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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. That was my problem as well, same fix and now all is right with the world. I guess its like giving in to pat downs at the airport....the price we pay to protect ourselves from morons.
  2. So Moon what do we do to be able to play the Module? Do we shut off Norton Virus protect and reload the module?
  3. I have same issue......no word from BF yet on how to proceed?
  4. Down loading now.....what a nice surprise on an otherwise dreary March day. Thanks Battlefront.
  5. What fails to be mentioned is the fact that you all get so puffed up and self agrandizing over the mere fact of a miss-spelled word in a post. How the so called mighty have fallen.
  6. Steve, I hope you are right....while it is a very intermittant issue, it does adversely effect PBEM play. Thanks for the update.
  7. What about the PBEM issue of game files not being created at times, causing replay of turns in some cases more than once?
  8. Why, are my platest battles too much for your delicate Aussie sensibilities? As if a sensibility can be attributed to any Aussie in the first place. How about sending a set up?
  9. I sent it to you, I'm still waiting for a viable return file from YOU!!!!
  10. You mean that buzzing sound is from the game?.......I hear that all the time.....AHHHHHHHHHH!
  12. This is so childish.....so like I know you are, but what am I , I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you .
  13. Please be accurate in your recollections, I did not bring tanks, I did in fact bring turretless Sturmgeschutze, which are quite effective but no match for turreted vehicles like Shermans and M-8s and whatever else you have on the other side of that rise. And yes, I'm glad you're sad.
  14. than it already it? is that how English is mangled, er written in the land of Buckeyes?
  15. Oh no you're not!! Go Big Blue!!! Parade down the Canyon of Heroes tomorrow, and none of you arses will be there.
  16. Bridge over River Kwai story is a work of fiction. The Burma-Siam railroad was built by the Japanese using POWs, from Britain, Australia, USA, Canada, NZ and Holland, as well as forced laborers from all over Asia. It was truly an international effort. With Japan as the construction contractor.
  17. Last turn sent. How did you screw this up this time. Oh yeah, I think you blamed it on Lady Lydia's surgery.
  18. Add to that "Meets Stuka in person," I have come to enjoy a certain rush of exquiste bad Kharma,luck, whatever, from also being a part of that unique group.
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