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Everything posted by Wicky

  1. Armed Russian robocops to defend missile bases http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22229664.400-armed-russian-robocops-to-defend-missile-bases.html#.U1fySsanomk
  2. Likewise just got myself a NEC 25.5" 1920x1200 and enjoying the panoramic views.
  3. There was an incident in CMFI where I abandoned/dismounted a US 75mm gun halftrack and then was able to crew it with their HQ unit. Haven't thought about replicating it since.
  4. 10 characters to allow a reply post
  5. The reverse hunt order would be handy for Archer tank (Valentine 17pdr SP) and Portee gun truck for when they feature.
  6. Are the jpgs in your 'Public Folder' - once in right click the jpg file and 'Copy Public Link' Paste the URL between the IMG tags Without the spaces
  7. Something to wile away the time while waiting …
  8. This vid shows the landscape you describe, plus the background chirping sans the pervasive summer mossies >
  9. Then change your Internet Service Provider if the service they provide is blacklisted and they cannot provide a remedy which hampers your use of the interweb. BFC was once compromised and I'm sure they don't want to make exceptions that could leave their servers vulnerable to abuse which would lead to costly and time consuming timedown.
  10. If your IP address has a bad reputation then speak to your ISP or change to a different provider. Find what your iP address and search using this http://www.projecthoneypot.org or this http://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx# or google it to see what blacklists it features on and see what is required to get removed from them. I manage a few websites and due to the abuse emanating from many countries I block entirely China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Turkey, Poland, Brazil to name but a few.
  11. Will BFC include mattress fortifications? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-26432391
  12. How feasible in RealLife® is the use of flamethrowers from within buildings? Strikes me as being odd...
  13. Bil wrote: "...flamethrower firing out both ends of that building." Seems odd that a flame thrower would be used from within the confines of a building. Will it follow the type of use of Panzerfaust which will fire reluctantly in exceptional circumstances?
  14. Here's a screenshot from Elvis's thread showing what appears to be his set up zone covering what appears to be half the map up to and including just in front of Blau. Elvis set up zone from his perspective Map Overview Time for Elvis to deploy the tactical nukes...
  15. The Ukrainians can expect to get a bloody great gas bill from Russia….
  16. This is where the radio is fitted to the ISU-152 - To the right of the gun where the commander is. http://panzerfaust.ca/AFV%20interiors/isu152b.html
  17. "Holes do not have shape, but the surrounding object does" The shape of holes > http://www.liv.ac.uk/~marcob/Publications/BC2003.pdf
  18. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1324390/The-hero-kilt-tackled-Panzer-division--accepted-surrender-23-000-German-soldiers.html or there's this story > The Mass Surrender of German Troops to the 347th Infantry Regiment on May 6, 1945 http://www.87thinfantrydivision.com/History/347th/Personal/000019/000019.html
  19. Hopefully Battlefront have seen the light and included "Nazi A-bomb VBIED" tactical nukes first 'seen' in action in '43. One or two deftly applied might use most of your allocated points but it would completely scupper Bil's plans... http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=110856
  20. Will impact decals inc small arms also appear on buildings and tree trunks etc.? Found it
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