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Everything posted by GJK

  1. I've got 6 going right, and most of those are multiple turns per night. All are from opponents found at The Proving Grounds, a couple posted in this thread (turns are out guys) Is anybody using PBEM Helper (or equivalent?). I couldn't manage without it. There's a couple of little features I'd like to see added to it someday, but otherwise, not enough praise can be given to it. So far, playing 6 at a time hasn't been a liability, I don't think, I devote just as much time per turn as I would if I were just playing one. More than 6 though would be too overwhelming for me I believe though. 6 is tops at this point. P.S. Link for the Proving Grounds is below, ya'll stop on by! [ October 23, 2003, 10:45 PM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  2. Freddy is my best "virtual" friend.
  3. Not the answer to the question you mean to ask, but I truly think the problem is that you sent your tank in close to an area where there were known or suspected enemy units and plenty of cover for them to work in even closer and you did it without heavy infantry escort to guard the tank from this kind of close in attack. This is just poor tactics and invites the kind of response you got. In this kind of situation, the best tactic is to call in artillery while your own infantry gets in close. Then, after the arty has lifted, clear the houses etc. with infantry with the tank standing off close enough to support the infantry but not close enough to get shot at with a PF, grenade bundle, etc. Sending a tank into close cover that hasn't been cleared by infantry first is asking for grief. Michael </font>
  4. Well, so happens it was a PBEM, so I did have a replay. I'll save the bandwidth here and direct you to HERE. Turns out that I had no cover arc set, was that the problem?
  5. I wish I had a replay of the action, it just happened last night, interestingly enough, but my T-34 was on a road facing the building and the oncoming TH team, which was also on the road. There was no way that the tank couldn't of seen it. However, the tank was buttoned. I just attributed it to the fact that the crew was just "regular" and that perhaps they had been preoccupied with the area fire order.
  6. Did you try removing the .bin part off of the filename and then checking to see if the file would open in an image program (use MS Paint if you have no other). Still may not work, as these were obviously made on a Mac - but you never know.
  7. Yes! This same thing happened to me in a PBEM, playing CMBB. I was just going to contribute it to the crew experience or something...anyways, my scenario: Friendly T-34 has been fired upon by a tank hunter team in a building who has now retreated back into the building and is out of LOS. I lay area fire to flush the team out. Out they come alright, straight towards the T-34, in plain LOS of the tank crew. Instead of adjusting targets to this obvious threat, they keep popping away at a now empty building. The pzfst team takes out the T-34 just seconds later. Is there not a case of "self-preservation" there? What doofus doesn't say "screw the order to fire at the building, there's an AT team heading straight for us!". No mg fire from the tank either, which really gets me. And yes, there was a covered arc set (non-armor) and the AT team was well within it and got as close as 20 meters to take out the T-34.
  8. Freddy, you are da bomb! Edit: about bombed this post... [ October 20, 2003, 09:13 PM: Message edited by: GJK ]
  9. Hi Patrocles, If you need some beta testers for your scenarios, your more than welcomed to upload them to The Proving Grounds (link in sig below). We have about 100 scenarios now in various stages of beta testing, all with feedback for the author or are currently being played by one or more of the 456 members of the site. Once you upload your scenario(s), a discussion area devoted just to your scenario will be set up so that us playtesters can go over AAR's and ask questions of you or give comments. Hope to see you there!
  10. Currently boasting 456 members, most with profiles announcing availabilities for PBEM and/or TCP-IP games in both CMBO and CMBB - try The Proving Grounds (link in sig below). We also have nearly 100 scenarios in various stages of beta testing and 25 maps if you want to design your own battles using someone elses map. Hope to see you there!
  11. I take it you haven't been to the General Discussions forum. I <font color="red">hate</font> everybody there. :mad: :mad:
  12. Totally off the subject, GJK, do you know if UT has a map repository for the USGS? Steve </font>
  13. Well they better kick that demo out pretty soon then, I might need more than a month of playing it to decide whether or not to make my purchase! <font size="1">as if...</font>
  14. Won't ask you that Mel, but will ask....where's my turn?
  15. I hope the wife gives me a C-MAK for Christmas this year. I'm sure she'll say that I deserved it.
  16. </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">ASL CM Nationality SL Experience Command Combat Morale Stealth Any 6+1 Conscript 0 0 0 0 Any 7-0 Green 0 0 0 0 Any 8-0 Regular 0 0 0 0 Any 8-1 Regular 0 +1 +1 +1 Russian 9-0 Regular +1 0 +2 0 Finnish 9-0 Veteran +1 0 0 0 Any 9-1 Veteran +1 +1 +1 +1 Any 9-2 Veteran +1 +2 +2 +2 Russian 10-0 Veteran +2 0 +2 0 Finnish 10-1 Crack +2 +1 +1 +1 Any 10-2 Crack +2 +2 +2 +2 Any 10-3 Elite +2 +2 +2 +2</pre>
  17. You better believe they did! Every year, just after Halloween, the quest to find the hiding place for the presents was on! Locked in the trunk of the car one year, under the plywood between the slats of the roof in the attic another year, so on and so on. You can't hide anything from me, thus I demand to know the release date for CMAK, as I have to plan my schedule accordingly, though my bet is a mid-November release.
  18. Now that's the classic posting style that I'm used to from you Sean! Did you pick up that bottle of Chivas like I suggested? Beats that rot-gut wine that usually drink. Good stuff, cracks me up!
  19. Dear Battlefront, As the site owner/designer/coder for The Proving Grounds - a site which caters to opponent/scenario/map finding for both CM:BO and CM:BB, I feel that I have the need to know exactly when CM:AK will be released so that I know when to start coding in support for the latest release. Of course, I will not share this information with anybody else. <font color="red">WARNING: If you ain't Battlefront, leave now!</font> <font size="1">Well, it was worth a try, wasn't it?</font>
  20. Hi Tank Ace, I'd like to try it out, care to post it at The Proving Grounds? We'd be happy to play and review it for you. There would be a chat area set up just for your scenario as well where we could all talk about it - the high and low points. Hope to see you there, address in my sig below.
  21. Hotseat mode means you have to have somebody there with you to play - taking turns, right? Since I only have virtual friends, I haven't been able to play hotseat.
  22. Well see, you must of run dry last night, this post didn't have your usual poetic flare, just a few minor insults. I like the poetic ones you post, good reading. Pick up a bottle of Chivas tonight or somefink. Back to the original question though, what is the word on a Texas sneak? Come on Steve (Mr.Spkr), pull some strings and make it happen!
  23. What does C-MAK stand for? Is it that new low-fat burger that Mickey D's is offering?
  24. Perhaps an unpopular view, but to me the voices are just "ear candy". Each "voice" is one of 20 or 30 pre-generated sound files that play somewhat based on the situation but have no effect on the outcome or performance of the troops. Mix up all the wav files and the troops would still do the same actions, they'd just be saying something else. As with explosions, muzzle and grenade blasts, I want realistic sounds that blend into a cornucopia of "heat of the battle" sounds. I agree with Matt, leave it the way it is, the appropriate language for the nationality of the soldiers involved. Subtitles would only add to the clutter of the screen. Besides, it would be easy enough to mod as lists of the english translations have been posted.
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