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Everything posted by panzermartin

  1. Oh god nooooo. I had problems with TOW's fps (at least the patch sorted them a bit), I dont want to see the same happening to my most wanted game ever.
  2. This aint an authentic Syrian Taxi dude..
  3. Trees getting knocked out is news to me..again WOW!
  4. Lol..that is way too risky for me. I prefer the air delivery mostly
  5. Is there a way to take out the Abrams with artillery? With some special rounds or smth?
  6. Does the Javelin always result in certain kill? Does ERA have any chance agaisnt it? This thing makes me worried even more than the M1. Its almost as good as the "Hand of Allah"
  7. Well the ideal scenario for such a map, would be a meeting engagement where the goal is to reach the X floor with the 50% discounts on all clothing. Since civilians arent modeled, you'll have to put some guys with kalasnikovs. It will still be close to the real thing though
  8. I was a fan of the meeting engagements in CM, didnt really like the Attack/Defense fixed and slow repeative action. I d'like to see an adaptation of these in CMSF with some fluid action and mobile elements from both sides. Mobile defense from Syrians with some counterattack chances, not just waiting to blow up the IEDs and hiding in a skyscraper with your RPGs. Numbers should be in favor of the Red side probably for this kind of scenario. The most loved scenarios were the ones tha both sides had their chance to attack and defend at the same time. If this can be achieved in CMSF I'll be a happy gamer.
  9. Btw, all the videos are super smooth so far, something that wasnt the case in TOW for instance. Makes me optimistic about my dualcore 2.8 handling the game decently.
  10. I noticed that too. I think fire is not on par with the rest of the graphics imo. Needs to be more transparent perhaps. Also, multiple fire/smoke columns from the same vehicle look kinda odd, since, normaly, they should be unified in one big flame rather quickly. [ July 11, 2007, 03:51 AM: Message edited by: panzermartin ]
  11. Does it help to play big maps in WEGO?
  12. Heh, understood. I guessed a copy/paste function could be "easy" to include. On a second thought it might get boring to see the same pasted city center in a dozen scenarios. Editor sounds brilliant as it is anyway.
  13. Ah, thats excellent. You can make a whole complex with corridors and interconnected rooms, like a deserted hospital, or airport facilities. Awesome. Can you save a custom building like that for use in different scenarios? Or even copy/paste whole portions of a map? With a little fine tuning, you could make a whole city block without sweating this way. [ July 10, 2007, 06:33 AM: Message edited by: panzermartin ]
  14. I'm guessing that a patient and creative designer can make works of art with the editor. Hope Theike is still around to make some crazy stuff like in CMBB and CMAK.
  15. Heheh, thats good for BFC. They'll never find out about CMSF and the virtual invasion of their country. Steve and co could be in trouble otherwise
  16. Well, for me its not a problem, I can search 3-4 chat rooms to find an opponent and yes I have the battlefront toolbar active. The new RealTime function will attract many new players. For a newcomer that wants a quick online game the toolbar its not the most obvious choice I think. There is a need for a single CMSF room imo, even directly linked from inside the game (via the multiplayer options).
  17. I'm confused :confused: The latest info was about 2.22 x 2.22 Km map sizes, yet the final features list says 16km2?
  18. At least an official "CMSF chat" exclusively for CMSF gaming, with a direct link from this forum would help a lot I think.
  19. I would be happy with a 3x3 limit. I'd like some space for manuevering and long range tank duels. In an open desert with sand dunes and a couple of tanks, I dont see any hardware taxiing.
  20. I can see clouds casting shadows on the ground or is it my idea? Are clouds moving according to the wind direction?
  21. Experience though could be a different thing and would be interesting to simulate in the campaign. Even one day more in combat means a lot for a rookie right?
  22. Years now, CM players never really had a central meeting point to arrange online matches. People seemed scattered all around to opponent finder forums, CMHQ chat, wargamer chat, various ladders, the recent IP lobby of Blogfront etc. A dedicated CMSF lobby, like the Il-2 one for instance, with some care from the fans with ratings/ladder etc would make the game much easier to play online and most importantly skyrocket its popularity. Since the game is going to be real time too and games will be shorter more and more people will be available for an hour's TCP fun, in contrast to the huge 4-5hrs game sessions of previous CMs. Hope there are plans for something like that, besides the rather basic IP sharing lobby.
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