs Tiles, stagnation vs exploitation. Ha! Look at the title of this thread, imagine....sneaking......infiltration...in wartime.....Blasphemy..I say! Totally unrealistic. It should be easy to surround the enemy...I mean he only occupies 2500 square miles in a single tile, a singular corps formation...no chance that anyone, not one single sub unit to get away. Look at the pic. above, only takes two more units to close the envelopment. Look at that Nazi Panzercorps, kind of looks like an arrow with the panzers as the point doesn't it? Reminders of "Kiel and Kessel". Never seen that before! You guys dwell within the realm of defining creativity, try to get on the level of the "thought of". :confused: Glad that Hubert did.
  2. Now's the time Canuk, take Greece with the Germans, then they can place builds in Athens, this will be their primary Med base. Get the Italians(w/German help), Syria, Iraq, and Saudi and they can be a viable force in 43.
  3. Not sure what campaign you're playing, but FW starts with both UK and USA at level 1. UK amphibs travel at 6 tiles, USA at 7. The explanation could be that USA starts at a higher base level, 0 being 6 tiles for them, or it could be that for every jump in research level the USA acquires additional two tiles. Me thinks it is the former. See, ......that wasn't so hard.
  4. Lparkh, excuse us (me & Liam) we've been here for awhile. The game is intuitive, as Liam states, we all know history, proceed with that in mind. Not sure if you're aware of the tradition here, but its always been about finding out the game nuiances for ourselves. :cool: There are things Hubert himself won't disclose, even to us veterans. :confused: Think of it as the SC legacy.
  5. No! The AI should operate under the same conditions as a human opponent. Although it lacks the reasoning power of the human brain it is also not limited by that organic restraint. The AI has the ability to process numbers and hence the risk factors in a more defined manner, which most of the time is advantageous. Since in the end, IMO SC has a limited set of possibilities, the AI will eventually be programmed to recognize every pattern of opposing response, it should be the winner. If the set approached infinity then the human abstract thought should rein.
  6. Alright for "The Corps", America's "Special Forces", you guys are always in my prayers. Extremely thankful for y'alls service. Bad guys beware!
  7. "Tragic"...play the game and figure it out like the rest of us. You'd be surprised, sometimes "instant gratification" isn't all that fulfilling. You might even find that the effort has a way of enhancing the experience. Imagine that!
  8. "There are very few companies that support their products the way he does." Relative to today's accountability this is an understatement. In short, Mr. Cater exhibits characteristics of responsibility that have long been ignored by the current Earth's populace. This behavior used to be the norm, but now you have the situation where we all want our cake and to eat it too.
  9. SC, maybe you should change your screen name to "Tragic Command". Nice to hear the AI has gotten so competent. Try building the two Axis engineer units and fortifying France, the western european atlantic coast a couple of tiles inland. Set up your air and artillery defenses in the forts(of course w/HQ support), all the while running east into USSR like sh!t through a tin goose. :cool:
  10. Why not just code the first 5 strength points of CVs, 6 through 10....15, to be cheaper to reinforce, simulating the CAG.
  11. Whoa whoa whoa!!! Wait a minute, Jolly,..... you're telling me that Terif sent every unit from the Red Sea, Egypt, Suez region to Western Africa after your diversion. No enemy units remained in this crucial area for surveillance while you transported in 20 to 30 units in????? No Italian or German Naval presence in the Red Sea? No ground unit and fortification at Suez? I must be playing too much WaW, I'm at a loss. Terif...you did this on purpose! Terif...you did have Gibraltar?
  12. Better yet...well potentially. Check out navalwarfare.org. NWS update on "Supremacy at Sea". This may be "the game", from the tactical to the strategic level. The presentation is very professional, check the two pdf files, one a demo run AAR, the other highlighting the game features. Very impressive.
  13. Scook would guess right. matrixgames.com. Probably the greatest following of any wargaming "grognard's special" for the PC except maybe MWiF, but its not out yet. They say, this year. I say 2009.
  14. One day is here Retri, try GG WitP, it'll take you the rest of your life to play the full campaign. Plenty of rings, bells and whistles. Better yet wait for the release of "The Admirals Edition" this year.
  15. Let's see how well Canuck balances this NA venture with Barbarossa. August is a bit late to engage USSR, but the subs and RAF bombings are a wash. This is interesting, balanced currently, maybe slight Allied advantage as Egypt is well defended. Will axis bite..????
  16. You probably could have done it irregardless of the RN if you had planned for all 3 FJs and upgraded LR/AT for TAC. The window of opportunity for Sealion is small.
  17. To late aesopo, ....should have been prepared for Sealion as soon as France surrendered. There is no hope, I suggest terms.
  18. That means he may well have a viable force in Egypt. Before embarking upon Sealion it may be prudent to bleed that force to the point of parity. You do have Libya? Again though, this means subsequent delays in USSR and that is most upsetting to final victory. Get those Axis bombers LR and scout the situation. Nothing like good intel.
  19. That's it aesopo, "Never Give In". Unfortunately A234's adventure into Norway and Iraq would have left "The Isles" open for conquest. Are y'all playing Ottawa fallback?
  20. Huh? You can save a PBEM game in the middle of a turn? I have not tried that. :cool:
  21. Yep, Minty is spot on. This is what Terif meant by a narrow window of opportunity for players, ...maybe.....Terif? USSR must be attacked by early(OK maybe middle) summer 41, unless somehow Allies make huge mistakes, or have lost UK(Sealion success). USA and UK can now send in massive LL aid assuring USSR survival, from there it is all downhill for Axis. The timetable is critical.....someone tell me I'm wrong.
  22. Yeah I can remember the SC1 days, where it was pretty simple, but just getting a mod sufficiently balanced through play testing was a time eater. Now with more variables to contemplate, its beyond one individual, you really need a team or make it your livelihood.
  23. I can see it now. This event linkage is getting pretty sophisticated and that is good. Here's the future of SC. Think operational, think scenario linkage as per Panzer General. Your core force continues on through an entire campaign with diplomatic events that may throw you into different theaters dependent upon your decisions, conquests, objective obtainment. This could get very interesting.
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