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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Who is up for some hillbilly hand fishing? I sh$t you not, a new TV show upcoming next week. America is truly on the decline.
  2. Wow, you have your own army! Just watch "The Dirty Dozen"
  3. The M36B1, which was not produced in large numbers had a browning 30 cal MG coaxialy mounted to the right of the 90mm main gun.
  4. Agreed, I find it odd that this thread has not been locked up by now. Unless all the frustration on both sides has just reached a head, in that case a public cleansing of all the bad feelings might be just what is needed.
  5. The Bellerophon Pattern is starting again, I can't guarantee your safety.
  6. I did too, but the same folks seem to post in all these different forums. News flies around the ethers at the speed of light.
  7. Yes indeed Jason, but they never really tried again after that July attempt....nearly ten more months of bloody fighting before the end came.
  8. These are your words, no? To me you were stirring them up. I dont know how others feel, but this is how it came across to me. I really have no interest in that other forum, or the additudes of its members, some of which I know.
  9. After the attempted assassination of Hitler in July in '44. Heinz Guderian was forced to abandon decades of non-politicizing of the German Army by agreeing to Hitler's edict that all General Staff Officers become "National Socialist Leadership Officers". They would henceforth have to emulate all of Hitler's ideals, both military and political. Hitler said;" I expect every General Staff officer to accept and convert to my views immediately...and to do so publicly. Anyone who cannot do so should ask to leave the General Staff." Hitler then instituted the Sippenhaftung which rounded up not only those suspected of conspiracy against National Solicialism, but their families, all their possesions, their titles etc. Imagine what this must have done to initiative in the field by high ranking officers.
  10. I think you should all take the Krell brain boost, so you can be as smart as I.
  11. If he bothers you so much why do you bother to stir him up? Do you enjoy being bothered?
  12. If someone is lobbing HE mortars or artillery on your ass, you will make yourself small in any way you can. Pity the poor soul caught without cover.
  13. What are we voting for? Have we exceeded the MBT debt ceiling or something? Do we need to devalue the Euro? What the hell is going on?
  14. With the Blitzkrieg successes during the early war years, I imagine German strategic planners...namely Grofaz figured that Germany wouldn't need to outproduce its rivals in armor. Also producing several different tank designs at once, and maintaining critical engineering tolerances on vehicles that were getting blown up after a few weeks in the field, the Germans made it additionaly hard on themselves. After the war the French did some studies on the final drives of Panther tanks and estimated that they had a field life of approximately 150km. The Germans were building luxury tanks while the allies were pumping out model Ts. A war of attrition was something the Germans had no chance of winning.
  15. What must also be considered is the time and effort that have been put into the construction of the "foxholes" "trenches" etc. Are these intended to be positions that the forces had a lot of time to prepare, or do they represent hastily dug holes using a minimum of effort and available camoflage. The Germans had some time in the early going to prepare positions in the bocage, the allies were mostly moving forward and other than for local self preservation would not really be constructing elaborate fortifications.
  16. Here, here...windows should most definitely be a means of ingress and egress from ground floor buildings. Easy for me to say because I don't know whats involved software wise, but I'll say it anyway.
  17. Hiram surrenders and Buzzcut gets to be a Squire!!! How does that work.? He should have to play someone else who isnt playing on a mac. He should have to play mike_the_wino.
  18. That's right, the Germans consistently point to the lavish use of artillery by the allies as a reqason for their defeats on the battlefield. The unimpeded production of war materiel certainly was a force multiplier for the allies.
  19. I didn't intend to compare German panzer production rates against the allies, which they could never achieve. What I was trying to point out was that the Germans maintained a reasonable production rate (for them) throughout the war. Due to the bombing, production became decentralized but still effective. If you look at the OOB for "Wacht am Rhein" which was six months after the Normandy battles, most SS formations were completely reconstituted. A failure of Strategic Bombing by the allies, or something else?
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