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Everything posted by GJK

  1. Tom's link in his post above isn't working for me either.
  2. Hi Miragex, If you want, upload them to The Proving Grounds and we'll give them some playtesting. You'll know who has downloaded the scenarios and will have easy access to all the reviews. Will save you from having to individually emailing them out. ...and that last battle looks like a natural fit.
  3. This is great stuff. A problem I had just the other day I was digging for some snow mods for the PzKwIV. Doing a keyword search for pzkwiv snow, pzkwiv winter, pziv snow, pziv winter, pz winter, iv winter, iv snow, either as an exact match or a words or search didn't find the results I was looking for and it's probably because there's many different ways to enter that title. If you can "pigeon hole" the uploaders into selecting the exact variant, it will make the searches that much more exact. As long as everything is covered, that shouldn't be a problem, but that job could be very daunting, I applaud your efforts here. I don't know if you're planning on doing the reverse of this with the searches (same screen shot, but as a "what are you looking for?"-- a Romanian T-4G - J in this example). Maybe have the option for winterized or not. Great job, very much appreciated as always.
  4. No problem theike, and yeah, I'd say people are still pretty passionate about the game(s). Actually, my hopes for computer wargaming has always been to find the perfect equivalent to ASL for the computer and I think CM is it, if not much more. Different a bit, but Michael has pulled to two a lot closer with this mod in appearance. I played with it all day yesterday and it's a keeper for me. I can really take advantage of the terrain better than before I feel as trees/scattered trees and open ground as well as elevation levels are all very discernable now. As far as computer ASL goes, you can play ASL via the computer, though a fully implemented AI isn't available (yet, if ever): JASL VASL ASLAP VSQL (for Squad Leader) Cyberboard - covering many of the old boardgames That exhausts my links list pretty much...
  5. ASL (Advanced Squad Leader) is the original squad based wargame of the old hexes and cardboard variety. The aforementioned Hill 621: (Copyright © Multiman Publishing and Curt Schilling, cuz he's so classic)
  6. Well, I'll have to say, the game plays a ton smoother, as in less lag and more responsiveness. Obviously due to the terrain being such "low-res". I need to get used to the ASL terrain a bit, but I really like that you can see your units and it does look like an ASL mapboard. The menu's and game info look absolutely wonderful, love it! Caution to others, and it goes without saying, but backup your existing BMP folder first just in case this isn't your thing. Screenies, Hill 621 being appropre here (low res, in game looks much sharper):
  7. Did Grog Dorosh finally sneak out this release without a major announcement? Or have I just not read far enough down the board tonight....been waiting on this one forever!
  8. Michael, check out team theike/the Graemes scenario collection on the Proving Grounds. Using theikes maps and Graemes troop selection, map refinements and scenario ideas, they've got some really great battles posted there. We're getting some final feedbacks on all of the ones being tested now, so look for them at the Scenario Depot soon, or come help us playtest.
  9. Thanks, I had a lot of fun working on those enhancements, but not a lot of experience at the time, so I think I got lucky on most all of the sounds, except for the flamethrower (which would be ok if shortened a bit I think). I'm sure I could enhance those sounds even more, given the time, and I will try my hand again soon. My mindset when working on these was hearing artillery and tanks fire rounds while stationed at 29 Palms, and hearing it echo off the canyon walls and the heavy, thunderous sounds they made. The sounds are just set to play as soon as the unit evokes the action. So for armor, arty, rifles and everything else timing isn't a problem. Again, problem with the flamethrower is it will keep on making the sound even after the flame goes away. So I'd ditch that wav and keep whichever other ones you like. Crank up speakers and rock the house. Oh, and be sure you visit the Proving Grounds (yes, I'm pimping again). Link in my sig below.
  10. Hi Sivodsi, The flamethrower as I have it is a single, long rumble. Perhaps it goes on too long. Just make sure you have the original wav's backed up and then try it out, if you don't like the flamethrower but do the rest, restore just the flamethrower wav. On my "to do" list is an update of the sounds now that I have some better audio programs. Someday, someday....
  11. How about "rollover" stats, where when you mouse over a unit/vehicle/bunker/etc a pop-up with the units status appears, maybe even some more information from the stats screen, kills, etc.
  12. I'm just not sure what to think about this post. :confused:
  13. The site's looking really sharp, great job Wyatt and the B&T team. I really like the search options for the scenarios, very nice idea. Keep up the great work! GJK
  14. Hi Muso, I see you've already stopped by and joined, but I've got to mention The Proving Grounds, over 300 people looking for opponents plus scenarios to download and test out for some scenario designers. Thanks for stopping by! GJK
  15. Hiya Bolly, There's a number of CMBO only players and even more people that play both who have signed up at my site (link in sig below). Submit a profile and then do a search for some opponents that match the criteria you're looking for. Good luck! GJK
  16. Oh we're official now....with a domain name and all! www.the-proving-grounds.com Thanks Lee.
  17. Update your DirectX again, I had the same problem not too long ago. Refer to this thread or do a search for "640x480" in the tech support section. You'll find numerous instances of this happening and how it was resolved. You'll also need to delete your BB Preferences file so that you get prompted to set your resolution, after you've reapplied your DirectX.
  18. This should be a good one, I probably won't get to it this weekend, but I'll give it a test and post my reviews to the site. Thanks for the scenario, we appreciate it.
  19. Has anybody worked on a CMBB conversion for this mod? I just downloaded it and am tempted to reinstall CMBO just to look at it. Look at the individual BMP's and it's pretty amazing. Look at 4342.bmp, looks like a close up photographic shot of a tank model. Super job!
  20. Thanks guys, you've been great supporters of the site and now I know the meaning's behind the names. And hey, that's been some great scenarios you all have been posting, keep up the great work, it's been fun! Thanks, TheGJK
  21. Well, since it's been a nice, quiet weekend - hope all is well with everybody - I thought I'd do some more pimping for the site. We've got 19 new scenarios for CMBB and 5 for CMBO ready for download. Some created by old favorites (ASL Veteran for one) and many by some new designers with some great talent (TheIKE, The Graeme (not sure why the "The" is part of the names...haven't asked )). All we ask is that you give a quick review to help the designers finish the scenario and get them moved along to places like the Scenario Depot. Reviews are easy, no ratings, no rankings, nobody's feelings to hurt, just a simple blurb about gameplay and force balance maybe and any ideas that you might have to suggest to the designers. Sign-up is easy, just pick a nickname (use the one you use here if you want), choose a password and then give an email address so that scenario designers can follow up with you. Stop by and look around, link in my sig line below. GJK Forgot to mention, if you're a scenario designer or wannabe scenario designer and need a place to upload your work to and have some people play test it for you, you're welcome to do so here.
  22. Well, since it's been a nice, quiet weekend - hope all is well with everybody - I thought I'd do some more pimping for the site. We've got 19 new scenarios for CMBB and 5 for CMBO ready for download. Some created by old favorites (ASL Veteran for one) and many by some new designers with some great talent (TheIKE, The Graeme (not sure why the "The" is part of the names...haven't asked )). All we ask is that you give a quick review to help the designers finish the scenario and get them moved along to places like the Scenario Depot. Reviews are easy, no ratings, no rankings, nobody's feelings to hurt, just a simple blurb about gameplay and force balance maybe and any ideas that you might have to suggest to the designers. Sign-up is easy, just pick a nickname (use the one you use here if you want), choose a password and then give an email address so that scenario designers can follow up with you. Stop by and look around, link in my sig line below. GJK Forgot to mention, if you're a scenario designer or wannabe scenario designer and need a place to upload your work to and have some people play test it for you, you're welcome to do so here. [ August 24, 2003, 09:29 PM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  23. I've been trying to get into Uncommon Valor lately, but I'm just not hooked on it (yet?). Seems that you can really micro-manage every detail if you want, but it's click, click, click on menu after sub-menu to get to things. I'm reading the manual now, trying to pick up some things that will help me along. Anybody else playing this? How about another recommendation for a PacWar game? My brother downloaded P.T.O II from the underdogs and said he's having a blast. I couldn't get it to run on my Win2k box though. I did put it on my son's Win98 system, but he won't let me play.
  24. I'm now uploading what I have of the Normandy mods, it contains the grass, trees, bldg's, subdued grass/trees and a misc-textures to CMMODS. Hopefully this will have what you're looking for. Edit that, I'm uploading them individually as they should be..... [ August 22, 2003, 09:55 AM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  25. When CMBB was about to launch, and just after it's launch, I ran with a "mods" site. After about 2-weeks, my web host buddy said "enuff's enough". The traffic was causing a strain on his bandwidth. True, it probably wouldn't be near as extreme now that CMBB has been out for a while, but with CMAK coming, it would pick up again. Congrat's to COG for keeping CMMODS going like he has! So, wanting to do something to give back to the community, I've since re launched The Proving Grounds as a site for opponent finding and beta scenario uploads and critiquing. Membership has been growing, and like with the Scenario Depot, I'm hoping for more input on the scenarios that have been uploaded there...something to help the scenario designer's fine tune their work. Anyway, my site caters to both CMBO and CMBB and will offer scenarios/opponent finding for CMAK as well.
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