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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Well Canuk if its any consolation at least you lasted longer than historical.
  2. Perhaps we should allow a unit to tranfer a portion of its current supply to an adjacent unit. Let's say naval units have to retain at least one supply point to move each turn a defined number of sea tiles. Like you have 5 supply you move 50% of the unit's AP that turn to simulate discretionary use...rationing, cruising at good gas mileage. Every turn at sea costs a naval unit, transports and amphibs included, one supply point(like it is now). Additional actions like bombarding, airstrikes, disembarking, or assaulting requires an additional supply point expenditure, just like when subs raid. I guess when you think about it, certain naval units will have special requirements of supply expenditure depending on their historical consuming characteristics. Obviously Subs don't use as much as CVs but you could make a case for a CV group having a greater capacity to carry supplies. So maybe its a wash, but then again perhaps Subs need a special rule, a limited transfer ability. Anyway, if a naval unit like a BB, CV, Ca, DD, and even a SS, as the Japanese used, can get to an isolated base with some extra supply(think...escorted transports or limited capacity) points....why can't they give a little! Can't give them all, but some! choices...choices... choices. :cool: Now wouldn't that make a case for having a network of connected bases for power projection across the wide expanses of like an ocean? Sure...you can still make a "Shangri-La" like attack, but you'll know your at the end of that operational shoestring with supplies and perhaps a sitting duck. :eek:
  3. Forget MWiF! All we need is a beach tile in which any naval unit can enter, except maybe BBs and CVs. Transports have to remain in the tile one turn before disembarking into an adjacent land tile. The only two units that are allowed to change from Amphib mode to assault mode are corps and special forces(ie. Marines, SNLF, etc). The PTO is beckoning.
  4. Maybe AAA strikes could be tied to the research level. Instead of greater effectiveness we could have more strikes, level 5 = 5 strikes. Better yet make it an optional mode, more effectiveness or more strikes in the pull down menu. Gotta love "freedom of choice".
  5. I just finished my first foray at "Storm of Steel". Very refreshing, as Axis, I avoided the initial contact with Poland and went immediately West. Took out the Swiss first...boy did USA get angry. Yeah but those chumps are an ocean away, who cares? What a beautiful pincer move through Switzerland and LC to the gates of Paris. :cool: Now I'm wondering about how to avoid war with the West by circumventing Poland and maybe taking down USSR first. :confused: Oh and talk about a jump on the "Battle of the Atlantic", wow....this really is a viable option. Can you spell "strategic variations"? I still long for "Days of Decision", but I'm not as thirsty as I was before!
  6. A grand suggestion Bill. From what I hear HC has the foremost AI for human competition of any PC wargame. Are there really any rivals?
  7. I'm with the current consensus, KISS. A-bomb is a nonissue, we have them today, we don't use them. WW2 was conventional, let's keep it that way. Exploitation necessary, that's that move->attack->move->attack condition until all APs are expended. That means the click off function doesn't negate the remaining APs. All coastal tiles that are invadeable should have a special tile adjacent to them (looks like water with a beach) that only units in amphibious mode can enter and change into assault mode. With the additional APs the unit has, it must move into a land tile before the turn is ended or guess what? Do you think you might be discretionary, faced with the units' elimination? Better have some good recon or you will pay the price, remember Tarawa, specifically Betio. If we're going to include the Pacific simulation you must have some kind of supply net. ZoCs could work provided that there are some specifically designed rules for their interruption that are dependent upon constant naval patrolling. This requires some in depth thought and may be very hard for an AI to manage, once again KISS. Bottom line, I don't want SC to be WiF, I want to finish a game, PBEM, in a reasonable amount of time. Frankly MWiF looks to be on par with WitP, and we all know what a monster that game is.
  8. How about an underlying communication/supply network, that's subject to interruptions. Sort of like the convoy routes now except the owning player can override the automatic creation of the net and place emphasis to certain locals.
  9. I believe that if you build one side of a fort the two flanking corners of that built side have the attack penalty, 50%.
  10. You ain't dead yet Radish! Would have been too bad had that happened without a little SC in the can. Plenty of us around here been likewise that lucky. This is something you won't ever regret.
  11. No doubt about it HC. In fact I didn't even pre-order because I want to pay the full price. In fact, if you wish to add any little accessories to my order, I'll be more than happy to include additional payment. Something like Bill's ATR mod burned into my CD would be worth say $10, possibly more. Hmmmm, wouldn't it be great if eventually we could customize our own SC CD to include the versions/expansions/campaigns of our liking. Something for Battlefront to think about.
  12. This is awesome for a game of this scale. Even though World in Flames is being converted to a Matrix edition, I really believe that because of Hubert's incredible foresight SC presents a better platform for the model. Why, the excellent user interface which enables simple play.
  13. Dammit Edwin...I love the way you think! There is no doubt you have an insightful grasp of the sequence of events. Is it possible that SC could evolve into such WW2 "what if"? Can Hubert mold the engine to such parameters as it would take to encompass the global conflict unfolding completely different? Would he even consider it? What about the receptive nature of something so contrary to the historical context? So many gamers get turned off by such a deviant scheme. They want some semblance of what actually happened. Not sure it would be worth it for all involved, be nice to see a show of hands. Anyway..it was a long reverent thought.
  14. Come on Hubert give us some insight on the new "Storm of Steel" scenario. This one alone is enough to justify the purchase price. You know, with these new event decisions of Edwin's a "Days of Decision" campaign starting with the 1936 Rhineland reoccupation by Germany could be fascinating. Imagine that for the first 3 years of the campaign involving only Diplomacy, Research, and unit builds the decision making process causes a whole new environment for WW2 to unfold in. With Edwin's devious little mind, there could be certain decisions that unbeknownst to the players have a percentage chance of war activation, kicking off the conflict at various times. Ready or not...its War! 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940....who knows. Germany could actually fulfill the Z-Plan and then start the conflict in 1943. The turns could be in 3 month increments until the fighting starts. The possibilities are endless.
  15. Dammit Canuck, at the top of this page you had control, what happened? Excellent play K-man, sounds like a fun game going here.
  16. You're welcome. I agree, German Air is likely unstoppable(directly) especially with LR. Sometimes another approach is necessary. BTW, timing is critical and try to unveil your action(s) when the Axis air and the HQs supplying them seem overextended. Your own bombers or fighters with LR can help you determine that.
  17. Not to be facetious but why waste time and effort on PDE, it'll stand on its own. The next expansion should be the real McCoy, the World War, or at least the PTO with the dynamics that really evolve SC into a new game. Fact being, Santa(HC) has a number of elves that are astute at using the editor with a minimal of code obligation from himself. Foresight behooves me to predict a new SC with many of the features suggested that weren't consistent with the current SC platform. Yes...even dougman's "later click on combat and movement", among others.
  18. In your case AZ, and every one is different, I've found USSR fighters and maxed anti-Air work, but deployment is important. Not sure where you're at, chronologically, so it may be a bit premature to usher in the bombers, but that can be a part of the tier also as they should be examining Axis positions early. You just may not be ready for use in this role. Think about where those partisans appear? Are they aways off from the Axis effort(air)? Chances are there will be minimal garrison in those areas. Think of how you might divert their partisan suppression effort. OK, one more, remember in bad weather, paratroops can jump, but air can't fly. Always remember, SC is like life, you have to make sacrifices to get rewards and risk assessment determines the degree of consequence you pay for a bad decision. Now are you sorry you asked?
  19. The key to USSR defense is interdicting Axis supply. There are many ways in WaW to approach that goal.
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