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Everything posted by panzermartin

  1. About modding...has anything been confirmed about multiple skins per vehicle? I think it was a possibility, as it had been mentioned very early in the development phase.
  2. This sounds like it can cause some annoying problems I fear, getting a whole squad killed one by one trying to aid their fallen comrades.
  3. Thx for the reply, the screens made me wonder indeed..
  4. Is this list http://www.battlefront.com/products/cmsf/planned_vehicle_list.html still credible?
  5. Allauh Akbar!!...eehmmm...I mean woohooo! That's great news BFC, congratulations!
  6. CMSF looks so much better under direct sunlight. Overcast shots are so weak in lighting/contrats effects that everything looks flat and uninteresting. I know I will only play in "clear skies" settings
  7. There are some noticeable improvements in these shots. New nicer smoke, more realistic tracers, dumpsters, street lights, variable fighter uniforms, cool blue-green mosque(minarets?)...patience and creativity will make fantastic environments in this one. The fixed 45/90 degrees orientantion of objects is one of the things that limit visual variety and I miss some parked cars too, but the possibilitites are already vast. Btw, what happened to this distance haze effect...just a slight amount of fog for the shake of atmosphere?
  8. I really really hope CMSF wont have the FPS problems of TOW due to dual core compatibility issues. I'll throw my new pc out of the window if the only games I had planned to play are slow and jerky. And CMSF sounds like a hell of a CPU intensive game
  9. As in CMx1 much will depend on the map creator I think. Some maps can make the game look really ugly while others can be even picturesque. It's all about composition...customizability has its costs also.
  10. Hey, got it this morning here in Athens, Greece. In good shape too I had thought I'd be the last one to get it
  11. Well maybe in your tiny hometown. Rest of the world is pretty grateful to the russian people for defeating the "not so nazi" Wermacht. And the ethnic cleansing these guys were doing there was as low as humanity can get, it's an unbelievable disgrace to thank them for "not living in a slumcity". Think you can do better in a gas chamber?
  12. I was wondering if we get the option to manually use stuff like grenades for area fire and smoke screens. E.g you are below a balcony you know it is occupied by enemies and you want to lob a grenade in it. Will it be done by the TacAI ala CMx1?
  13. Number of processors 1 Number of threads 2 Processor 0 -- Core 0 -- Thread 0 -- Core 1 -- Thread 0 Processors Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Processor 1 (ID = 0) Number of cores 2 Number of threads 2 (max 2) Name Intel Pentium D 915 Codename Presler Specification Intel® Pentium® D CPU 2.80GHz Package Socket 775 LGA (platform ID = 2h) CPUID F.6.5 Extended CPUID F.6 Core Stepping D0 Technology 65 nm Core Speed 2399.9 MHz (12.0 x 200.0 MHz) Rated Bus speed 800.0 MHz Stock frequency 2800 MHz Instructions sets MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, EM64T L1 Data cache 2 x 16 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size Trace cache 2 x 12 Kuops, 8-way set associative L2 cache 2 x 2048 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size FID/VID Control yes FID range 14.0x - 14.0x VID range 1.116V - 1.324V ============================================ 1gb DDR2 RAM GF7600GT latest driver XP SP2 1280x1024 medium settings "Steel Torrent" scenario gives 7-15 FPS
  14. 100% realistic or not, sometimes its good to look at the big picture. We are talking about a game here, and since most people who are going to play it are more or less famliar with this kind of insurgent footage, I can't see a real reason not to have it included. If used occasionaly, it's definetely not going to make CMSF sound Hollywoodish and FPS like. These little details can make the game more attractive to a wider non hardcore audience as well, since the biggest marketing drawback of CM has always been its somewhat sterile presentation. Anyway, I think Steve's last words on this ruled it out so it will be up to the modders to add it or not. Not a huge issue overall.
  15. Thank you for the support. I'm too hopping for a performance fix when many vehicles are present on the map (Intel CPU). The only thing that really ruins the game for me:(
  16. Same problem here. I can't enjoy the game beyond a certain number of vehicles. Is this something that is considered for the upcoming patches? P4 D dual core 2.8 1GB RAM GF7600GT XP SP2
  17. We can still make impassable terrain with an elevated road running across? Works exactly like a bridge.
  18. Did you try redownloading the file? Maybe some corrupted part causes you the problem.
  19. Bridges must be there right? You can make an impassable terrain with marsh/rocky like a dryed up river bed I guess.
  20. That would be indeed refreshing to the eye with all the dryness of the scenery. But, if they want to put water and its graphic quality to be on par with the rest of CMSF, it would be quite a problem. Water modelling with motion and reflections sounds like a lot of eye candy work.
  21. Ah..I see, its the uberfritz whiners again. Playing the russian campaign I find tigers quite uber actually, hitting me on the move while ferndinands can do pirhouets Ronaldinho would be proud of.
  22. I installed SP2 along with the hotfix and game is a little bit smoother, 2-3 FPS more perhaps. Still big armour battles need pausing to move around. Not a big difference certainly, since it seems TOW only sees one CPU anyway Thanks for the help though!
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