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Everything posted by panzermartin

  1. Heh, you are right. I was thinking more about the syrians though. From time to time you can see some bizarre camo works in the mid east, at least in older days. I remember a 1973 war syrian T-62 painted with thin lines of sand color, over dark green base for instance. Pretty impressive and different. I think they should leave the option open for modders, no need of course to include extra stock skins. It will be fun to mod the uncons too or convert a humvee or a truck to civilian ones to add some parked vehicles in scenarios etc. It can even be used in skining buildings. The possibilities would be endless at least as far as hardware goes.
  2. Question remains though about the multiple skins per vehicle.
  3. I think they said it will be in BMP format, a single file for each model, ala Il-2. There is grass and lots of trees too, so a greener map with rocky hills is possible.
  4. I'm worried too...TOW runs awfully on my intel 2.8 dual core. CMSF sounds even more cpu demanding.
  5. Sales from an IDF module are obviously not worth the effort and time. CMBB was 10 times more deep than CMBO and was portraying the most collosal clash world has ever witnessed and yet it wasnt that popular because there were no yanks on the Volga banks. I'd love to see the IDF but sadly there are some market rules you cant break.
  6. Man, I'm shocked...so many important features left out. How are they going to do MBT fishing right? There is no T-64 modelled in CMSF!
  7. No wargame can call itself realistic and not have RPG fishing...I'm tired of all the abstractions. I want a decent 1:1 fish presentation.
  8. We cant fish like that in CMSF..there'll be no water.
  9. It would be a crime to ignore the contemporary mid east conflicts. WW2 can wait, it will be still popular a hundred years from now.
  10. I'd like to see some video from the Syrian perspective too, irregulars firing RPGs, a T72 in action etc.
  11. Yeah, but the best part was when Alizee showed up on that balcony. And I thought we had to wait for the french module..amazing these guys at BFC.
  12. Thanks. I had heard of the action spots before but wasnt quite sure how the engine makes use of them.
  13. Since we'll get 1:1 presentation, I wonder if taking cover or good firing positions will be a problem without some adjustment from the player. Eg, I want the squad to take position behind a wall in a spread line formation firing above the wall or take cover behind a single tank with all of the men packed in minimal space. Company of Heroes uses a quite effective way to do this and in TOW you can manually move them in desired spots. Are we going to see something similar in CMSF?
  14. Now, the 350GB free HD space makes sense..
  15. 2x2km = 4 square km not 16, as listed in the feature list of the CMSF site.
  16. They are not called "irregulars" for nothing.
  17. Will the Lada come equipped with radio/cassete player/bas boost? Arab Rap/Hip-hop will be a serious unconventional asset in the hands of an experienced player.
  18. love the lada and the pick up..I see something like a recoiless rifle on it? First time I see some low sun illumination effects, for dawn/dusk. Looks good!
  19. I love the shots in this entry... http://www.battlefront-newsletter.com/Blogfront/tabid/55/EntryID/81/Default.aspx Some AA/AF filters at last
  20. Maybe the video was withdrawn due to the latest Iraq news and rememberance day? It is chillingly realistic.
  21. This is indeed scary! Forget all other games, this is the real thing :eek:
  22. Heh, I dont really care about the IDF, you missed my point
  23. Keeping unit communication will be cool. No more sneaky suicide teams going after your tanks behind enemy lines, or sharpshooters with god view of the opposing forces. Cutting an ememy force in the middle and isolating it would work as a tactic now.
  24. Map editor sounds like a lot of fun. TOW's editor isnt exactly user friendly plus you cant make your own terrain. I expect zillions of custom maps soon available. Google earth will be our guide
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