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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. It does make me feel all icky inside, but better than being icky on the outside like Boo.
  2. The key point to remember is, don't take anything personal.
  3. You really don't get it do you mate? There is no purpose other than for you to be challenging and playing games of CMBN against other new posters. If you dont have the game, fine, there are a few CMSF players in here as well. If you are looking for some meaningful banter on these pages, you are surely in the wrong place. Several of us have been trying to gently shepard you in the right direction, but youre not following. Go back ,read some old threads, READ T?HE RULES, hopefully something will light up those dim bulbs of yours. Nonsense=sense
  4. You forgot Stuka's sig line....he's there too, my God he's everywhere, and only registered for two months.
  5. While it is not a matter of importance, but PRIORITY, and you are very low down in that category, young lad. Well, then, maybe you are very unimportant as well. Yes I think that is also the case.
  6. You know what they say...opinions are like a$%holes...everybody has one.
  7. Before Stuka can post here with wild claims of how he soundly defeated me in our latest battle, I am here to present the truth, and to give a fair account of what actually happened. I have requested as ceasefire, as my conscript OST Truppen have done their best, and can no longer hold off the hordes of Elite Para-Rangers that have surrounded them. After constant pounding by naval gunfire and mortars forced my conscripts from their prepared positions, they could no longer mount a credible defense against the overwhelming force that is facing them. Perhaps we can live to fight another day, eh Ivan?
  8. True Sir Donkey, he has nearly 1300 posts in a two month period. That has to be some record for sheer bloviation. I'm sure Michael Emrys can fill us in, he has experience in that realm.
  9. Is it valid to try to compare rate of fire between weapons from WW2 with modern ones, which are usually able to select fire options,have 20-30 round magazines, have combat optics, lasers, and grips which stabilize the weapon while firing. Does expertise with modern weapons and tactics give one special insight as to how fast a 20 year old private in 1944 would fire his M-1? The basic fact is, with semi-automatic weapons, you can fire as fast as you can pull the trigger, and as long as the weapon functions as advertised, that can be pretty quick. I don't notice anything in the game with rate of fire that ruins the experience for me. If the little guys are not firing at all, that bothers me. If Germans are out in the open, and the range is decent the GI's and their M-1s usually score hits.
  10. I remember reading that thread, and wondering who all of these Monty Python afficiandos were and why they were posting in a war game forum. Of course it was the first time I ever read anything on any forum, so I was quite taken in.
  11. Stupidsoris....you need an email in your profile, at least, to get even a flicker of recognition.
  12. Nice work Hiram, I especially like the Ardennes Sherman. I have found that mastering the art of taking close up photos of models can be as difficult as making the models in the first place.
  13. Its going to be plenty dirty after coming out of the Hurtgen Wald and then crossing the Rhine.
  14. Just send me a turn, that's all I want from you! Kill joy.
  15. As many of you know I build 1/35 scale armored vehicles and figures. Normally I build them for pleasure, but I have been requested by an old work colleague to build a model for his dad who is 89 and served with the 803rd TD Bn in Europe during WW2. I am building him an M36 Motor Gun Carriage as it would have appeared late in the war on the other side of the Rhine. Wish me luck. Here is a brief history of the 803rd. Initially activated as the 103d Antitank Battalion on 30 September 1940 from Washington National Guard troops, federalized on 10 February 1941, and redesignated 803d Tank Destroyer Battalion on 12 December 1941. Departed for England on 24 June 1943. Landed at Omaha Beach on 13 June 1944 equipped with M10s. Helped capture St. Lô in July. Raced across northern France in August and passed through Belgium and Holland before reaching the Siegfried Line in September. Supported operations north of Aachen in October, transferred to Hürtgen Forest. Shifted to Ardennes just before German offensive began in December. Committed against Siegfried Line again in early 1945. Converted to the M36 in February. Participated in capture of Trier, crossed Rhine River on 23 March at Oppenheim. Joined elimination of Ruhr Pocket in April, then pivoted and marched southeast through Austria and into Czechoslovakia. Attached to: 82d Airborne Division; 3d Armored Division; 2d, 5th, 8th, 29th, 30th Infantry divisions; 1st Belgian Brigade.
  16. Du bist eine esel. Senden me eine turn. Et tu Stuka
  17. Interesting....only the Germans could think of organizing leisure. Probably helped them in the claustrophobic Bocage battle. http://news.yahoo.com/former-nazi-resort-rebuilt-huge-youth-hostel-144810229.html
  18. I chortle as well when reading your posts, but for different reasons. Stick that in your ellipse.. ..... ..
  19. If you read the post carefully..(which I'm convinced no one ever does in here), you will see an obvious typo....(you figure out where it is Boo, there are more than one} no snakes or buildings involved. Then again busboy is from Kalifornia.
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