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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Hey, things aren't all bad, you have a girlfriend.
  2. 65 years young, and retired living on my entitlements...its a great life so far. Plenty of time to play CM, there just aren't enough scenarios out there, get busy you young designers, make it work!!!!!
  3. Stuka mocks me, and relishes his hollow victories. (hollow because he picks battles that are so weighted in his favor as to be laughable). He will soon see the worm turn, and before I have his face tied to a bag of hot ashes, he will watch his pixel nazis butchered to the last man.
  4. Are there possibly other enemy units that the Stummel can see, that can also see him? Maybe he is not reacting to the AT guns, but to something else?
  5. Yes, and not only that....because you are already older, the pox virus can quickly morph into a case of shingles, which is far more painful and debilitating than plain old chicken pox. Wow it really sucks to be you.
  6. You never tire of being groped by burly TSA personnel, do you Joe? Step right up sir!
  7. Keep it simple for the simpletons is my motto.
  8. Last time you lambasted me for leaving out the word "Thread" This title has all the panache you're ever gonna need.
  9. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=99749 Go here henceforth!
  10. This is the Peng Challenge Thread. What is it you say? You have heard all the buzz read all the comments, seen the bloodstains for yourself. But you still need guidance, don't you? You're just a wee bit apprehensive. Well here goes; In here you as an SSN (look it up) can challenge any other SSN to a CM game. Or if you prove worthy enough, some senior member of the Peng Challenge Thread might sponser you for a special match. You keep your personal predjudices to yourself. Don't ever, ever EVER, talk trash to the Ladies of the Pool. and keep references to unmentionable body parts unmentioned. If you just stick to these easy to follow rules, we will all have a wondferful time together, maybe.
  11. Emrys you were old when CMx1 came out, you didnt play that either. I must say though that I am an older player as well (not as old as Emrys thank God), and while I didnt care much for CMSF, I played it, learned the system faiirly well and purchased all the mods. I love the Normandy game so far, and while the play level is different and more managing is required, I am playing just as much , if not more, now than in the heyday of CMx1. So I personally dont buy the age thing, and I find it insulting to suggest that older players arent willing to invest time and brain power to learn a new game system.
  12. So Speedy laments that his uberkrauts do not follow orders correctly, and wind up exposing themselves to my withering rifle fire. I say, its wonderful, keep it up, we just love sauerkraut in the open.
  13. I hate all of you....it's not bad enough that you all cheat at CM, but you have to brag about it as well. A sad state of affairs.
  14. Thanks, Bimmer, I found that thread. Seems it was a correctable issue with a Mac, but nothing yet for Windows users.
  15. Has anyone else experience this situation; You play a PBEM file turn, you get to the end where you get to the box that tells you to save file and it gives you the new file number that will go to the Outgoing EMail folder. When you go to the folder to attach file to an email, the file is not there. You then have to replay the turn, sometimes more than once, to get the file created. This has happened to me numerous times, I was wondering if it was an issue.
  16. Excuse me, how does one get lost in an f@#$ing internet website? Admit it...you were curious and thought you would take a peek, right boyo? If you have any dangly parts at all, you will hang around, take a shot at a challenge, dazzle us with your wit and charm. Oh, wait a sec. you're from San Jose, just sod off then. Go to one of those Silicon Valley geek sites, and talk about bandwidth and bits and bytes and such.
  17. He calls him "Captain Howdy". Watch out for the pea soup.
  18. Is it possible for a soldier to give medical aid to soldiers from the enemy? If there is a pile of mixed casualties could a pixel truppen administer to an enemy soldier by accident? Would there be any way to prove this is happening?
  19. I'm wanting all of these colon references to stop. Joe Shaw may become jealous that he cannot participate. His colon was recently reterminated and now empties from his mouth.
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