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Everything posted by GJK

  1. Downloading and installing just part 10 doesn't give you all 10 parts? Sheesh, no wonder MG's sound like burp guns (literally) and tanks have silencers and aircraft are gliders. At least I think the voices are ok. I love it when the Germans yell "meine Mutter hat lange Beine!" whatever that means, if anything....
  2. Thank you and do stop by again. Scenario designer's, we need your "beta" scenarios up there, ones that need our feedback. Post 'em if you got 'em. On a side note, just got some good feedback and a suggestion to add "Time Period" to the opponent finder, as in early years, middle, late years. Thought it was an excellent suggestion so I'll work on adding that.
  3. Sorry for the loud broadcast (and cross-posting), but a few people have emailed me with questions regarding the site and what it's for/how to use it. I've put up a brief FAQ that is a work in progress, but will hopefully answer those questions and I also want to invite anyone that has not visited the site to please do so. FAQ: The Proving Grounds
  4. Sorry for the loud broadcast, but a few people have emailed me with questions regarding the site and what it's for/how to use it. I've put up a brief FAQ that is a work in progress, but will hopefully answer those questions and I also want to invite anyone that has not visited the site to please do so. FAQ: The Proving Grounds
  5. Any recommendations? I don't know whose mod I'm using now but it has hot pink colored road wheels, otherwise looks nice. Checked the CM Mod Database and saw a few StuG's, one looked really nice but also like it just drove off the showroom floor. Plain yellow and gray doesn't do it for me. Didn't see any others at the Mod database that suited my fancy (great mods, but just not quite what I'm looking for). Not sure what I'm looking for actually. Any other locations with some nice looking examples?
  6. In the words of the venerable Sean Connery: <font size=4>Pushy!</font>
  7. Dead for me too, I noticed that last night. I can ping the domain, but can't ping either of it's DNS servers at: NS1.CYBERCON.COM NS2.CYBERCON.COM So it would appear that something is up with the host that he's using.
  8. The file on the server doesn't have any extension at all. It shouldn't of stripped the extension upon the upload so perhaps your local copy doesn't have the extension either. I'll clean it up manually so that people won't have to rename it (might get confusing). Thanks for the compliment!
  9. You didn't include the rest of the passage which clearly states: "...and therefore the possibility for vehicles to traverse any woods heavier than "scattered trees" has been exclueded for the sake of realism." It further states that it may be possible with engineering to allow vehicles to pass, but it is out of the scope of an average CM battle.
  10. Sounds great Wannabe, make sure you throw a copy up at The Proving Grounds. Might save you from having to email it out to several people individually. You'll still know who has downloaded it via the author's admin area on the site, so no worries.
  11. I don't agree with the "engineering clearing the way in the woods" line of thought. Why would a defender make a path for enemy armor to advance through while also placing wire to halt infantry? Personally, I think it is a bug and should be addressed, though I would hazard to say that this has probably not been an issue for many of you. Would be nice to have it addressed in a final patch though.
  12. I've got a little program that came with the vid card I think that will record everything on the screen into either a .avi or .mpeg movie. You could record each turn and then edit the thing to piece it all together in a video editor but I haven't tried it yet. I figured it's just easier to move on to the next battle.
  13. As mentioned in my email, please give the author's of scenarios that you test your feedback, that's the best way you can thank me (and the authors). Enjoy! GJK
  14. Tooz: email sent, hopefully it helps!
  15. Tooz, can you let me know what browser/OS platform you're using and what the problem is? You're the first to report that they couldn't download, but if it's an issue I want to correct it. Thanks, GJK
  16. FYR: WinRAR will split a single file (or a group of files) into multiple compressed files. WinRAR
  17. I've just started a PBEM using your "Suspense and Agony". We're still in setup so it will be a number of days, but I will provide feedback either here, directly to you or most like on The Proving Grounds as I make observations. I will say that the map for "S and A" looks very good. And no, I'm not being kinky.
  18. The scenario/operation search is great, thanks for that guys! One little thing, the column headers for "Date" and "Type" are reversed on the results page. Good luck on the new site design!
  19. Jeff, I'm playing your op now and frankly getting my armor chewed up a bit. One question though, why in game 1 the river has no ford but then in game 2 it becomes fordable? I did move units to the rivers edge in game 1 to check for fordable areas but I didn't see any. I concur on the setup for the right flank, it would make perfect sense to have those units there if the river was fordable in game 1. Since it was not, I've moved them all to the bridge where I'm taking turns racing across it securing the other side (which is pretty fun actually). Pretty enjoyable so far, great job!
  20. Rules? You telling me that this unorganistic group of grab-a$$es followes rules? You've got to be $hitting me. ...Alright, read your rules. Now somebody point out a newbie that needs whipping, I need game.
  21. I can be serious too. Edited for you Joe. So, does anybody ever actually play matches in this silly little thread or do you just throw insults around?
  22. Look everyone, Look, he used a nasty word!!!! How cool is that? Wow, what acerbic wit, what a mastery of the Bard's tongue, what incredible use of irony, sarcasm, and metaphor. begone you miserable excuse for a skidmark. </font>
  23. Dear Girly Jo Krackhead I am really disappointed in your feeble offering. Genitalia humor is for lackwits/halfwits/nowits (all three would apply in your case so take your pick). Please feel free to go away and NOT come back! </font>
  24. PENG; P****** Engaged iN Gossip? Edited because Joe Shaw asked so nicely. [ July 19, 2003, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  25. As posted on the site: UPDATED: Ok, scenario authors may now log into their admin area (Author's Login link on the left) and in there they will see the number of downloads for each scenario that they have uploaded and also a listing with a link to edit each one. You will be able to change any of the scenario's parameters and will also be able to upload a new version of the file. I put this together somewhat hastily, so please post a note or email if there's any bugs! Thanks to all the scenario designers who are using the site to host their scenarios while they are being tested. Thanks to all that download the scenarios and thanks for your input to help the designers finish their projects. And thanks to Serena Williams for looking bootylicious last night at the ESPY awards (sorry, felt like I was writing an acceptance speech) The Proving Grounds link in sig for those who have yet to wonder in there.
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