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Everything posted by GJK

  1. I 2nd this request! <hr> And that must of been some bottle you had last night Sean, I'm seeing your posts everywhere this morning, sparked a bit of imagination from you eh? (now I've done it, he's going to unleash this long, melodramatic post about "feckin' wetted undies" etc, etc....)
  2. I 2nd this request! <hr> And that must of been some bottle you had last night Sean, I'm seeing your posts everywhere this morning, sparked a bit of imagination from you eh? (now I've done it, he's going to unleash this long, melodramatic post about "feckin' wetted undies" etc, etc....)
  3. Hey Lou, where do I put that BushBlair.zip mod? I put it in my bmp folder and now all the captured Shermans have long "ears" on them and the KV-1's have a pointy "nose"? :confused:
  4. Best wishes for your wife, that alone must be some strain. As for the job, perhaps we can gather all the unemployed or unhappily employed IT/Web/Graphic/Database designer's and form our own corporation. I have until the end of the month to make my decision on what to do next. CMMODS will be back, I'm confident. If there's any backend work that you need help with, let me know!
  5. Looks like a good option for now, Lou. I wonder though, can you disable the file uploading? I would imagine that you can, that has to be an option. I have beaucoup mods that I'd be willing to share this way. Wish I could post them on my website, but that didn't go over so good the last time.
  6. I think this is the worst week that I've had in years. Monday a clamp holding an ez curl bar on a low pulley snaps and I whack myself in the forehead. My eye is turning black now and I still have a knot on the bridge of my nose. Yesterday my full-time employer says that they can't afford a full-time web developer, so I'll have to go back to contract on an as-needed basis. That's going to hurt a good bit. Now this!!!!! Astrologers, is it the planet alignments, something in the stars? Or is it just dumb luck. I think I'm off to back up my web site now.....
  7. Hi Wild Bill, We have almost 400 members now all ready to test any scenario that you or others may have ready for testing. Granted, not all are there for the scenario testing, most for the opponent finding, but many of us are actively playtesting and reviewing 70 scenarios on the site now. Stop by and see us: The Proving Grounds. By the way, love the work you and the other Raiders have done over the years, it's been very much appreciated!
  8. The sites looking good Derfel, glad we could help out in the playtesting of at least one of your byte battles. Will be glad to test more if you need us to. Fun battle by the way, Harryink's Byte Luga, I really enjoyed it.
  9. That didn't happen in real? That's how I play Battlefield 1942! Ooops.....
  10. Yes, it does require a sign-up, and there is a new abbreviated sign-up process that just requires you to give a username (handle) a password (secret word) and an email address. The user/pass are so that you can modify your account. The email address is used in case you ever want to participate in the opponent finder portion of the site. Why require a sign-up? Simple, I listened to the scenario designers and understood their desire to have it known to them who is actually downloading their scenarios. I can't track that if I don't know who you are. Your email address won't be used unless you opt in to the opponent finder and someone contacts you for a game. I don't have a newsletter, I don't send personal "updates" and your email address is contained in a database that is not accessible by spiders or email address grabbing spam bots.
  11. Hi all, just wanted to announce that the site is now featuring a maps upload/download/review section for those looking for QB maps or DYO's. Membership has grown steadily on the site and I'm very proud to say that every scenario that has been uploaded there for "proving" has indeed been tested and reviewed or is in the progress of being played and reviewed. If you haven't been by before, or it's been a while, I invite you to stop by and take a peek. I hope you'll like what you find. The site caters to both CMBB and CMBO.
  12. Hi all, just wanted to announce that the site is now featuring a maps upload/download/review section for those looking for QB maps or DYO's. Membership has grown steadily on the site and I'm very proud to say that every scenario that has been uploaded there for "proving" has indeed been tested and reviewed or is in the progress of being played and reviewed. If you haven't been by before, or it's been a while, I invite you to stop by and take a peek. I hope you'll like what you find. The site caters to both CMBB and CMBO.
  13. Hi Ian, I posted a note at your site, but wanted to say here as well, good luck with the site and enjoy the following you'll get. CM players (and wargamers in general) are a pretty tight group and if you have something to offer them, they'll eat it up.
  14. Hi Hiram, I invite you to join us at The Proving Grounds where we upload and playtest each others scenarios and currently have some kick-butt scenarios there now for both CMBO and CMBB. Also on the site is an opponent finder section (not a ladder!) where you can enter your opponent matching search criteria and then contact the list of players that you find. Currently boasting about 380 members and growing!
  15. The little white puffy clouds look so nice, who's sky mod is it using? (P.S. You could at least make the link clickable, errrrr, nevermind)
  16. Freddy, what happened to your web site????? That ain't the same site I looked at just a few days ago! Lookin' really good, keep it up and I'll have you building my web sites!
  17. I use the ones from Magua's Normandy mod (CMBO). Is a shellhole a shellhole, hell I don't know... Don't resize them to 256x256 though, you'll get the pinkies. Works just fine as is for me though. 1209.bmp 1210.bmp
  18. Can you post Leisure suit Larry 1 to the newsgroup? I've been hunting all over for it.....
  19. Hey GAJ, I think it's working fine on mine now with that last release, I plan on giving it a good run through this weekend and will keep you updated. I like what I see so far though!
  20. That sounds like what I want a mod manager to do! I'm game to alpha test. <rant> Stoooopid Dallas Cowboys!!!! </rant> Ok, sorry, interrupted. Yes, please send my way, all my originals and modded bmp folder is already backed up. Platform is Win2k server if that matters.
  21. Thanks for the praises and let me help you out with that link bud, The Proving Grounds. And if you're looking for some excellent scenarios, check out Graeme's. He's posted a number of them now on the site and I've been totally impressed with the work each time. Very high quality and each has been thoroughly enjoyable. I look forward to playing Bug River and Pripet Marshes this week myself.
  22. Forgot to mention that any reviews posted for scenarios that you uploaded will be conveniently e-mailed to you. So, you don't have to go to the site everyday checking to see if someone has reviewed your scenario, though we'd like it if you did anyways.
  23. (cross-posted from CMBB, sorry if you're seeing this twice) New features at The Proving Grounds Just a quick note to let those of you who haven't visited the site yet, or for those who haven't been by in a while know of some new features added. Biggest new feature was just added today. A Scenario Discussion Area? is now available for every scenario posted to the site. Clicking to "Discuss This Scenario" will take you to a notes area where you can discuss with the scenario's author and others ideas, tips, suggestions about that particular scenario. This should aid the developer by having a centralized area for these discussions, while allowing others to throw in their 2¢ since they can follow the thread. A discussion area is automatically generated and an initial post is added whenever a new scenario is uploaded. There is also a "Review" section for each scenario. The discussion area was added to keep the reviews section clear of all posts except those that are an actual review of the gameplay of that scenario. The Author's area now displays more information about their uploaded scenarios, including the date of the last revision, the date of the file on the server, and the date the scenario was first uploaded. Links are provided for each scenario, including "Info" where the author can view who has downloaded that scenario on what date and any reviews posted. For those who have never been by the site, the basic idea of it is to provide a testing area for scenarios that are still in development. After the testing and once the author deems them completed, they can delete the scenario from The Proving Grounds and move it to other locations that specialize in the storage and rating of scenarios, such as Admiral Keth's top rated Scenario Depot. As featured at The Proving Grounds is an opponent finder section where players can search gameplay criteria to find other opponents that they should match up well against. The Proving Grounds caters to both CM:BB and CM:BO and of course will support CM:AK once that day comes (soon, please soon battlefront!)
  24. New features at The Proving Grounds Just a quick note to let those of you who haven't visited the site yet, or for those who haven't been by in a while know of some new features added. Biggest new feature was just added today. A Scenario Discussion Area? is now available for every scenario posted to the site. Clicking to "Discuss This Scenario" will take you to a notes area where you can discuss with the scenario's author and others ideas, tips, suggestions about that particular scenario. This should aid the developer by having a centralized area for these discussions, while allowing others to throw in their 2¢ since they can follow the thread. A discussion area is automatically generated and an initial post is added whenever a new scenario is uploaded. There is also a "Review" section for each scenario. The discussion area was added to keep the reviews section clear of all posts except those that are an actual review of the gameplay of that scenario. The Author's area now displays more information about their uploaded scenarios, including the date of the last revision, the date of the file on the server, and the date the scenario was first uploaded. Links are provided for each scenario, including "Info" where the author can view who has downloaded that scenario on what date and any reviews posted. For those who have never been by the site, the basic idea of it is to provide a testing area for scenarios that are still in development. After the testing and once the author deems them completed, they can delete the scenario from The Proving Grounds and move it to other locations that specialize in the storage and rating of scenarios, such as Admiral Keth's top rated Scenario Depot. As featured at The Proving Grounds is an opponent finder section where players can search gameplay criteria to find other opponents that they should match up well against. The Proving Grounds caters to both CM:BB and CM:BO and of course will support CM:AK once that day comes (soon, please soon battlefront!)
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