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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Frustration certainly gets your creative juices flowing. Perhaps I'll leave you that way for a bit longer, see what else you can come up with thats witty.
  2. Keeps you on your toes, though... doesnt it? Otherwise you can spend your time chatting with noobs and being back up by them as well as Noba does.
  3. Watching Ohio based NFL games could possibly be more boring than watching paint dry.
  4. 1812 Isnt że dawno temu. Wydobycia soli jest znacznie starszy. W zdaniu "idź funt soli" pochodzi w.......oh what the hell. SEnd a turn will ya!
  5. Your head is numb......1912 isnt that long ago.
  6. 1812 isnt that long ago. Salt mining is much older. The phrase "go pound salt" orginated in the early days of commercial salt mine operations in the US. There were a number of specific jobs performed by people who worked in the mine. The lowest paying and most menial job was pounding large rocks into smaller crystals that could be used for cooking and curing of meats. This job was usually given to those deemed less intelligent (the village idiot, if you will) or those who could find no other gainful employment. The phrase became a popular way of telling someone to "go fly a kite", do something meaningless or menial, or that they were an idiot and needed to go preoccupy themselves with something mundane like crushing rock salt into crystals.
  7. Its "pound salt", but maybe you have beach fantasies...coming from a landlocked state as you do. Ah well we do share Lake Erie with you, but that is just out of pity.
  8. Is your SHIFT key broken? or only used for emphasis?
  9. The third choice, would you like to send a setup?, or are you still leaking brain cells and are incapabale of maintaining a coherent email rythm.
  10. Joe don't you have to take a plane ride to some Burg where most sane people would rather not go?
  11. Go start fifty new threads on the outre boards and find out, sheesh, newbies are so bothersome.
  12. Speedy has won our battle with a tactical victory. I consider it a total victory for myself considering how much the game was stacked in his favor.
  13. There are a couple of threads on this problem active. Seems like more and more folks are experiencing it, yet there is no official word from Battlefront as to whether they know about it or have any kind of solution for it. Lots of speculation, no concrete explanation.
  14. AFAIK there was an issue with Mac users and no save files that was addressed. There is no such solution for PC users, this is an on going problem and more and more folks are complaining about it.
  15. Woooooooooooot!!! The little krauts ran like girliemen in the face of my fire and manuever tactics.
  16. Reporting from Hurricaine Central, eye of storm is coming ashore near NYC at around 10 am EDT. High winds and lots of rain so far. We are all safe and sound, still worried about trees. A big oak is leaning over in my neighbots yard, being proipped up by some trees in my backyard.
  17. Speak for yourself. And stop watching those re-runs of Oz.
  18. He is also trying to quit smoking I understand. Looks like a serious attrempt by Boo to change his entire lifestyle. (and there is nothing bad in that)
  19. There are no prisons in Florida, justing having to live there is punishment enough.
  20. http://www.alanhamby.com/changes.shtml This site gives a month by month listing of changes and modifications to the Tiger 1 over its service lifetime. Romm, I think it was mentioned earlier that it was a software design issue of the game, and not a historical oversight.
  21. Excuse me, but in what language could "Pebble" translate into "Wheel"? Just curious, and without the pictures would anyone have known what Romm was referring to, am I missing something.? Steel roadwheels began to be installed on Tigers in Feb of 1944.
  22. I'd say that loose term usage was being practiced around here this morning.
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