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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. You mean the Simpsons is not true life? Now I know Hollywood tends toward stereotyping, but the Simpsons, no way man. Why would you hyphenate "every and one", is that some sort of British code?
  2. Poor Hiram, perhaps this was a poor introduction to Normandy PBEM. I'm liking his perdicament, however.
  3. MikeyD made a joke, and did not italicize a single word! All is right with the world!!!
  4. and what of the Moors, didn't they bring all their nasty ideas about things into Southern Europe. They cannot remain blameless.
  5. Claims that there are Neandertals living among us cannot be totally dismissed.
  6. No discussion of racial inequality would be complete without bashing the Swedes.
  7. You should have been around in the days of the original "General Discussion Forum"
  8. Oh oh, we are starting to migrate towards religious intolerence now. Is any topic sacred?
  9. Yeah that's cool the Vikings were quite xenophobic.
  10. Thought better of it. I like the French, they helped us kick the Brits out of the American colonies.
  11. Similar to the area of your cerebral cortex, but on a much larger scale.
  12. Snap! Alte Grofaz looks a bit weary, probably a photo for the Fuehrerbunker yearbook.
  13. They look like a couple of the Goebbel's kids.
  14. Actually this thread started as a request to Mod non-white faces on the US troops in the Combat Mission Normandy game. These things always morph into an indictment of US racial mores sooner or later.
  15. Thanks, for some reason I have been under the impression that the human player had a different decision tree for basic unit commands than the TACAI. I will now have to be more careful with my units and make sure that they all know what I would LIKE them to do.
  16. Not at all. I meant that by changing the way people think about those that are different from themselves is the way to better understanding and the elimination of predjudice.
  17. In your own head would be a good place to start.
  18. Yep, this is certainly the place to solve the problem of racism and predjudice.
  19. This thread started out innocently enough, but like watching a plane crashing in slow motion the end is inevitable. Whenever this topic is discussed nothing good ever comes of it, the issue is too polarizing and usually causes bad feelings. I would hope that the Admins button this one up soon.
  20. I dont understand....there has to be seperate decision paths for the TacAI to take based on the conditions of "human player entering valid requests for targeting" or TacAI in control and its programmed decision path based on variables and conditions is taken. Are you saying that if the max. range of a bazooka is set in the game not to exceed 150 meters, I as a player could not induce a bazooka team to fire at a target at say 200 meters no matter what the other conditions might be.?
  21. Are we talking about the AI or are you suggesting that a human controlled team would not fire at longer ranges, if the software was altered?
  22. Noooooooo!......not me, I'm just trying to keep the discussion on point.
  23. Granted, I'm not debating that point. As I said, racism was and is a fact of life, but not only in the US.
  24. Take an account of a Roman soldier describing the behavior of a conscript from Gaul or even Britain, and you might get a taste of the same "condescending" verbage. The world was very different back in the 1940s, and not only in the U.S., you cannot explain the behavior of people who lived in the past through the prism of modern times.
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