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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Well said, if we didn't give a crap we wouldnt post at all.
  2. And you received your credentials in human psychology and behavior from where?
  3. If we had lives we wouldn't be playing this dopey game, or dealing with cretins on this and other forums, now would we?
  4. So what can those of us who still want to post here do to alleviate your feelings that this thread is somehow unfair?
  5. I'm not understanding, I'm talking about something in the code, something that controls an action that the game routinely takes. Not necessarily a visual item. Lets, for example, take the problem with PBEM files intermittantly not being found in the outgoing mail folder, requiring a turn replay. If that is not fixed by the release of the next module it could also appear when playing scenarios from that module?
  6. So if I understand what you are saying, unaddressed bugs are routinely transmitted to subsequent modules of a core game?
  7. So in my mind, I take the lack of posting by BFC as a sign that they are concerned about fixing bugs, not about rushing out the new module. It makes sense to me.
  8. What are the chances of unfixed bugs migrating to a new module?
  9. What would cause strange bugs like this to only appear in certain scenarios? Something caused by the editor?
  10. What??? a scenario, or a human? Seems to me he has lived in the hot sun too long.
  11. And while we are at it....isnt this line of dialogue in complete violation of Cesspool regulations? Don't you girls have anything better to pratter on about? The leaves are starting to turn here in NE America, very beautiful, especially nice for those who have never experienced seasonal changes.
  12. There's nothing left...HA HA....oooh wait, I'm giving away valuable intel.
  13. How's about wandering to the keyboard and getting a turn out.
  14. I'll have you know that the whole time that Stuka was at my place this past summer he never spoke with marbles in his mouth. The clicks and whistles were difficult to understand, but his lovely wife was able to translate most of the time. Not that he had anything really interesting to say anyway.
  15. Whoa, it's only a game now...lets not put so much emotional capital into it. When you lose it will only hurt all the more.
  16. Obviously, you can't spell, and it's possible you can't read either, since my handle is prominently displayed in this thread. I would certainly be suspect of your so called "tactical genius".
  17. The creativity and effort that went into the creation of these videos cannot me minimised. Wonderful and entertaining to say the least.
  18. Yeah but with all the other noise on the battlefield, who could hear the clip ejecting? M-14 is an excellent weapon, accurate at long range, durable, but too heavy, too big and restrictive as to the amount of ammo to be carried. Nearly impossible to fire accurately on full auto. A great weapon on the target range, in combat not as effective as the new crop of assault rifles which replaced it as the primary infantry weapon in US formations. Oh wait I forgot to address the original question of the thread. How did the US win with all of its shortcomings? simple God was on its side.
  19. At least I put rules in the opening of a new thread when I do one. How quickly you attack me, and then go easy on this travesty, typical of Oddstralyian lameness. Its a wonder that he can even string a sentence together.
  20. We need to move to new pastures...who will pick up the gaunrlet?
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