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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Isn't it annoying to have to explain everything to these SSN twits. Go look it up in the archives. Or wait for some kind individual to come along and explain it to you. Emrys should be here shortly, he is a wealth of useless information.
  2. Using the oak leaf patterns on the helmut covers, will keep you safe. Really nice work.
  3. Nice work, but may I say that the pea dot patterns did not appear on the helmet covers.
  4. Yes, bringing up Mel Gibson was certainly a hissy fit. Mouldyboy had the good sense to bow out, you however like a bad infection, will just not go away.
  5. Why do these boobs think I'm the least bit interested in the history of Great Britian. My interest wanes after the battle of Yorktown.
  6. Mel is revered here in the MBT. Even our resident Aussies profess their love for him in all of his forms. So if you don't like him you should sod off now, mouldyboy, before your sensibilities are bruised.
  7. Dont ever use smilies in here either, and who said anything about historical facts.
  8. Yeah and you had Mel Gibson in blue paint, sans undies waving his arse at Longshanks. Without him you would have had to wait for Liam Nieson to defeat Archie Cunningham in a great sword fight, and still you are part of the United Kingdom. At least we suceeded. No sod off wee lad, and dont mouth off to yur betters.
  9. Continue on at this location; http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?p=1292656#post1292656
  10. Rules: Because today is the 4th of July and all true patriotic Americans are celebrating our schism from England, I will shorten the rules thusly; This is The Peng Challenge Thread, dont bother posting here unless you are serious about; a. Playing Combat Mission 2. Challenging someone as lame as you. C. Using wit and proper English to dazzle us with your abilities. Enough...carry on or Sod OFF!!
  11. Listen Shaw , for years I have read your posted drivel, put up with your nonsensicle inaneity, and just generally had to deal with the fact that you are breathing air on the same planet as I. In all those years you and I have started a total of two games TWO GAMES Shaw , and neither one of them finished because you stopped sending turns. I have in my possesion a fine new scenario, by a noted author (not rune ), I dont want to waste it on you, but if I send it along, will you play it with me? I await your answer.
  12. (look familiar?} You....Aussie git, must stop discussing the MBT on the Outreboards with other gits deserving of the same disdain as you. You didn't even bold where appropriate, which might have been a mitigating factor, but noooooooo, you completely screwed the pooch this time. What goes on in the Peng Thread stays in the Peng Thread. I blame Shaw and Boo for not taking the effort to make sure that all SSNs are properly trained before being allowed to post in here on a regular basis.
  13. Neither is is own handle initially capped, which you all fail miserably to notice when mocking him. Its obviously some sort of affect.
  14. and are you left-handed or right?
  15. He's gone by now, and out of our grasp. New York's gain is the Persian Gulf's loss.
  16. OK Chief....do you even have a lawn? I though growing one was banned in Ohio.
  17. You can probably tell from the photo that Stuka was suffering from a huge Man Crush. Just to be in my sphere must have been quite overwhelming for the little guy. The Red Stripes were intended to temper his awe and also to keep him in place. The lovely Lydia was also a calming influence, and her firm hand and soft words prevented our beloved Unca Stukie from making a complete fool of himself.
  18. And Stuka and his missus are now safely ensconsed on the train taking them back to their hotel in NYC after a weekend of festivities including a visit to the New House that Ruth didn't build and a Yankee win and a fine barbeque prepared by yours truly. I am sure Stuka has never been treated more royally in his life, not that he deserves it, but his wife was very nice. (can't figure what the woman sees in him).
  19. What is this? A slide show? Gen. von Teletubby, don't waste your time with visuals here. Show us some real wit! before we show you the door...why wait eh? there's the door...sod off!. Caio Baby!
  20. The transference of superior genetic material has once again worked its wonder. My grandson has taken his first unassisted steps, and has now entered the ranks as an official bi-ped. I suspect he will be breaking records in the 100 meter dash before long.
  21. Not Manhattan you dolt, from Long Island, through Manhattan. Let me try to explain in terms that your simple Aussie brainpan can handle, Suppose we needed to transport, say, rancid vegimite, from Wagga Wagga to a ship in Geelong where we could off load the noxious stuff and then dump it in the Tasman Sea. Now for the hard part so pay attention, would it be wise to transport the vegimite through Melbourne with its large population, or find a less populated route. See its quite easy, all you need to do is look at a map occasionally.
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