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Everything posted by panzermartin

  1. I think yes.. it is possible to mix red and blue forces in the same side, as a beta tester mentioned. Question is, are US trucks out too?
  2. Since the in game unit stats are simplified, does the manual go in detailing the mm of armour and penetration of each tank/gun respectively, like they used to be in CMx1?
  3. I dont know about the US but Syrians get some cool promotions. For instance your fighter can start as a toyota technical pick up operator and then get promoted to kamikaze Lada bomber. Then he gets promoted to martyr and joins the 72 virgins paradise but this is abstractly simulated anyway. Btw, we are talking about very short campaigns, so I guess no promotions/medals are planned by BFC.
  4. Afghanistan, Iran-Iraq, Chechenya, even Arab Israeli wars with some imagination. What would be the equivalent of a M-60?
  5. "Taxi driver" II in the streets of Damascus with De Niro starring of course. This time he decides to go a little bit further
  6. Thanks for the input, sounds quick and deadly. Not a fan of this kind of "who sees first wins" thing but it may end to be more deep tacticaly than the roulete of CMBB, with tanks exchanging shots for minutes and the lucky one winning.
  7. I imagine that ingame the latest T-72 model would fare decently against an M1 at close ranges right? In CMBB you had the Tiger that was invulnerable even from the back at certain dates. As far as I know the T-72 and even T-62s and T-55s can punch holes in the side of the Abraams anyday. It must be its extemely fast and accurate lock and fire procedure that will make it uber in the game. How about the Javelin? Is ERA armor enough for at least a sporting chance against this thing?
  8. US of A are independent? That's news to me, I always thought they've been hostages to Oil and Defence corporations. Anyway, happy celebrations though I dont know what exactly you celebrate about
  9. Its great news that the download file size is that small. It makes sense too, since CMSF is a graphic lite game, with no videos and extras and with less units and textures than CMBB for instance. I have been waiting for years but some hours less in the download process will be godsend
  10. Since there will be no qbattle generator, I really hope that we'll get quite a few stock exclusively head two head maps to kick off things in multiplayer gaming. Balanced infantry skirmishes, challenging tank battles, even RED on RED scenarios etc. We need some well thought out maps ready for a 2player battle with a high replayability factor. Most stock scenarios in CMAK, CMBB were single player orientated and IIRC I never really used one for an online match. In CMSF we'll already get two single player campaigns so I do hope that a big portion of the battles and pre made maps will be multiplayer orientated. I'm really looking forward for the new scripted AI and all but for me CM games have always been THE ultimate head to head wargaming fun.
  11. Nice preview amigo Spread the word, the finest wargame ever is only a month away!
  12. 2 million bucks for CMSF?? I always thought it to be significantly lower. That music composer is damn expensive
  13. I dont see concrete proof in your link. They actually say in that article that no soldier was hurt.
  14. I have an Intel Dual core 2.8ghz and frame rate ruins the game in med to large battles. I'm waiting for the patch. Hope for a performance fix otherwise I will say goodbye to TOW and happily switch to CMSF.
  15. Great. First time I ever wanted to fast forward summer
  16. Thank you very much, sorry to bother you too now I think of it I'm happy to see you managed to put all these vehicles in, despite some pessimistic predictions months ago! Great stuff! Keep it up!
  17. Havent seen any confirmation about including it as the vehicle list is not final yet. It has the firepower to cause some serious problems to a Stryker based force. 30mm auto-cannon and some decent ATGMs. Slightly better protected than BMP-1 too. Not that it will make much a difference but nice to have an extra choice nevertheless.
  18. You can still mod them as Moon said. Make them tiny or invisible or rainbow colored. Videos seem a bit tracer heavy indeed due to the 1:1 presentation too.
  19. Oh, just noticed the sound delay from the kornet hit..awesome! :eek: EDIT..hmm my mistake, it is just a second explosion nearby I assume. Is sound speed modeled?
  20. WoOwOowOow! Kornet blast was huuuge. Great music score btw, I almost started headbanging
  21. Hmm but half of the fun in CM's QBs was surprising your opponent and being surprised by some exotic unit selection or unpredictable force mix (variable rarity permitting). Well, anyway, SF wont have that many units and some of them can be pretty unbalancing (kornets, Abraams) so this forced balance might be a good thing.
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